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Blaze's General Sprite Gallery


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I think this is how you make galleries :KnollRoll:? So, yeah, gonna put the sprites in chronological order. Enjoy your stay at probably one of the more cringe-worthy galleries you could find, you might also need to pay a :Fee: to view this...(props to those who understood that)

[spoiler=Portraits]Those marked with a (*) is private (for a hack I'm planning to do in the future), so please don't use with or without permission. (I feel like I'm overestimating myself by saying this :/) And those marked with (#) are free to use...I guess?

My first attempts at splicing:

Verke%20Portrait_zpsin7qeuxy.png Darke%20Portrait_zps9pac15mu.png Varne_zpsg99zjwvq.png

The first batch of horrible splices

Second attempt:

Selina_zpszwnyz9y5.png Jayden%20Portrait_zpsvj1eq5f2.png

(#) Then came my first full custom portrait (fixed recently):


I like it.

(#) Next is a half-custom sprite, Crumb:


I'm proud of this one :)

And then, there's this:


I...don't know...

(#) And these are me attempting to make generic class portraits (even though someone else made these types of portraits already, I'm still decently proud of these):

Archer_zps0nn5dpgk.png Mage_zpspl6r5rh2.png Thief_zpsvq3jbpxx.png Mercenary_zpskwuu3wur.png Troubadour_zpsnxcuywpj.png

And here is my self-portrait of sorts:


Uhh, yeah.

And my not-so recent creation:


Really like this one :)

(#) Made Roy and Lilina older:

Older%20Roy_zpsh7edt4uk.png Older%20Lilina_zps6dqc1jw5.png

(#) Pitoo and Pit:

Pitoo_zpsinejo2ha.png Pit_zpsej5kdaae.png

(*) Verke and Darke redesigns (mostly Verke):

Verke%20New_zpsfk1jqenu.png Darke%20New_zpsrm9tgtry.png

(*) Elesa (I found Lucius' hair to be very useful for my female splices...which is...this one ._.)

(*) Jayden (Mr. I-am-barely-spliced)

(*) Teygas (I think this is my better splice, I think he's the least recognizable from the base, just me though)


(*) Celan (Yes, I shamelessly reused Ephraim's hair for both Teygas and Celan)


(*) Priscile (I got no witty comment for her)
(*) Dane (Awakening Merc design, yey)
(#) Fire Emblem Fates Mercenary (Normal and Invader variant):
(#) Fates Merc talking frames:
(#) Fire Emblem Fates Hero (Normal and Invader variant):
(Insert name here):
(*) My new self portrait, recolour of (Insert name here):
(*) (Insert name here again):
Ninja "Prince Charming":

(Insert name here) no. 3:




Pineapple Taco:


"AlmightLy" Lobster Lord:






Odin Dark:


Laslow of the Indigo Skies:


[spoiler=Animated Battle Sprites]

Those marked with a (*) is private (for a hack I'm planning to do in the future), so please don't use with or without permission. (I feel like I'm overestimating myself by saying this :/) And those marked with (#) are free to use...I guess?

(#) Chrom!Lord:

Chrom%20atk_zpszapkufsy.gif Chrom%20crit_zpsbtyqxdvy.gif

Edited with Eliwood as base, also, gif with broken colours ftw.

Warlock class (Class for my self-insert), edited Sage animation:

Blaze%20normal%20attack_zpsdsgwfj2n.gif Blaze%20critical%20attack_zpsmper8rwy.gi

(#) Tactician class [Completed]

Robin%20norm%20new%20atk_zpsrn34sclv.gif Robin%20mag%20atk_zpsvkkxq9m3.gif

Robin%20Sword%20Crit_zpsnreuamu0.gif Robin%20Mag%20Crit_zps3e8ylppw.gif

(*) Verke!Lord [Completed]

Verke%20atk_zpsvkppu8kc.gif Verke%20crit_zpszfrf28wx.gif

(*) Darke!Lord [Completed]

Darke%20Atk_zps9yt5zo1h.gif Darke%20Crit_zpstpet9yuc.gif

Fencer class [Normal, Magic Attack and Dodge completed]

Fencer%20normal%20atk_zpslwnagzlq.gif Fencer%20Mag%20Atk_zpskpcf5azi.gif Fencer%20Dgd%202_zpsa2nyygxc.gif


MaLyn: (Avert your eyes!)

