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Every "Breaker" Skill on One Unit


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Ok, so after my first playthrough of Conquest I decided to try something on a different file. The question was, "can I get a unit to learn all six breaker skills?" I went through the Fire emblem official wiki to see if I could theory craft a possible way, and I think I found one.

The method seemed to be quite simple, just time consuming:

1: New game with the avatar's talent set to Oni Savage (both genders could work, however a female avatar will give access to Jakob much sooner.)

2: Side with Nohr (I guess you could try revelations, but I'm yet to touch that path so I'm unsure if you can get every unit necessary.)

3: Recruit Arthur and then Nyx. Build their support together until they marry.

4. Do not recruit Percy yet!

5. Grind Arthur to a lvl 15 hero and set axe breaker to the last skilll equipped.

6. Class change Nyx to an outlaw, then train her to a lvl 15 bow knight, and equip shuriken breaker to her last skill equipped.

7. Now recruit Percy. Train him to a lvl 15 wyvern lord for sword breaker.

8. Since Nyx is his mother, you should be able to class change Percy into a sorcerer, for bow breaker.

9. Marry Jakob to any female unit that isn't the avatar.

10. recruit Dwyer, and build his supports with Percy until Percy can reclass into a butler, for tome breaker.

11. Finally marry Percy to either a female Kana or the female Avatar. Since they are both nohr nobles (a class that Percy can't become) using a partner seal will give him access to the Oni Savage class branch and more accurately the blacksmith's lance breaker skill.

I'm not 100% sure how worth the effort this may be as I have yet to complete this due to me not having access to any dlc maps so I can't grind out supports, exp, or gold in order to get much farther then step 5. But I know there are some Fire emblem Guru's who may be able to test my theory, have already done it, or even know a more efficient method. I just figured I would post my ideas and see if somebody could shed some light on the matter for me.

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You can easily pile it on female Corrin by having her choose Oni Savage, then hitting A support with Felicia, Nyx, Selena, and Camilla, and reclassing as appropriate.

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You can easily pile it on female Corrin by having her choose Oni Savage, then hitting A support with Felicia, Nyx, Selena, and Camilla, and reclassing as appropriate.

fair enough but i was thinking more for other units because it is completely possible for an avatar unit to be anything.

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It's probably not worth it unless A) you're anticipating difficult future DLC (like the Apotheosis maps for Awakening) or B) you want future campaigns to gain almost immediate access to a super dodgy and accurate unit. Reason being is that you'll most likely never get all those skills until you hit the last few chapters unless you grind for a very long time. And I think to do what you're proposing to do, you'll need DLC grinding maps unless you plan your run very carefully and use money stringently.

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It's probably not worth it unless A) you're anticipating difficult future DLC (like the Apotheosis maps for Awakening) or B) you want future campaigns to gain almost immediate access to a super dodgy and accurate unit. Reason being is that you'll most likely never get all those skills until you hit the last few chapters unless you grind for a very long time. And I think to do what you're proposing to do, you'll need DLC grinding maps unless you plan your run very carefully and use money stringently.

Thanks for the insight on the matter. Admittedly you are very correct with your reasoning, but if I were to get a chance to do it, I will still probably do it for the lulz, and as you said access to a complete dodge tank early on in future playthroughs.

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Alright. . .let's do Revelations, so grinding works.

- You'll still want a female Corrin, and go with Oni Savage.

- A+ support Elise, and pass down Tomebreaker to your kids

- "Your kids" being Ophelia and Kana.

- Have Ophelia A+ support Soliel (no I'm not going into the quality of the support, we're doing this in the name of breaker skills), and have Kana marry Soliel.

- Have Kana A+ support Percy, and have Ophelia marry Percy.

The result should be Ophelia/Kana with Sorcerer, Oni Savage, Wyvern Rider, and Mercenary, with Tomebreaker passed down via inheritance. Why Oni Savage instead of Troubadour? Because Death Blow on Ophelia is amazing.

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Alright. . .let's do Revelations, so grinding works.

- You'll still want a female Corrin, and go with Oni Savage.

- A+ support Elise, and pass down Tomebreaker to your kids

- "Your kids" being Ophelia and Kana.

- Have Ophelia A+ support Soliel (no I'm not going into the quality of the support, we're doing this in the name of breaker skills), and have Kana marry Soliel.

- Have Kana A+ support Percy, and have Ophelia marry Percy.

The result should be Ophelia/Kana with Sorcerer, Oni Savage, Wyvern Rider, and Mercenary, with Tomebreaker passed down via inheritance. Why Oni Savage instead of Troubadour? Because Death Blow on Ophelia is amazing.

