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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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Just tried this out. I can now understand everything! The downside is that after using zsnes for so long the default controls for Snes9x threw me off. I'll adjust the controls later.

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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Did you fix the glitch where julius's holy blood wheel displays the word "holsety" as "hol"? (This is in the japanese version as well.)

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Just a note on compatibility, the patched ROM worked fine on my soft-modded Wii, so plays well with the SNES pad Wiimote addon, but the patched ROM didn't work with my Everdrive Cart on a real SNES (due to ROM size increase I expect)

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dear god i am blushing right now

i mean as much as i appreciate the shoutout i can't say i entirely agree with the piece's remarks. i mean i love the game to death and all, and working on it for as long as i have has given me a whole new appreciation for its writing, but i'm not entirely sure i'd describe it as "pushing the boundaries of video game storytelling for the time"

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Found a missing space and a dialogue bug (Oifey says something between "That leaves the capital, Agusty..." and the rest).




Two more convos have a period/space missing.



Edited by Gradivus.
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Just a note on compatibility, the patched ROM worked fine on my soft-modded Wii, so plays well with the SNES pad Wiimote addon, but the patched ROM didn't work with my Everdrive Cart on a real SNES (due to ROM size increase I expect)

Just from a quick google is seems like it only supports up to 48 Mbit (6 MB) roms, so that's probably it.

I'm wondering if maybe in a future release, trying to squeeze the rom down to 6 MB might be worth looking in to.

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Just make sure the new rom has the same name as the old one and it'll load the right save file.

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Oh wow, just downloaded it, and you have versions for both headered and unheadered roms, that's brilliant! I remember first trying to play FE4 and the rom I had didn't line up with the patch so it was a pain to have to go find the right rom, so it's great having both here as options. Can't wait to play :D

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I finally started playing yesterday. My planned pairings are Midir/Aideen, Ayra/Holynn, Beowulf/Raquesis, Lewyn/Erin, Claude/Sylvia, Azel/Taillte, and Dew/Bridget. I did cheat a bit using nightmare(which I've found only works on headered ROMs), making all the first gen units have capped stats and start promoted, because I wanted to get through the first gen ASAP. This did cause none of my units to actually be attacked by the prologue enemies, as they all had defense so high that nothing could damage them except the bosses, but this happens in vanilla FE4 too(this isn't the first time I've hacked the game this way), and I still managed a relatively quick 13 turn clear. I also reduced the price of items so that nothing costs more than 17500(what you get from clearing all 7 arena rounds), so that inventory management is less of a hassle. Aura also got a reduced weight so Dierdre isn't a load, and I reduced its rank to B because I want to try out making Leywn wield it after Dierdre leaves(he has a B rank in light tomes he never gets to use) and I want to see if it will get passed down to Ced. I'm honestly not sure why you have the cheating warning there, as this patch doesn't seem to be affected any differently from Nightmare hacking than any other FE4 ROM. Anyway, I'm off to do chapter 1.

I do have one minor translation nitpick. After Jungby is conquered, Gerrad says "DiMaggio stuffed up, didn't he?". "Stuffed up" is Australian slang that Americans like me end up having to look up, so you may want to change it to something like "messed up", or "screwed up", or something, unless the Verdanites are meant to be Australian?

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(created an account just for this, thank you guys so much! You are doing the work of god!)

I got my castle destroyed and found this glitched-put sprite. Don't know if this occurs with other castles or in other chapters?


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Some of the villages have their dialogue boxes at the top rather than the bottom like they should be. Same with DiMaggio's boss text when you fight him animation-less.

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I'm afraid we simply couldn't get this patch to work in zsnes. We think it might be because of the expansion from 4MiB to 8MiB. I can only suggest switching to an emulator like Snes9x or Higan/bsnes. Sorry.

You may want to have this fact reflected in the OP. I just spent at least half an hour trying different combinations in order to patch the game. Would've been a good heads-up to know ahead of time that it was futile.

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Well I know what I'm doing all summer.

Hey thanks for the new translation! I've been wanting to play FE4 for a while, but I'll probably have to end up downloading it later due to real life issues. Hope the game doesn't disappoint!

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You may want to have this fact reflected in the OP. I just spent at least half an hour trying different combinations in order to patch the game. Would've been a good heads-up to know ahead of time that it was futile.

sorry! done.

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I use the japenese ROM right? BC for me, it won't go past the title screen

Are you pressing start? Unlike most title screens, which will accept any button, you HAVE to press start to go past the title screen. Make sure you're familiar with which keys are assigned to which buttons on your emulator(if you're using one). Start is usually either the enter key or the spacebar for most emulators.

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Are you pressing start? Unlike most title screens, which will accept any button, you HAVE to press start to go past the title screen. Make sure you're familiar with which keys are assigned to which buttons on your emulator(if you're using one). Start is usually either the enter key or the spacebar for most emulators.

Yeah I pressed start, but it still won't go. I got it off of empuradise so that might have something to do with it....

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Yeah I pressed start, but it still won't go. I got it off of empuradise so that might have something to do with it....

I doubt it. I got mine there too and it works fine. Did you make sure to use the right patch? Assuming you got the same ROM, you should use the patch for unheadered ROMs. Also make sure you aren't using zsnes. Also make sure you've downloaded a Japanese ROM, not a pre-patched English one.

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