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What makes your favorite FE lord your favorite?

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ike's generally very boring and he acts like a jerk to people like makalov, aimee, and ilyana for no reason

the fact that he offers no mercy to anyone he was previously friends with goes against the fe protagonist code. i always hate no nonsense characters

on the contrast, micaiah is pretty caring. iirc she personally talks to everyone in part 1 except zihark and it helps personify her. the db also fits the family dynamic more than the Mercs with how dire their situation is

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the fact that he offers no mercy to anyone he was previously friends with goes against the fe protagonist code.

being unique is not a bad thing

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being unique is not a bad thing

yes but in the context of this series I expect certain things from the characters just because of the ones who came before them

how many Lena equivalents does this series have? or christmas cavaliers?

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I know, I did say before that I thought she had the potential to be a great character. Meaning that I wanted to like her. She has one of my favorite designs in the series as well (I actually loosely based a Zelda OC's design off of hers). But in the end, IS utterly dropped the ball with her, imo.

Jave and Shotguner: You'd probably think I was just blatantly ignoring you both if I didn't say something to you two, which is understandable, so I'll just say that I'm not sure how to continue the conversation at this point. I'm not admitting "defeat" or trying to dodge something or anything of the sort, I just really don't have anything more to say, I guess. We'll all just have to agree to disagree in the end, really.

Although frankly, I feel like RD wants you to compare Micaiah to Ike. Elincia and Bastian do so themselves. So that's why I kind of do. And I feel Micaiah wasn't done as well as Ike was in PoR.

Cool. :)

And yeah, comparing them is totally encouraged by the game. Part 1 is just a retread of the entirety of PoR after all. It's just that we don't meet Micaiah at the start of her adventures with the Dawn Brigade, while we do meet Ike at the start of his adventures with the Griel Mercenaries, so we don't really get to compare them at their respective starts, since we haven't seen Micaiah's.

On that note, has there ever been a topic about comparing and contrasting the two? Because I feel like that'd be fun to do.

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Lyn is my absolute favorite. She was the first Fire Emblem character I ever encountered and I thought she was just so cool the whole game through.

I really like Xander, too. I really like how he tries to keep a hardened exterior but opens up his weaknesses to Corrin.

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But we'll compare based on conjectures vs fact. The only thing we know is that Micaiah took care of Sothe when he was a child. And that she heals people by using Sacrifice.

I didn't mean just their beginnings. I meant them in their entirety. Like, their relationships with their rulers, with their fame, their abilities and everything.

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yes but in the context of this series I expect certain things from the characters just because of the ones who came before them

how many Lena equivalents does this series have? or christmas cavaliers?

So you think future FE lords/character casts have to follow a certain set of "rules" predetermined by previous games? I'm sorry, but I can't think of this view as anything but stupid. I don't mean to offend you or anyone, I just have to be bluntly honest here.

Makalov is a lazy idiot, Ike had every right to call him out for his behavior. As for Aimee, she kind of stalks and chases him, you know. I can't really blame him for trying to tell her off. I don't even recall him ever being a jerk to Ilyana, where did that come from?

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Micaiah is a far better lord than Revelations!Kamui and Nohr!Kamui in my opinion. Although I was one of the people who wasn't too fond of her back in the days when RD was a more recent FE game, I have an appreciation for her after seeing some of the newer FE lords. She was fighting for a "selfish" cause instead of the moral one, but the game does not try to shove in your face that Micaiah is a great amazing hero that everyone should worship. We are treated as an observer to the events of the game and are allowed to make our own opinion. The game doesn't try to excuse mistakes she makes.

Eliwood is probably my favorite lord, though. I think he's underrated as a character (if people hate him as a unit, I totally get that). Unlike Hector and Lyn, he's more levelheaded and rational. He never gives up or lets anger and hatred get the better of him. As a pacifist, he despises war but realizes that he has to fight for the peace he wants and grows a spine. He's not the strongest warrior and never will be, but he's humble. He's not afraid to admit that he needs the strength of the entire army to succeed. Roy might stack up to him too, if I'd finished his game (I haven't). Ike used to be higher up, but then I just got tired of hearing about him all the freaking time. PoR!Ike is still cool, though.

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I have to say, the Micaiah love in this thread makes me happy. I still remember when she was the most hated character in the series, but it seems the fandom has come a long way since then.

Longtime FE player here, still don't like Micaiah. Probably never will, because she got a majestic dump of a bunch of special powers and is the blood relation of someone important AND is a vessel for a goddess. I can only tolerate so much on a character before it feels overblown.


My favorite's SD Marth. He was ripped away from home, got stronger, and took everything back - or so history goes. Marth the Person was somewhat naive and sentimental, and tried not to let either of those get in the way of his role as commander.

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My favorite's SD Marth. He was ripped away from home, got stronger, and took everything back - or so history goes. Marth the Person was somewhat naive and sentimental, and tried not to let either of those get in the way of his role as commander.

This. Even the OST shows the seriousness of the situation that he is in. Also his char in FE12 is expanded upon and you get a better idea of his flaws and strengths,

Now that I think about it, I like the Renais twins a lot. Eirika is a very determined lord and shows lots of resilience, while Ephraim is a calmer version of Hector who is a lot more level-headed and more relaxed at showing his emotions.

I guess I like PoR Ike more because he's not royalty and is very naive, which gets him into situations like the one where he called Lethe a sub-human. He has to grow into someone who takes great responsibility and Idk, not be naive!

I was also gonna be like "Sigurd is a good lord" but his character isn't really as impressive as the twists in his story. Maybe I'm just biased because he is the lord with the best combat and utility in the series lol.

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I like Hector a lot, because his brash and loud surface hides a lot of depth, especially if you go Hector mode. If you read his dialogue more carefully, Hector shows a lot of political awareness both talking to Oswin and Matthew, and he actually has quite a sensitive and understanding side to him. I also really like Hector mode's more emotional moments for him. Him taking up Armads knowing very well he'll die an unnatural death and still does it anyway, and the connections to FE6 also has a lot of emotional impact.

Hector is a real bro. Zephiel is a little shit. Hector's FE6 death gets a lot sadder when you realize that Zephiel killed the guy who saved his life.

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I like Ike for alot of reasons. For one he's a mercenary not a noble and his character development from going from a boy to having to learn the ropes of leadership is pretty good in my opinion and you get to see him actually grow up a bit in Radiant Dawn (no crazy hyberbolic baby chamber). While he may come off as a jerk sometimes I think its more from him being blunt and direct about how he feels. Yeah it may not be the most socially tactful but at least he doesn't come off like a blundering idiot like Chrom does sometimes (although Chrom is pretty funny at times).

I also like Lucina alot just because I like time traveling heroes from a devastated future particularly if they are going back to save their parents. (seriously take Future Trunks make him a girl with blue hair and you get Lucina).

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