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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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To soft patch, simply rename a patch to the same name as the ROM to be patched. Also, if you try to apply more than one patch to a ROM it'll probably end up being unrecoverable, so make sure to have some backups.

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The TL:DR for that is that he will NEVER except any name change suggestions, because a) he already gave a ton of thought to them, and B) He does not want to be constantly pestered (go look at any other translation thread on this forum, such as the thread for grnge's fe6 translation, to see how much of a problem this is). He then spends the rest of the post explaining his rationals for specific changes.

tbh i kind of regret not doing anything to noish (and bridget and, to a lesser extent, oifey), but it'd be an absolute pain in the ass to apply the changes now that everything's in the game. i figure what the hell, it's one less change for people to gripe about

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BTW, did you fix the glitch that causes empty level ups if an arena fight drags on for to long?

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tbh i kind of regret not doing anything to noish (and bridget and, to a lesser extent, oifey), but it'd be an absolute pain in the ass to apply the changes now that everything's in the game. i figure what the hell, it's one less change for people to gripe about

Well that makes me curious as to what the changes could have been.

Somewhat related, but I wonder if the JP name for the Bifröst staff in Fates is the same as the Valkyrie Valkyria staff here. They do have the same effect...

Edited by Hozu
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I hadn't looked into it yet. But from what I understand of the problem, is it's not generating random numbers when calculating the level up stats? Would the acceptable fix be to re-randomize right on level up? Because that might be a viable solution. Though it'd probably break the "spirit" of the game, in having most things locked down in predetermined events without going out of your way to change it.

tbh I'd rather keep things as-is, since IIRC you can get around this in the arena by just cancelling a round before a level up.

Edit: Also, could someone give me the reasoning behind Erin's name? I'm not mad about it, I'm just curious about the rationale behind decision to go with that name.

Edited by shinpichu
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tbh I'd rather keep things as-is, since IIRC you can get around this in the arena by just cancelling a round before a level up.

Edit: Also, could someone give me the reasoning behind Erin's name? I'm not mad about it, I'm just curious about the rationale behind decision to go with that name.

It was talked about here: http://bookofholsety.dreamwidth.org/24839.html

Re: the arena RNG glitch, I think it would be best to see how/when new RNG values are added to the string(is it literally a string?) as they are used before making any decision about it.

Other bugs that would be a good candidate to fix is the Adept freezing glitch if your attack speed is too low and status swords always inflicting the status if the target has more than 30 resistance (rate is 30 – enemy’s resistance [%]) - sounds like it's passing a negative value into an unsigned int or something.

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I hadn't looked into it yet. But from what I understand of the problem, is it's not generating random numbers when calculating the level up stats? Would the acceptable fix be to re-randomize right on level up? Because that might be a viable solution. Though it'd probably break the "spirit" of the game, in having most things locked down in predetermined events without going out of your way to change it.

THe arena uses the same random numbers as the rest of the game. (the entire game uses a single string of random numbers), and the arena stops calling numbers from it after a certain point. You can actualy get the intended level up by exiting out to the weapon selection screen in the middle of a battle and reentering, which forces the arena to call more RNs. This level up will be the same every time, so it is not counter to the spirit at all to do whatever happens to the rng when you enter the weapon select screen.

I don't think you should fix the sleep sword glitch because gimick and speed runs use it sometimes, and i want to be able to read your translation when seeing those.

Edited by sirmola
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Somewhat related, but I wonder if the JP name for the Bifröst staff in Fates is the same as the Valkyrie Valkyria staff here. They do have the same effect...

It isn't. There have been several "revive dead player unit" staves throughout the series, and they've had different names in each incarnation.

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tbh I'd rather keep things as-is, since IIRC you can get around this in the arena by just cancelling a round before a level up.

Edit: Also, could someone give me the reasoning behind Erin's name? I'm not mad about it, I'm just curious about the rationale behind decision to go with that name.

Fury --> the mythical Furies aka the Erinyes --> Erin, which also suits the Celtic flavor of many of the Jugdral proper names.

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It isn't. There have been several "revive dead player unit" staves throughout the series, and they've had different names in each incarnation.

Aum, is probably the best example, because it appears in 4 games, and the name is completely made up.

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Fury --> the mythical Furies aka the Erinyes --> Erin, which also suits the Celtic flavor of many of the Jugdral proper names.

I actually remembered that the name chart was a thing a few minutes after posting...derpitty derp. :p
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It isn't. There have been several "revive dead player unit" staves throughout the series, and they've had different names in each incarnation.

Phew, that saves a bunch of trouble.

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Aum, is probably the best example, because it appears in 4 games, and the name is completely made up.

Technically two of those games are remakes. And one of them contains a remake.

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There's a missing space at the start of chapter 9.


A name of an arena enemy (Sakra, first one in chapter 9) is also bugged out.


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The patch and ROM don't work on my PSP with the Snes9x Euphoria emulator, both soft modded or hard modded, it just crashes. To be more specific, it freezes indefinitely soft-patched but hard-patched it just turns off my PSP. Maybe because it becomes an 8 MB rom? Is there no simple fix available? I'd really appreciate a fix for this since I'd much prefer to play FE4 on a handheld rather than the PC, but I understand if this would be too difficult for you guys.

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Are the villagers supposed to be like this or did something screw up?

It looks pretty weird seeing the villagers' portraits floating mid-screen.

On another note, shouldn't the description for the critical skill say that its activation rate is dependent on the user's skill?

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I recall misclicking the number keys, which deactivates certain background layers of the game's graphics, at least in Snes9x. Maybe try around with that?

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It only appears for conversations between player units.

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