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An idea I had for a possible Future FE


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Now I know IS/Nintendo most likely won't do this at all, but I figured it could be interesting. Since a general theme with Fates was choice, how about taking that a bit further and having a central storyline, with a character who has to make choices in certain battles (See the Ogre Battle franchise) and situations that changes the world and perceptions of people around them (See the Mainline Shin Megami Tensei Franchise).

Add onto this, particular endings, promotion lines, character recruitment, etc all depending on how you mold the world around you.

Would you like to see this sometime down the line in FE's future? Or does it not work well with it in your opinion?

Edited by Jedi
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I always liked how Thracia's sub-objective had impact outside of gameplay, when you encountered the parents of the children you either saved or didn't save. From Fates' marketing, I imagined it might have scenarios like that, only with further implications for the plot.

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I'd like to see a lot more choices when it comes to where battles are fought in Fire Emblem. We've seen the occasional splitting of chapters when it comes to travel routes but I can't recall any point in the series where the game gives you the option of two different fortress and tasks you with taking one over the other. A decision like that could really change the face of the war rather than simply traveling road A or road B and ending up at the exact same place with absolutely no difference. I'd love to see a game where you're a bunch of rebels ala FE5 and you have a wide options of chapters to select from each signifying a different way of waging the war with some endings leading to failure, others where you take down your enemy but lose the favor of the people or some where you manage to come to a compromise.

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I haven't played either of the game series you reference in the OP, but just based on the ideas, it sounds pretty cool. The biggest downside that I foresee is that it might end up in a situation like Sacred Stones where attention/focus are put on the various outcomes and potential story splits (like the route split in SS) that the overall length/plot of a single playthrough would end up being fairly short. Not that that's necessary a bad thing, since there would be lots of replayability, but it does have some downsides. Overall, I'd definitely play it, though.

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I always liked how Thracia's sub-objective had impact outside of gameplay, when you encountered the parents of the children you either saved or didn't save. From Fates' marketing, I imagined it might have scenarios like that, only with further implications for the plot.

Now that you mention this, I'd like to see Thracia sub-objective stuff back too.

Those were my expectations with Fates, but they failed horribly regarding the choice aspect. This is basically better game design.

Well maybe next time eh? Least we got stellar gameplay.

I'd like to see a lot more choices when it comes to where battles are fought in Fire Emblem. We've seen the occasional splitting of chapters when it comes to travel routes but I can't recall any point in the series where the game gives you the option of two different fortress and tasks you with taking one over the other. A decision like that could really change the face of the war rather than simply traveling road A or road B and ending up at the exact same place with absolutely no difference. I'd love to see a game where you're a bunch of rebels ala FE5 and you have a wide options of chapters to select from each signifying a different way of waging the war with some endings leading to failure, others where you take down your enemy but lose the favor of the people or some where you manage to come to a compromise.

Yeah, its kind of what I'd like to gun for, I sadly doubt this will happen though ^^;

I haven't played either of the game series you reference in the OP, but just based on the ideas, it sounds pretty cool. The biggest downside that I foresee is that it might end up in a situation like Sacred Stones where attention/focus are put on the various outcomes and potential story splits (like the route split in SS) that the overall length/plot of a single playthrough would end up being fairly short. Not that that's necessary a bad thing, since there would be lots of replayability, but it does have some downsides. Overall, I'd definitely play it, though.

Ohhhh yeah, it could end up being a shorter experience as a result, but hey if it had tons of alternate ways of playing it. I don't think I'd mind it.

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More choices with relevant consequence sounds good. After playing Tactics Ogre, one feature I'd like to see in Fire Emblem is the evolving character bios and news reports. In tactics ogre, each character bio would reflect what they were doing in the plot, according to what happened (which changed based on your actions). Also, the news reports show how the WORLD reacted to everything you were doing in the plot.

One thing Fire Emblem could really use more of is world building, and the player will feel more invested in their choices if they can see all the impacts they have, directly in gameplay but also in the evolving world.

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I really need to make the jump to Tactics Ogre sometime, its just the gameplay is so different from Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen and Ogre Battle 64, that I find myself unfairly criticizing the gameplay change (The 2 Ogre Battle games rank among my favorite games of all time with OB64 being my all time favorite, partly for their super unique gameplay).

