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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Oh no, of course not! Employers, and strangers in general, tend to be wary of dudes who come off as too weird at first. Why?

Most of the forum are more-or-less strangers to you, too. And acting faux-archaic - like in your topic title - is only going to keep them that way. Few people find an affectation of 'weirdness' endearing.

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Most of the forum are more-or-less strangers to you, too. And acting faux-archaic - like in your topic title - is only going to keep them that way. Few people find an affectation of 'weirdness' endearing.

Eh, I figured it'd be different since I'm not an actual physical presence. Plus, I thought the "Far From the Forest" section was just kind of a place for random nonsense anyways, so I didn't think I was doing anything too weird...

EDIT: Besides, who else can I be but myself? A friend that I can't be myself around, even when I'm not doing anything wrong...well, what kind of friend is that anyways? In that scenario, he/she's basically friends with someone who isn't me, right?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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What personality traits do you value most?

Which SF member would you most want to game it out with at their house? (disregard travel distance and things like that for this question)

Excluding Mario RPG characters, who are your top 5 favourite Mario characters?

What were some of your favourite TV shows as a kid?

In Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, what was your favourite civilization to play as? Also did you have any sort of tier list for the 8 civilizations? (Mine is from top to bottom: Royal Naboo, Republic, Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Wookiees, Gungans, Trade Federation, Confederacy. I put a lot of priority on Jedi and Air since Jedi/Sith Masters are OP with their durability and less than half of the creatable units can attack/hit air units)

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What are some of the things you like about Hatsune Miku?

Are there any quirks you have in real life that are a result of your shyness? (Eg: not making eye contact when talking to people, talking in a really quiet voice, stuttering a lot)

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Alright, point taken. You're right.

But one thing I am wondering about, what's wrong with the title being odd? Does it make me seem loopy, drunk, or not in the world or something? Does it make you confused as to how to start a conversation with me?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Alright, point taken. You're right.

But one thing I am wondering about, what's wrong with the title being odd? Does it make me seem loopy, drunk, or not in the world or something? Does it make you confused as to how to start a conversation with me?

It's annoyingly long and it feel like you're dancing around words just to get to one point

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Why not? Besides, I'm getting bored and I'd like to kill time and try something productive in the internet for once.

Ask away!

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It's still pretty bad. All you're trying to say is 'Ask Questions Here'. You don't need to put that in so many words.

Edited by Parrhesia
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It. . .could use definite improvement towards the "brevity" side. . .ahem. . .

What are you views of the current rights of men and women in America, and do you feel that anything needs to be changed?

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you say that like it's a controversial opinion

everybody says sf goes downhill and nobody has any idea what they're saying lol

Nobody is actually a part of the problem, actually.

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I like this one :

Do you have a favorite swear world ? And why ?

I don't really have a favourite swear, but I say "fuck," "prick," "cunt," "motherfucker," and variations of what I've mentioned. "Fucknuggets" being one.

Have you noticed me stalking you yet?

Not yet, but thanks for notifying me. I don't mind though.

Are there any SF members you want to be friends with that you aren't already?

What foods do you dislike?

Two questions are reasonable, I'll answer them.

There are a number of members I'd be interested in talking to, but I'd not like to name anyone in particular in case I offend someone for whatever reason. As long as the conversation doesn't turn into FE13 or Pokemon battle strats, I'd be happy with conversing with nearly everyone.

Foods I dislike is a tough one. I've been asked this before in real life and I've always had to sit and think hard about it since I never eat food I dislike, meaning I never really find out what I dislike. I do distinctly remember my... 23rd? Birthday though. My mother, my friend and I went to Whetherspoons in Pontypridd. My university friends and I usually went there for a few pints and a meal, and I've never been unsatisfied there until this one birthday meal.

I ordered a mixed grill, and it came and all looked fucking tidy, top notch. I dug my steak knife into the steak, and my plate became flooded with blood. Every sliced potato chip that had contact with the plate went from a crispy golden piece of perfection to a soggy blood red mush. They didn't even cook the steak to a medium state, just cooked the outer millimetre and left the middle as rare as it came off the animal. Without even asking me how I wanted my steak. So I thought fuck it, I've never tried a rare steak before, let's have some. It took a year to cut, and five years to chew a single bite. I also hated the texture and flavour from the tons of blood that was sloshing around in my gob. "Fuck that," I thought, and abandoned the steak, as much as it hurt to do that because I fucking love steak usually. I finished the other meats and everything else on the plate, leaving a chunk of uncooked animal bathing in its blood. So yes, rare steak does not cut it for me. It needs to be medium or medium-well.

Edited by Raven
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