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I'm Gone, later guys


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Okay were do I begin,

This experience has been great, this has been like a second home to me, I mean I have a family and friends, but you guys were another set of friends and family so I thank you all, well it's been real.

If your wondering, I'm leaving because I recently found out on the chat, that I'm annoying, not too bright, and my sigs are bad. I'm not upset at the individuals who agreed or said I was, why would I, It won't change what they think. I don't wanna bother you guys is all.

So yea, on a final note you guys have been great and thanks alot. later

oh yea, apparently I was part in Nightmare being de-oped, Night your a great guy and an awesome op, don't get discouraged from w/e the hell I said (which idk what I said) Night your way epic almost as epic as Shawn Johnson lol

Edited by Doom103
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You don't want to stay you don't have to, if you want to leave go ahead, the only thing that's stopping you is the door, and whatever is in the darkness

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Doom? leaving? DAMMIT DONT GO! So far you're the only other person who thinks Elisha Cuthbert is the hottest thing on the planet! and you posted those nice shots of her :D

What will SF be like without our Sigrun-loving Doom?

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Doom? leaving? DAMMIT DONT GO! So far you're the only other person who thinks Elisha Cuthbert is the hottest thing on the planet! and you posted those nice shots of her :D

What will SF be like without our Sigrun-loving Doom?

To you, probably different.

To me, business as usual

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Doom? leaving? DAMMIT DONT GO! So far you're the only other person who thinks Elisha Cuthbert is the hottest thing on the planet! and you posted those nice shots of her :D

What will SF be like without our Sigrun-loving Doom?

Or Shawn Johnson lol i had to say it.

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I've never thought that about you Doom.

Okay, I'll admit when I first met you I thought you were kinda lame, but like with anyone here I got to know you better as time went on.

I'd like for you to stay, but I can't completely stop you from leaving.

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No offense, but you sort of sound like a jackass at the moment. :mellow:

Well of course I do, because as I stated if you leave you leave, I don't care if you do,

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Doom? leaving? DAMMIT DONT GO! So far you're the only other person who thinks Elisha Cuthbert is the hottest thing on the planet! and you posted those nice shots of her :D

What will SF be like without our Sigrun-loving Doom?

hey i said she was hot also.........

and doom, just cause some people are jerks doesn't mean that you should take offense to it, hell half my IRL friends are the biggest assholes to me but i still am friends with them

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hey i said she was hot also.........

and doom, just cause some people are jerks doesn't mean that you should take offense to it, hell half my IRL friends are the biggest assholes to me but i still am friends with them

yea well, it kinda huts you know, I knew one of them didnt like me, but I kinda felt bad

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yea well, it kinda huts you know, I knew one of them didnt like me, but I kinda felt bad

How many people do you think hate me here? I mean come on man. You shouldn't leave over one person who's just lame.

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How many people do you think hate me here? I mean come on man. You shouldn't leave over one person who's just lame.

Not one person, and no one hates you, you were mentioned in the convo and people like you

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oh yea, apparently I was part in Nightmare being de-oped, Night your a great guy and an awesome op, don't get discouraged from w/e the hell I said (which idk what I said) Night your way epic almost as epic as Shawn Johnson lol

No man, it wasn't your fault at all.

Edited by Nightmare
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Things hurt.

I mean, look at me, I'm so easily discouraged and have such low self-esteem I almost left SF twice after just joining and did the 'disappear for a few days' thing, like I did at my previous active forum.

We all make mistakes, we all have our quirks, we all do things we really regret.

But you shouldn't give up and leave solely because of it.

I cannot stop you from leaving

But it seems that a quite a few would miss you horribly

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Not one person, and no one hates you, you were mentioned in the convo and people like you


Well regardless, you're cool by me Doom.

Besides, if you left, who would stop me from spewing my right wing propoganda? No one. That's who!

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Well regardless, you're cool by me Doom.

Besides, if you left, who would stop me from spewing my right wing propoganda? No one. That's who!

lol, well theres always hika

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lol, well theres always hika

Psht. Hika wouldn't care enough. He'd say: "No. Fuck you Lyle. You're wrong." And then leave me to spew more of my conservative views and brainwash people.

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