I have generally heard tons of good things about TO.

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I'd rather not. Unless there's an absolutely perfect path with maybe one or two screw-ups. I don't like Tactics Ogre or FFTF because their stories are too serious. I enjoy a more linear path where very few people who are important die. Awakening, Shadow Dragon, and Sacred Stones are the best examples of what I'm talking about. I'd rather just have games in the same vein as them. By that merit, I'd be interested in visiting Awakening-era Jugdral, but otherwise I'd want new worlds.

I think Hoshido and Nohr have great world building. It's not crazy overly detailed, but it does it's job and sets up the maps and characters well. I care more about how distinct an area is visually or geographically than whether or not it has importance.

By a similar merit, I'd rather have another perfect/"goody two-shoes" protagonist who doesn't make horrible decisions. If people do die, I'd rather it not be because our Lord is being pragmatic or something. Thracia is a game that's too tragic, so I skip the story and just enjoy the gameplay. All I could ever want is another Marth basically. Marth is still renowned today for a reason.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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I really need to make the jump to Tactics Ogre sometime, its just the gameplay is so different from Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen and Ogre Battle 64, that I find myself unfairly criticizing the gameplay change (The 2 Ogre Battle games rank among my favorite games of all time with OB64 being my all time favorite, partly for their super unique gameplay).

I have generally heard tons of good things about TO.

It does have some really frustrating gameplay elements (freaking missile attacks hitting your own guys), and I'd regard FFTA and Fates as being mechanically superior srpgs but it's still pretty fun. My biggest criticism is a lot of numbers and features are never explained.

In terms of the story telling style (which in itself is tied to gameplay choices), it's shaping up to be one of my favorite games. It gets the right tone, with characters treating events with the gravity they deserve. Even when my choices don't have super long-reaching effects, the way the game portrays their impact makes me enjoy and get invested in the story.

That reason is because Marth came first Ms.Bunch, nothing else.

I wouldnt mind more decisions that actually impact things, but I really like Corrin so...

And was the protagonist of 4 main titles, has appeared in every Super Smash Bros since Melee and is generally considered the face of the series. As far as his personality is concerned, the only praise I've heard from people is about his "I'm a prince before I'm a son or brother" line. He's a fine protagonist, but I wouldn't really describe him anymore standout than, say, Eliwood.

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It does have some really frustrating gameplay elements (freaking missile attacks hitting your own guys), and I'd regard FFTA and Fates as being mechanically superior srpgs but it's still pretty fun. My biggest criticism is a lot of numbers and features are never explained.

In terms of the story telling style (which in itself is tied to gameplay choices), it's shaping up to be one of my favorite games. It gets the right tone, with characters treating events with the gravity they deserve. Even when my choices don't have super long-reaching effects, the way the game portrays their impact makes me enjoy and get invested in the story.

Yeah, but my issue is more that, Ogre Battle was a uniquely styled RTS, army simulation with various RPG elements with some interesting row systems and turn based combat inside of that, and then they made the much more basic grid system for Tactics, which don't get me wrong is nice and all, and I trust that its not too different from FFT, but its just the principle of being such a drastic change from what I liked of the Ogre games before them is what irks me.

Although from what I know TO's writing is much more stellar that OB's I can't help but be put off by its gameplay seeming not as interesting, because by the time I heard of TO, I had already played Disgaea, FE, Agarest, FFT, and tons of other grid based tactics games.

It might just be childish of me to be honest, but the fact that they changed how the games worked entirely (Although I hear TO kept the alignment, chaos frame and class changing systems) it just... Feels off to me, and I can't really explain it too well, haha its just a weird block i've always had, and I usually am ok with series changing how they work too. which is the strangest part.

Thanks for going indepth it helps me get closer to maybe taking that step to finally playing TO.

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I just think that IS needs to go back and do more human v human conflict with dragons only being in the end game

Thats the other side of the coin, generally FE plots tend to be more solid when they are simple and streamlined, but hey I can have a little brainstorm as to what I'd do ^^

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