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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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I'm afraid we simply couldn't get this patch to work in zsnes. We think it might be because of the expansion from 4MiB to 8MiB. I can only suggest switching to an emulator like Snes9x or Higan/bsnes. Sorry.

I'm curious, did you try it with this?

I mean, IMO people shouldn't be using ZNES anyway, but still.

Found it and it opens but no sound. Get the "unable to initialize xaudio2" so guess no ill search for that solution. Thanks for the help!

Try going into Sound > Settings and changing the audio driver. Edited by shinpichu
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I'm afraid we simply couldn't get this patch to work in zsnes. We think it might be because of the expansion from 4MiB to 8MiB. I can only suggest switching to an emulator like Snes9x or Higan/bsnes. Sorry.

To add onto this, you shouldn't be using ZSNES anyway. The emulator is old, outdated and a security risk.


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I'm curious, did you try it with this?

I mean, IMO people shouldn't be using ZNES anyway, but still.

Try going into Sound > Settings and changing the audio driver.

Yes, we did. I once tried expanding the ROM in compatibility mode early on. It booted up but still crashed.

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The rom opens up fine up until I reach the title screen, where pressing start causes the game to start the transition to the next screen but end up freezing. If it helps at all, this is the error message I'm getting.


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The rom opens up fine up until I reach the title screen, where pressing start causes the game to start the transition to the next screen but end up freezing. If it helps at all, this is the error message I'm getting.

That's strange. The first thing I can suggest is making sure you are using the correct version of the patch for your ROM (headered or unheadered). You should get a white "checksum ok" message on boot. If you're sure you're using the correct version, try downloading the patch again.

If it still freezes then are there any saves on your machine from old patches/clean ROMs? If so you could try moving/deleting any old saves to make sure the emulator doesn't try to load them.

Edited by AzimuthFE
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Threw together a video of me playing through the Prologue as a blind player for the first time, with running commentary via screensharing with Mekkah.

I was considering doing a LP but I changed my mind, but since this was recorded anyway may as well upload it.

http://imgur.com/geojtrw think this looks like an error as well.

Edited by Irysa
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This may be insignificant. But, when I was on the main menu I watched the demo reel and noticed there was a noticeable amount of gray bits on the bottom of the screen. 

I took 3 screenshots, one zoomed out, one zoomed in, and one from an unaltered Japanese ROM to show it wasn't there in the original. http://imgur.com/a/31oCn

Edited by ObliviousRay
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I'll play this eventually to confirm, but

  • Text for enemies that can steal gold/items (does this happen?)

There is one enemy Thieffighter in chapter 8 that can steal money,I think he's the only enemy that can in the entire game.

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This may be really insignificant. But when I was on the main menu I watched the demo real, and noticed there was a bunch of noticeable grey bits on the bottom around the text.

I took 3 screenshots one zoomed out, one zoomed in and one from an unaltered Japanese rom to show it wasn't there in the original.


Tilemolester REALLY hated those text graphics when I was trying to import them. I'll look into cleaning them up a bit.

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It looks really nice! i'll be giving this a go later.

Thanks for your hard work and dedication.

Edited by Jedi
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http://imgur.com/geojtrw think this looks like an error as well.


here's another text overflow, much more minor though.

thanks very much. passed these onto dds as well. sorry that the beta's off to a rocky start like this, people

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thanks very much. passed these onto dds as well. sorry that the beta's off to a rocky start like this, people

Hey don't worry about it, thats why you have a beta in the first place. So we can find little things you missed ^^

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i mean, i'd feel a little better about this if i'd only left text errors in like, really obscure conversations that you really have to bend over backwards to get. the mandatory events, not so much:P

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The chapter 1 convo misses a period

oh god, i know what happened there. i think it must've been an ellipsis, but when i typed that line, the word processor took the three periods i typed and turned them into that singular ellipsis character, which the text editor didn't support. sorry, we'll correct this one asap!

Edited by bookofholsety
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