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Favorite Smells


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I'm bored and curious as to what different smells people enjoy.

I'm rather fond of cut grass and root beer personally.

What are your favorite smells, sf!?!?!!!!!

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Fresh bread


Also this one oil with bug-repellent properties that I use is the best-smelling thing to have ever graced my nose.

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There's a nostalgic scent I pick up every now and then... I first smelt it on my very first day of school... I couldn't identify it (then or now) and it's weird because I just occasionally pick up the scent under no identical circumstances...

Southeast England during an evening/night of rainfall, AKA, whenever it rains at night around my house.

I'm with ya on the freshly cut grass as well.

That's all that comes to my mind outside of Strawberry Milkshakes.

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wild honeysuckle

and little did I know I moved into a house where it's all over the property spring time is heaven for me right now (at least more than it's already ever been)

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Rain,roses,brownies baking and horses that have been eating grass are the things that smell the best to me.

Oh, yes!

Rain over cracked, dry soil... it's just amazing!

Also Eucalyptus leaves :3

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Southeast England during an evening/night of rainfall

Ugh, this. And now I'm homesick. T_T

Apart from the usual baking bread, etc., smells, I love the smell of hardware stores. Like certain areas of Home Depot. And tire shops, yum.

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Why do people say grass. It makes me allergic. :T

Anyway, my answer will probably sound creepy or something, but my answer is Ein. And books.

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