Nohr and Hoshido symbol...things:


Battle GUI thingy:


(#) Spikey-haired attorney (Don't ask why I made this):


Siegfried (The sword, not the person):




Dolly base:


Xander and Corrin doll things:


Black Ace!Starforce Megaman:






Choose your fate:


Wave 1 (?) Requests:


[spoiler=Static Battle Sprites]Nohr Prince/Princess


Fates!Samurai and Fates!Swordmaster




Battle between the families:


"Minna miteitekure" duo:


[spoiler=Item Icons]

Awakening tomes, Base/El-/Arc-/Final


More Awakening tomes, not going to list em


Blaze's weapons:


That's all of my sprites for now I guess. :Roy:

[spoiler=Pls reed meh]One more thing, if anyone wants to use these sprites, which I highly doubt but I'll say this just to say this, please ask for permission beforehand, thanks in advance, both for asking permission and using these mediocre sprite works :D (I feel like I'm overestimating myself by saying this :/)

Edit: Don't know if this needs to be said but, I update this first...post(?) each time there's an update of any kind, so yeah :3

Somewhere in this, you mentioned requests!

Any objections to my Avatar (note the armour in place of the shirt if you agree to this) and Selena? Since... you've got 2 out of 3 of them. Might as well make it the full trio, right?

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Laslow_zpsokhvuzgp.pngThat Laslow aint too shabby!!! The chest seems to have a nice, and accurate texture to the original sprite, and the trim on the armor isn't bad as well. Just might need a bit more AA. Keep working on your hair and faces though, although they are improving, they still are a bit rough.

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Somewhere in this, you mentioned requests!

Any objections to my Avatar (note the armour in place of the shirt if you agree to this) and Selena? Since... you've got 2 out of 3 of them. Might as well make it the full trio, right?

Plan in making Seve...Selena after I'm done with school shit, and I guess I could try making your avatar :p
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Plan in making Seve...Selena after I'm done with school shit, and I guess I could try making your avatar :p

I still call them by their birth names in Fates. I don't care what the text reads.

Thanks! =D

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After a short hiatus due to schoolwork, I am back from the dead >:D...


Anyways, I'm going to remake the warlock class before working on Tsun-lena and LS' avatar


Thank you to those in the salvaged chat helping me out a small bit in this

Edited by BlazeKing
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So for the new warlock class is the light sources coming from the centre and the left side of the screen? Anyways, that's some really nice shading you have there :D

Edited by Dinar87
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So for the new warlock class is the light sources coming from the centre and the left side of the screen? Anyways, that's some really nice shading you have there :D

Honestly, there isn't one specific light source for any of the vanilla battle sprites, the best way to explain it is the shading changes to make it look good :/

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Looking pretty good. I do however have a request and that is an assassin-styled magic user....maybe that could be the warlock class? I'd personally add lots of afterimages, motion blur, and somersaults...but that's just me (though I'd probably fail at doing it so yeah).

Something like this maybe?

Animation is at 2:16 Edited by Dinar87
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Looking pretty good. I do however have a request and that is an assassin-styled magic user....maybe that could be the warlock class? I'd personally add lots of afterimages, motion blur, and somersaults...but that's just me (though I'd probably fail at doing it so yeah).

Something like this maybe?

Animation is at 2:16

Erm...It's really bad policy to request stuff from people who haven't said they're open to requests. Please keep that in mind, no one is required to do what you ask them to do.

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Erm...It's really bad policy to request stuff from people who haven't said they're open to requests. Please keep that in mind, no one is required to do what you ask them to do.

Sorry. I'll ask next time.

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"I used to say this to all the ladies...but you're truly the only one for me..."


