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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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I think the description for Adept is worded a bit strangely. Compare Adept and Pursuit:

Adept - Strikes foe twice if user is faster.

Pursuit - Allows the user to double attack if atk. speed exceeds foe's.

Adept is a random chance to work, Pursuit is guaranteed, yet the wording makes them sound the same. Compare Miracle, another chance-based skill:

Miracle - May endure lethal hits in a pinch.

Thanks to Irysa's video for pointing that out.

Edited by Hozu
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Up to you if you want to do it like FE13/14 where it tells you the exact proc rate (ie. Skill % chance to X), or 9/10 where it leaves it at "chance to X". Perhaps the latter is best to conserve space?

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Amazing patch so far, love it.

Not sure if anyone else reported it, but Sigurd's conversation with Eldigan also has the text overflow.

EDIT: Ditto with Sigurd and Ayra's conversation. This also pops up during that conversation.


EDIT 2: Ayra and Quan's conversations are also prone to it. There's a lot of text overflow errors.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Okay, i found 4 bugs in the new translation patch. Here it is:


During Opening Demo screen (First time play)


Need spaces (look into "Oh, DewHaving")


Messed up text overflow


Kinbois/Kinbaith Commander Name

Tested on Snes9x EX (Android)

Edited by gamerhenky
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okay, a new version is ready. we've sorted out every error reported so far in this thread, except for the slight artifacting on the opening (will look into later) and the kinbaith status menu error (this one came in too late, sorry)

Edited by bookofholsety
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Thanks for the prompt update.

By the way, is your edited script anywhere for viewing? I'd like to review some of Chapter 1's dialogue without errors but I don't really want to replay it right now (stupid forests...)

Edited by Irysa
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i definitely intend on getting the script up somewhere at some point, since at this point the old dreamwidth copy is horrendously outdated. i'm probably going to wait until we're out of beta and everything's finalised, though, because at this point i'm still open to tweaking it as necessary

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Found another typo, starting Chapter 2 today. I guess we'll see if I find more. I'll update this post.

EDIT: Forgot to screencap, but found an oversight in Chapter 2 - if Quan is defeated then the text where I presume he details "sorry, I have to go" and leaves from the home castle is simply just "LF" and nothing else. If Ethlyn is defeated no text appears and they just leave.

EDIT2: Typo of "cae" instead of "care" but again I forgot to cap and now I'v forgotten which conversation it was in Chapter 2 due to it taking forever. Oops.

Edited by Irysa
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Oh my god. Any people trying to play on flashcart, maybe it doesn't work because the patched ROM is 8 MB. It still work on real console? (This question is for who have real console)

Edited by gamerhenky
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Oh, wow wow wow! I had no idea a project like this was in the works, so I was really surprised when I saw news of it yesterday. I'm so excited for this!! FE4 is one of my all-time favourite FEs, so I'm really happy it's been retranslated like this. It looks so good; I'm really excited to play the game!! Thank you so much for all your time and hard effort that has gone into and will continue to go into this project.

It's been resolved, but when I initially downloaded the patch I had a big struggle getting it to work. Neither file format seemed to work; both patching programs would say the file had been successfully patched, but when I tried to open the game in snes9x, it wouldn't boot. Soft patching with the ips file led to the same result. This... was quite easily fixed by me downloading the latest version of snes9x, haha. (I, uh, don't emulate too often.) So it was just operator error, but I thought I'd mention it in case someone else had a similar problem and was looking at the thread for possible solutions.

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  • the entire game has been retranslated from the ground up, including everything missed by previous translations

What exactly changes to the game (other that official names and the mistakes and bugs) in the translation?

There was censored some details? What happen with the characters personalities? (I know a friend that try to play the FE6 New translation a got a very bad reaction to changes related with Clarine and Sophia)

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Found a typo in the convo after seizing Marpha.


The C1 Sigurd-Aideen convo has a period and a question mark missing:



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Damn, i was waiting for this to release.

Will give it a try as soon as possible, if i run into problems i'll let you know.

Btw you guys are awesome for making this possible, ive been wanting to play this game with a proper translation for ages

Thanks alot for making this possible.

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Not sure if you're aware of this one yet but:

The whole recruitment conversation was screwed up like that. Not entirely sure if it's the emulator I'm using though (Snes9X)


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