I would say you are a genius, but the two children units would miss out on axe breaker, and while they both use red weapons by default my initial inquiry was on the matter of getting all six on one character. But if I ever get the chance to buy any dlc maps or revelations I would gladly attempt this, and best of all I can do this on the same play-through as my plan with Percy albeit without getting tomebreaker

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Well if you do want a practical way to kinda do this, Felicia can get 4/6 through her natural skill pool with Flora support, and 5 if she married Corrin as a Savage or Wyvern Rider. The timing isn't strict as well since Felicia can get Breaker skills as soon as level 15 which is chapter 11/12 and a quick weapon level grinding with Axes would bring her into Bolt Axe which covers Wyvern Lord and Blacksmith

Chapter 14 is your deadline to get Shurikenbreaker since all you need to do for 14 is forge a Bronze Bow for ORKO on fliers.

Edited by JSND
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I would say you are a genius, but the two children units would miss out on axe breaker, and while they both use red weapons by default my initial inquiry was on the matter of getting all six on one character. But if I ever get the chance to buy any dlc maps or revelations I would gladly attempt this, and best of all I can do this on the same play-through as my plan with Percy albeit without getting tomebreaker

Mercenaries promote to Heroes. I much prefer the merc line for breakers, as you can get two for the price of one.

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I think Flora is the most practical unit to get the Breaker skills, but you'll likely achieve it after Chapter 20 where you access Gold!Staff/Rod Store with infinite Seals. Flora will get Axe, Shuriken, Tome and Bowbreaker, only leaving space for either Sword or Lancebreaker by supporting Avatar via Blacksmith or Wyvern Lord. Eitherway, Felicia is more versatile due to a wider pool of supports. You can switch depending on the enemies and the chapter.

This serves on a defensive/dodgy unit, because offensive units will prefer an offensive skill with one or two breakers.

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I thought you literally meant all six Breaker skills on one unit at one time. I wonder how close you could get there, as Bond Units can have a Breaker as a personal skill, and inherit two more. Problem is they'd need to get the other three and I don't think that's possible.

If a Mercenary Bond Unit had Lancebreaker as their personal and inherited any two of Tomebreaker/Bowbreaker/Swordbreaker, they'd learn Axebreaker from Hero and Shurikenbreaker from Bow Knight, giving them 5/6 with a free skill slot.

EDIT: Wait, they inherit the Talent of the other player too, right? I believe it's a Valla x Valla combo, so a Merc talent BU with Dark Mage or Wyvern Rider as a secondary, inherit whichever of Tomebreaker/Swordbreaker you don't get naturally. Bam, 6 breakers on a single unit at one time if they get Lancebreaker as a personal. Unless the reclass bug comes up.

Edited by Renall
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I thought you literally meant all six Breaker skills on one unit at one time. I wonder how close you could get there, as Bond Units can have a Breaker as a personal skill, and inherit two more. Problem is they'd need to get the other three and I don't think that's possible.

If a Mercenary Bond Unit had Lancebreaker as their personal and inherited any two of Tomebreaker/Bowbreaker/Swordbreaker, they'd learn Axebreaker from Hero and Shurikenbreaker from Bow Knight, giving them 5/6 with a free skill slot.

EDIT: Wait, they inherit the Talent of the other player too, right? I believe it's a Valla x Valla combo, so a Merc talent BU with Dark Mage or Wyvern Rider as a secondary, inherit whichever of Tomebreaker/Swordbreaker you don't get naturally. Bam, 6 breakers on a single unit at one time if they get Lancebreaker as a personal. Unless the reclass bug comes up.

The only way for characters to get all 6 breaker skills is for them to be treated as generic (non-voiced) units when you first obtain them as they lack a personal skill. Seeing how 6 Breaker Skills exist: Sword/Katana, Axe/Club, Lance/Naginata, Shuriken, Bow and Tome.

In PvP: The Breakers one could use changes greatly since predicting what weapons every player uses isn't a constant mean. Although Sword/Katana + Tome/Scroll are becoming commonly found enemy weapons alongside Axe/Club which is why I tend to put Sword/Tome Breaker on whenever I do challenging online fights.

In PvE: Breaker skills make boss fights more simple. Just stick on Sword (Xander/Ryoma/Gunter), Axe (Garon/Gunter/Camilla/Hans), Lance (Hinoka/Gunter), Bow (Takumi/Sakura) and Tome Breaker (Leo/Camilla/Iago) during each respectable fight to make the boss easier (although you still pray to not get critted by Ryoma and Takumi).