Have an Inigo, again, I swear I'll get to Selena and LS' avatar....someday

Regarding requests, I'm not exactly open to requests, mainly because I don't think I can make stuff *that* well yet, so I'm mainly just afraid to disappoint, but I do keep requested sprites in mind but don't expect them to be top priority...or high quality...or...you get the point :P

Edited by BlazeKing
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Looking pretty good. I do however have a request and that is an assassin-styled magic user....maybe that could be the warlock class? I'd personally add lots of afterimages, motion blur, and somersaults...but that's just me (though I'd probably fail at doing it so yeah).

Something like this maybe?

Animation is at 2:16

I appreciate the idea, but firstly, this is an animation from The Last Promise, I'm not going to top/replicate something made by someone who has waaay more experience than me, secondly, the Warlock class was kinda meant to be *my* class (not saying that I copyrighted the Warlock class or anything) so I would prefer if the animation went how I meant for it to go and ended up in a way I intended it to. Once again, appreciate the response and suggestion.

For the record (again), I don't straight up *reject* requests...but I don't straight up *accept* them either, I prefer the term "suggestion" more

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Yay new Warlock animation and stuff :3


Regarding the requests....I swear I'll do them...someday....maybe...

You've really been improving! This is probably your best animation so far.

As for that Inigo sprite, it looks... incomplete.

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I'm not going to top/replicate something made by someone who has waaay more experience than me.

The more you sell yourself short, the more you start to believe it. As far as the reasons go regarding my request/suggestion. It's yes, because I want one done in GBA style but also because I believe you actually have the capability. I mean, I COULD be learning/practicing this myself and trying that way... but I'm sat here with an N64 controller in my hand mashing A because I want to feed my gambling addiction.

(Note, I'm not actually addicted to Gambling, I just really want to get Porygon and Dratini on Pokémon Red)

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To those who keep giving me suggestions:

You're "So annoying!"


I'm only joking :x don't leave/hurt me...please?

....Anyways, Here's a taste!...of what's to come :P

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To those who keep giving me suggestions:

You're "So annoying!"


I'm only joking :x don't leave/hurt me...please?

....Anyways, Here's a taste!...of what's to come :P

Well, that taste is certainly a good one, so I'm looking forward to this already.

You know, I don't think I've ever asked your favourite Fire Emblem character at all... I'd guess it's Owain... so on that note... this question holds little meaning... Ooh! How about this? Why is your Favourite Fire Emblem character your favourite? What part of them appeals to you?

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"Time to play!"


Well then, I finished Tsun-lena, now...moving on...

Well, that taste is certainly a good one, so I'm looking forward to this already.

You know, I don't think I've ever asked your favourite Fire Emblem character at all... I'd guess it's Owain... so on that note... this question holds little meaning... Ooh! How about this? Why is your Favourite Fire Emblem character your favourite? What part of them appeals to you?

And I guess you're right, I f**king love Owain, his personality is almost like mine irl, I'm loud, annoying to some, and kinda disappears into my own world sometimes, as for the whole naming part, I never have a single Pokemon that I don't give a nickname...so...there's that, I also like Inigo because that voice though and his personality.

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"Time to play!"


Well then, I finished Tsun-lena, now...moving on...

And I guess you're right, I f**king love Owain, his personality is almost like mine irl, I'm loud, annoying to some, and kinda disappears into my own world sometimes, as for the whole naming part, I never have a single Pokemon that I don't give a nickname...so...there's that, I also like Inigo because that voice though and his personality.

That looks pretty cool! =o

I figured as much. Owain's awesome! But it's funny, Inigo's voice was fine in Awakening and with Fates having more spoken lines, it actually feels really weird to me.

As you've probably guessed, mine is Lucina. I suppose my reason for liking her so much could be described as pity, but with the amount of shit she's gone through in her life, doesn't she deserve some? That's the quickest way I could describe it at least... I do have like a paragraph's worth of text but I'd rather not have to retype it here.

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only if you're going for FE8 colors, FE7 colors are actually that muted when placed next to one another


He mixed both fe8 and fe7 colors I think. Yeah he did. The skin and outline are fe8, everything else is 7 I believe.

Edited by CobyTheGoober
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