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so we're all in agreement that Pokemon Moon is the D E F I N I T I V E and B E S T version right?


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Which is why it should be the goal of humanity to rid ourselves of that horrid sphere of radiation and give its bountiful light to its rightful owner: The Moon.

Funny you mention that radiation, it's the radiation that has all that life-giving stuff. In fact the light itself is radiation. Giving the Sun's bountiful light to the Moon would just give the radiation to Moon, and then it's closer to us!

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Funny you mention that radiation, it's the radiation that has all that life-giving stuff. In fact the light itself is radiation. Giving the Sun's bountiful light to the Moon would just give the radiation to Moon, and then it's closer to us!

You misunderstand me. We only need its light.

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Im getting whatever version is opposite the version i get my niece. So if that ends up being MOON BAT, then yay. If it ends up being SUNLION, yay. I am neutral.

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Then by the light alone existence is impossible.

That kind of thinking gets us nowhere. We'll never transcend as long as humanity keeps leaning on its sun crutch.

I look forward to the day in which we escape from the sun's fiery clutches and finally live in harmony with the moon

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That kind of thinking gets us nowhere. We'll never transcend as long as humanity keeps leaning on its sun crutch.

I look forward to the day in which we escape from the sun's fiery clutches and finally live in harmony with the moon

Then I leave you to your rock delusions.

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il bu y all three damn fe paths for fates but idk why i wont buy both pokemon games tbh it feels weird to me to do

considering both pokemon games are the same game, that's quite logical

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me neither i think

oh ya that reminds me that even though I didn't quote you your post is what inspired my post which was sorta meant to be in response but idk it's real confusing and complicated

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