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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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Sorry, but I can't seem to get the media fire link to download. It only says "Not downloading? Repair your download." and the page almost instantly refreshes. Is there some way I can get the patch without going through media fire?

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Although according to that thread, 6 megebyte roms still do not work for VC injection. That thread also has a lot of technical information that is not in this one, and the general user there is a lot more knowledgable of things like VC injection, so i recomend looking it up for technical questions.

Edited by sirmola
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I think this might have been reported earlier but w/e.

The wording here is a little off. I think changing the "an" to "the" helps a lot. But Altenna's line beforehand doesn't really fit the way Finn tries to reverse the conversation.

Perhaps a more significant change is needed?

Edited by Irysa
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In this conversation,Nanna and Leif are lovers.

This happen:And the game froze.

The image is in Attach Files.

In spanish

En esta conversacion,Nanna y Leaf son pareja.

Esto Pasa;Y el juego se congela.

La imagen esta en attach files.


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Do you have a savestate or .srm file right before this happens? I was also reading someone on Reddit having problems with the lover conversations, but I haven't been able to replicate it.

For the lover conversations, can you upload your script? It would be easier to notice the missing translated text.

Each character has at least 2 scripted text, one for top window and one for bottom window.

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The editor only has the blocks that have been re-pointed to and translated, but here it is:


Either these blocks are duplicated somewhere else, or the game is bypassing the pointer table and loading them some other way.

Hey, didn't you forget to insert the script?

When I open the v5 hard-patched 8m rom, those pointers are the same compare to the original Japanese 4m rom.

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That's just the address of the pointer. The value should be changed to point to the new text, around $680000.

Like the first one, at $CEEE8 was originally pointing to $8CF0F1, but after the patch, it should be pointing to somewhere around $68325C.

Anyway, here is the save file, you can test the Leif Nanna conversation.


The conversation at address 0CEFA5 and 0CEFA8 is duplicated. 2 pointers point to the same text.


Edited by hanhnn
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I can't believe this project had a patch for some time now, it's been the only FE related thing I'd been looking forward to for so long. Congratulations on releasing!

Anywho all I did was a quick check of convos in older save files I had lying around, I'll do full run soon on blargsnes. Lewyn's convo with Leen at the very end is blank but I'm pretty sure it's just her name.


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These are still from beta 5 because I wasn't aware of the new version yet when I played chapter 1 this morning, so sorry if either of these has been reported and fixed already.


This should be "give in to", not "give into".


This should be "I should've known", not "I should've know".

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Given the rest of his colloquialisms, I'm pretty sure that's intentional.


I think you broke something DDS. Check 1:25.

Confirmed, tested on beta 5 and a clean ROM at the same point in the RN string, this doesn't happen there.

Happened with Faval too, seems to be related to Bows Occured with Finn and Oifey as well, not Bow related. Definitely tied to the Resire/Nosferatu effect.

Additionally, the RN thing doesn't seem to be fixed either, Beowulf!Nanna can still fail to proc HP in the arena despite having a 100% HP growth unless I exit mid fight.

Edited by Irysa
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It's not just bows doing this, sorry for the edit, didn't see you posted. Oifey and Finn had the same thing occur. It seems to be tied to the lifedrain effect.

I should note that on the clean rom when I've tested this occuring on Zeus, attacks that shouldn't kill (like Lester's) simply don't and the battle keeps going, but there are some weird occurances with characters like Finn where his last attack does like 2 damage instead of what it should (like 10 or more), but kills anyway despite not reducing HP to 0.


Save slot 3, enter the arena with Lester using the Killer Bow. It has occured to me with some other characters but I didn't keep seperate saves for them sorry.

Edited by Irysa
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Hey, um, a friend of mine found another bug with Beta 6.

[spoiler=Skype convo][7:06:56 PM] Nicholas Hampe: Ray, do you know how to get in contact with any of the guys working on the FE4 translation? I think I mightve found a helluva glitch in version 1.6
[7:08:13 PM] Raymond Soto: best I can do is post on the topic on SF.
[7:09:32 PM] Nicholas Hampe: ah, okay.
[7:09:44 PM] Nicholas Hampe: well, for some reason, DiMaggio and Gerrard dont heal damage at the start of a turn. The animation plays and their HP ticks up, but if you check them, they have the same HP as when they took damage.
[7:10:01 PM | Edited 7:10:27 PM] Nicholas Hampe: Healing your characters via castle guarding still works. Additionally, I don't know if this extends out of the prologue.

He sent me his save here. First slot; you'll see the missing HP if Midir waits next to Gerrard and you end your turn, otherwise it functions normally.

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