Avatar units thankfully keep their Talent Class when becoming semi-generic characters once they become bond units/logbook units.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Ophelia in the example provided by eclipse wouldn't get Oni Savage access if I understand the mechanics correctly, as any kid that Corrin is the mother of will get Nohr Prince(ss), not her talent. I could be wrong on that, though?

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Pretty sure they get her talent? The SF database seems to say that iirc

Also for PVE at least Conquest the most important breaker is like:

Essential: Shuriken

Amazing: Lance, Bow

Niche-ish good: Axe, Sword

Useless: Tomes

It largely depend on the character itself, but generally speaking yes Tomebreaker is that bad.

Edited by JSND
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Pretty sure they get her talent? The SF database seems to say that iirc

Also for PVE at least Conquest the most important breaker is like:

Essential: Shuriken

Amazing: Lance, Bow

Niche-ish good: Axe, Sword

Useless: Tomes

It largely depend on the character itself, but generally speaking yes Tomebreaker is that bad.

Idk I think they get Corrin's base class, since Dwyer gets Hoshidan Noble and not Onmyoji nor Basara as a result.

And yeah, the most essential skills are Bowbreaker and Shurikenbreaker.

I mean, even Bowbreaker Calamity Gate Ophelia has great coverage.

Edit: in Conquest, that is.

Edited by Quintessence
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The only way for characters to get all 6 breaker skills is for them to be treated as generic (non-voiced) units when you first obtain them as they lack a personal skill. Seeing how 6 Breaker Skills exist: Sword/Katana, Axe/Club, Lance/Naginata, Shuriken, Bow and Tome.

In PvP: The Breakers one could use changes greatly since predicting what weapons every player uses isn't a constant mean. Although Sword/Katana + Tome/Scroll are becoming commonly found enemy weapons alongside Axe/Club which is why I tend to put Sword/Tome Breaker on whenever I do challenging online fights.

In PvE: Breaker skills make boss fights more simple. Just stick on Sword (Xander/Ryoma/Gunter), Axe (Garon/Gunter/Camilla/Hans), Lance (Hinoka/Gunter), Bow (Takumi/Sakura) and Tome Breaker (Leo/Camilla/Iago) during each respectable fight to make the boss easier (although you still pray to not get critted by Ryoma and Takumi).

Avatar units thankfully keep their Talent Class when becoming semi-generic characters once they become bond units/logbook units.

Do you just type things without actually looking at what someone said when you quote them? Or read the first post of a thread? Or any posts?

I'm talking specifically about Bond Units in the context of the original post's inquiry about how many Breakers you can get on a unit, both in the sense of "who can learn them all" and "who can have them all equipped at once, whether this makes any sense or not, as a thought experiment." Bond Units have personal skills and some of the personal skills they can have are normal skills. One of them is Lancebreaker (and I think other Breakers are possible, Lancebreaker is just one of the most obscure ones to get). They also "inherit" skills from their "parents." So, let's take the following scenario:

AVATAR 1: Revelation route, Mercenary Talent, has Tomebreaker equipped in last slot.

AVATAR 2: Revelation route, Dark Mage Talent, has Swordbreaker equipped in last slot.

BOND UNIT: Random(?) personal skill, Nohr Prince(ss) / Mercenary / Dark Mage class pool, inherits Tomebreaker/Swordbreaker.

Assuming the Bond Unit by sheer luck acquires Lancebreaker as a personal, it can go through its secondary class trees to acquire Shurikenbreaker/Axebreaker/Bowbreaker. It can then equip Tomebreaker/Swordbreaker/Shurikenbreaker/Axebreaker/Bowbreaker and, because its personal is Lancebreaker, it now has all 6 Breakers equipped at once, and it acquired them all "naturally" (not buying skills, at least).

Only issue I can forsee besides the personal skill RNG is the bug mentioned on the Bond Unit page about Bond Units not being able to access their initial class. I'm not 100% clear on how that works but unless it outright prevents even promoting the unit from its initial class it should at least be possible. If not you'd make Mercenary their non-initial so they can class change into it and still get 5/6, but assuming the system works the way it's supposed to 6/6 is possible on a Bond Unit. Not useful as such, but there it is.

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Kana wiII get Corrin's talent because Kana already has nohr prince/ss Ophelia on the other hand will inherit Nohr Princess since her default class is dark mage which is why she inherits samurai, Kana on the other hand will only get dark mage from Odin.

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Do you just type things without actually looking at what someone said when you quote them? Or read the first post of a thread? Or any posts?

