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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Pirates can walk on water at a rate of one movement per turn. More than what most units can do. Pirates > Ninjas. Dart would kill Shinobi anyday.

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The only ingredient I had was the garage....


The security of the nations threatened by a seventh grader with an atomic bomb....

I can imagine that... "Execute all who take part in making the dubs for 4kids TV or this baby drops over the pentagon!"

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There actually was a kid who tried to make a breeder reactor in the shed in his backyard. There's a book about him- I think it was called The Radioactive Boy Scout or something. He actually almost managed to get a reaction going before he was stopped.

I swear it wasn't me! Maybe it was my seventh grade science teacher...

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You know, when I saw the title of this topic, all I could think of was Navi from Ocarina of Time.

Then once I entered, I decided that my guess wasn't that far off.

Cause, you know. Navi is secretly a nuclear bomb. That's what I was told once, anyway...

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