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Blaze's General Sprite Gallery


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Very nice Yato.

I've got a monumental task for you.

Should you choose to accept, your completion shall be rewarded with a skill increase.

Every character that wasn't in the GBA games.

Literally an update/downgrade for them. It will be a monumental task by its scale and difficulty but the payoff for success will be a huge one.

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Yo, Light Strat, how about you learn how to sprite instead of requesting ridiculous shit like this all the time. Blaze has been nice enough to humor you so far, but stop exploiting him for sprites that you want to see. Do it yourself.

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Sir/Madam/(Insert preferred alternative pronoun here), I've not been using them for anything. I'm not exploiting him since he's doing amazing work and is trying to grow. Many times in the past, I've stated that they're only suggestions and that he's under no obligation to do them. People grow by challenging themselves, as such, I'm merely providing challenge ideas, which like I've said, are entirely optional. Though, perhaps you're right at least with the absurdity of the request.

As such, I shall leave him to it until my perspective is requested once more.

Good day to you.

LS pls

that's not worth one SKL

that's worth at least 3 SPD

per game

Touché, I never thought of that, but I wasn't judging in stats so that's probably why I missed it. =/

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You're playing at being a coach without actually doing anything. All you're doing is standing in the back throwing him a couple of compliments and maybe a half-assed statement of so-called critique, all in the name of his supposed "improvement." I'm not seeing someone who earnestly wants him to get better at his craft - I'm seeing a pretentious sleaze exploiting sprites from an eager up-and-coming spriter. You want him to improve, then you walk him through the process of fixing the sprites you requested of him. Get that shit down to pat. Stop firing things in his direction. If you've no intention of spriting anything yourself, you'd better improve your ability to judge sprites while you're at it, because all you've done so far is give him a lot of shitty lip service.

Blaze spends just about every night in chat with us for several hours trying to fix his sprites. You have no idea the amount of work he puts into these things - hell, I don't even think you understand how much hard precision work goes into spriting in general. I haven't seen a damn post out of you showing off your own work - just a lot of selfish opinions and requests in the guise of a compliment.

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AK has a point. This is starting to feel like you taking advantage of Blaze with these constant requests and demands.

It really, needs to stop. He's a good kid, who is very generous. Quit taking advantage of that. If almost every post you have in here is some form of request over actual critique, appreciation or advice you need to seriously re-evaluate what you are doing.

We don't appreciate seeing a friend being used.

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"I hereby dub thee...Derpis (Derp+Chibis)!"

So this is a style of sprites that I made initially for shits and giggles, but I ended up liking it more and more so....here, all the FE lords (that I know of) in this style :P


Also, I wouldn't call myself "dedicated" tbh, especially when compared to most other spriters in Serenes, also, regarding the chat group, it's team Salvaged btw, 90% of my time on there is just banter while 10% is actual spriting, so there's that :/

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[spoiler=Fates Spoiler or something I guess :/ maybe it is, maybe it's not, I'm not really sure]

"When next we meet...it will be as enemies. Promise me you will return. I've put my faith in you. No matter what the cruel fates have in store... I trust you to return here. I trust you to end my suffering."


So yeah, made Mr. Anankos, there he is....I guess :/
[spoiler=More spoilers (Specifically Hidden Truths), spoiler warning for spoilers in a spoiler with a spoiler warning wow, spoiler-ception]He's totally not your father in Fates or anything, not at all

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[spoiler=Fates Spoiler or something I guess :/ maybe it is, maybe it's not, I'm not really sure]

"When next we meet...it will be as enemies. Promise me you will return. I've put my faith in you. No matter what the cruel fates have in store... I trust you to return here. I trust you to end my suffering."


So yeah, made Mr. Anankos, there he is....I guess :/

[spoiler=More spoilers (Specifically Hidden Truths), spoiler warning for spoilers in a spoiler with a spoiler warning wow, spoiler-ception]He's totally not your father in Fates or anything, not at all

Too much word...

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Working on another animation (probably):

Suddenly felt the urge to sprite this, a....soldier class...of some kind? I'm not sure :/ it uses lances and swords, for now anyway, I may add axes and bows later but...eh


But yeah, a looot of school work for me to deal with for these few months so these updates may be few and far between (that or I may just have died or something but who knows?)

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Working on another animation (probably):

Suddenly felt the urge to sprite this, a....soldier class...of some kind? I'm not sure :/ it uses lances and swords, for now anyway, I may add axes and bows later but...eh


But yeah, a looot of school work for me to deal with for these few months so these updates may be few and far between (that or I may just have died or something but who knows?)

I actually feel as though Swords and Lances are enough. Hero's a prominent class but there's nothing that really sticks out as a Lancer that's any decent. Well, I meanHalberdiers were awesome in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn but that's like the only few times (that I'm aware of directly). My point being that we need more Lance using infantry. I approve! =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh wow, there is a lot of dust here, *blows dust* cough, cough, ack

Anyway, here's an update:

"Fate has brought us here!":

Since I made a Sm4sh Roy mug, might as well make Marth too, but it's also Fates!Marth while also being Sm4sh!Marth but hey :/


It's not good, since there are a lot of issues there, but it is what it is for now

Edited by BlazeKing
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Did you use an existing portrait as a frame of reference or did you decide a pose partway through? I only ask because at a guess, Fates' base portrait for Marth would've been ideal to use. (It doesn't look like Fates' to me is all)

It certainly looks sophisticated, particularly the edited version which looks less 'Crumb'-ish.

The dust cloud made me sneeze. =/

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