I'm talking specifically about Bond Units in the context of the original post's inquiry about how many Breakers you can get on a unit, both in the sense of "who can learn them all" and "who can have them all equipped at once, whether this makes any sense or not, as a thought experiment." Bond Units have personal skills and some of the personal skills they can have are normal skills. One of them is Lancebreaker (and I think other Breakers are possible, Lancebreaker is just one of the most obscure ones to get). They also "inherit" skills from their "parents." So, let's take the following scenario:

AVATAR 1: Revelation route, Mercenary Talent, has Tomebreaker equipped in last slot.

AVATAR 2: Revelation route, Dark Mage Talent, has Swordbreaker equipped in last slot.

BOND UNIT: Random(?) personal skill, Nohr Prince(ss) / Mercenary / Dark Mage class pool, inherits Tomebreaker/Swordbreaker.

Assuming the Bond Unit by sheer luck acquires Lancebreaker as a personal, it can go through its secondary class trees to acquire Shurikenbreaker/Axebreaker/Bowbreaker. It can then equip Tomebreaker/Swordbreaker/Shurikenbreaker/Axebreaker/Bowbreaker and, because its personal is Lancebreaker, it now has all 6 Breakers equipped at once, and it acquired them all "naturally" (not buying skills, at least).

Only issue I can forsee besides the personal skill RNG is the bug mentioned on the Bond Unit page about Bond Units not being able to access their initial class. I'm not 100% clear on how that works but unless it outright prevents even promoting the unit from its initial class it should at least be possible. If not you'd make Mercenary their non-initial so they can class change into it and still get 5/6, but assuming the system works the way it's supposed to 6/6 is possible on a Bond Unit. Not useful as such, but there it is.

Thread topic didn't mention anything about 'Bond' units being involved. So when you spoke about a specific-type of unit it wasn't the easiest statement to follow up with until I read most of the following posts.

Your description on how the process functions makes more sense than the actual site itself when I look at it and do Bond Units myself.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Ophelia in the example provided by eclipse wouldn't get Oni Savage access if I understand the mechanics correctly, as any kid that Corrin is the mother of will get Nohr Prince(ss), not her talent. I could be wrong on that, though?

So I booted up one of the games where I have two kids, and I am extremely disappointed that Kana's sibling has those classes. Would've preferred the Nobles to be Corrin/Kana only, but what do I know?

Thus, one more step, only for Ophelia:

- Have Odin pass Lancebreaker down to her.

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Idk I think they get Corrin's base class, since Dwyer gets Hoshidan Noble and not Onmyoji nor Basara as a result.

And yeah, the most essential skills are Bowbreaker and Shurikenbreaker.

I mean, even Bowbreaker Calamity Gate Ophelia has great coverage.

Edit: in Conquest, that is.

Bowbreaker is.... kinda eh? Especially on tome user, since the built in WTA vs Bow and Bow is surprisingly rare in later parts of the game iirc. 23 had some but its near absent in 24 or just... absent. 25 had them as Spy variant and the doll had Saw which is programmed to be used when they want to klll you, 26 is bowless, 27 had 1 which is the merchant boss pursuer in the middle path.

Then 28 had exactly 2 Bow Knight in HM, which is IIRC same in Lunatic, and "Skadi". Granted Skadi is a complete joke with Bowbreaker its kinda unreal lmao

Personally I think Lancebreaker is the second best breaker after Shuriken since Wary Fighter General isn't exactly rare and is quite a threat and boy do 28 love their Paladin spam.

And yeah Calamity Gate with some breakers is too good. I'm pretty sure Calamity Gate Ophelia with maybe some sustain skills like Sol? could solo the entirety of Lunatic Conquest Endgame after Staffbot has been handled, you killed the 2 Bow Knight and the 2 Malig Knight is dead. Its a smooth sailing from there since Tome enemies is a joke(the main reason why Tomebreaker is useless), Lance and Shuriken had like 0%, and Lightning Ophelia could ORKO Skadi

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If Odin has access to another breaker, then the better. But WTA with calamity gate is almost a breaker or half of it, so Lances and Daggers will have really low hits on her, specially with a speedy pair up.

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Well if you do want a practical way to kinda do this, Felicia can get 4/6 through her natural skill pool with Flora support, and 5 if she married Corrin as a Savage or Wyvern Rider. The timing isn't strict as well since Felicia can get Breaker skills as soon as level 15 which is chapter 11/12 and a quick weapon level grinding with Axes would bring her into Bolt Axe which covers Wyvern Lord and Blacksmith

Chapter 14 is your deadline to get Shurikenbreaker since all you need to do for 14 is forge a Bronze Bow for ORKO on fliers.

I actually had a mind to mention her, too...

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