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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Alright let's begin with this wonderful dip into my psyche.


Serene stop kidding yourself, you look like a fuckin transvestite. Your hair is long, and if it weren't for the fact that you had facial hair you'd be asked if you were a girl more times then you are. You may be smart, but you don't have any ideas your lost confused, you need to stright things out. Everything that happens in your life is your fault, your parents splitting up, your mother and brother yelling on occasion, all your fault, why not just end it, just let them think they will be better, they said you could, once before. All this anger, sadness, and fear just let it go, disappear end.

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What the fuck man, what is your problem, i really cannot see how you can even wake up in the morning, i mean you don't do shit with your life, your friends are complete assfucks that only you would associated yourself with you think because you are smart you don't have to do shit to get good grades even though at some point in time you have almost failed every single class without any effort and you could just try one bit then maybe your mom would quit bitching about your grades and also clean your damn room and learn to be organized i mean your backpackl is more or less a recycle bin all of your work is crumpled up and there is shit everywhere. I could go on for awhile but then i might acually feel bad......

Edited by noremaC
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LAWL this topic wins.

Lyle, I don't know you well. I joined a bit later than others. I learned two things about you. 1) you support SheenaxLloyd. Win. 2) You whine ALOT. Fail(x2). If you took away the last part, you'd win. But you don't. Lern2marth lern2masu

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Well we joined at approximatley the same time. We were good friends in the beginning, and we've sort have grown apart. Plus are personalities conflict, so I see him as someone who wouldn't be admired at all, yet people still love him. Even if my opinion is wrong, that's how my narrow thinking mind sees it.

Hm...So you see him as a type of rival... Well, let's call this a game. So what if Masu has won this "game"? You accept defeat graciously and learn from your mistakes and hopefully, beat him next time. There are plenty of people who accept you, Lyle. You don't need to have a certain amount. Heck, even just one is good enough. It doesn't meant that Masu is completely superior to you, either. You have your own skills. Masu has his. Now think of all the good things in your life. (games, SF, the fact that you're still alive with all your body parts in tact, etc) So tell me again, what is wrong?

Edited by Fireman
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Hm...So you see him as a type of rival... Well, let's call this a game. So what if Masu has won this "game"? You accept defeat graciously and learn from your mistakes and hopefully, beat him next time. There are plenty of people who accept you, Lyle. You don't need to have a certain amount. Heck, even just one is good enough. It doesn't meant that Masu is completely superior to you, either. You have your own skills. Masu has his. Now think of all the good things in your life. (games, SF, the fact that you're still alive with all your body parts in tact, etc) So tell me again, what is wrong?

I dunno. Lately I've been feeling down and like a failure and stuff. I let people around me make me who I am. I feel like everyone around me has been kind of hostile. And then I see them all paling around with Masu even though he treats me like shit.

And now I feel even worse cause I'm making everyone else feel bad cause I feel bad.

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ok if yall remember i told you all i would be cosplaying as Big Boss from the Metal Gear series.

i also told you i would show pics of me and my costume around halloween!

well good news! my costume is complete!!!!! now i just gotta take pics....

expect them to be posted around halloween/nov. 1st.

its gunna rock.

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I dunno. Lately I've been feeling down and like a failure and stuff.

Stop that thinking. You're not a failure "and stuff". You're a human being.

I let people around me make me who I am.

Change that. Stop letting every single thing get to you. Whenever someone insults you, think of yourself positively and even to laugh of yourself. Learn to build an emotional wall around you.

I feel like everyone around me has been kind of hostile.

Don't make it so easy. Whenever you have to vent your feelings, vent it to someone you trust instead of randomly at the public.

And then I see them all paling around with Masu even though he treats me like shit.

Never assume anything in life. Below is a piece of advice from Nightmare that I "re-wrote".

Stop assuming that Masu is the center of everyone's attention and love. Have some self-confidence and learn to love yourself, because honestly, if you can't/wont' love yourself, who will? Even if it's a false love, it'll eventually shape and form into a real belief. Thus, you will have a healthy respect for yourself, which in turn, will make everybody respect you.
And now I feel even worse cause I'm making everyone else feel bad cause I feel bad.

If they can't stand the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen. Seriously, there are a lot more depressing things out there than one man's issues.

Edited by Fireman
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Lyle, I'm gonna give it to you straight. No punches held back.

You're pathetic. At least you act pathetic. Just because Bianchi says "lol hey me and Masu started a family" doesn't mean you have to turn into an emo whiny b****. It's an internet forum. Not a dating site. Get a grip.

Masu is liked because he spends less time being all "woe is me" and more time entertaining. And don't act like he is the only hostile one. When we were at Kiba's on the chat I saw how you acted. You acted like a bastard. And if it seems like Masu is teasing you, he is. Guys tease guys. It's what we fricking do. I can't even say get thicker skin, because it seems like you don't have skin to get thicker. That's how sensitive you are. Quit bitching, start joking. Road to success.

I mean this with the sincerest intention to help. Sometimes you need tough love buddy. SheenaxLloyd brothers4life.

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