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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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I doubt it. I got mine there too and it works fine. Did you make sure to use the right patch? Assuming you got the same ROM, you should use the patch for unheadered ROMs. Also make sure you aren't using zsnes. Also make sure you've downloaded a Japanese ROM, not a pre-patched English one.

Yeah I just realized I got the wrong one. Thx 4 ur help it works now

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I found a typo. During the Brave Axe conversation, the lake lady says "Such an honest" rather than what I assume should be "such an honest person". I'd screenshot it but higan seems to lack a screenshot button.

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http://i.imgur.com/sNx7fvi.png - missing a question mark in the conversation between Quan and Ayra in chapter 1. Edit: on beta 4.

I found a typo. During the Brave Axe conversation, the lake lady says "Such an honest" rather than what I assume should be "such an honest person". I'd screenshot it but higan seems to lack a screenshot button.

I'll take a picture of this when I get there, since I'm not too far. I'll upload if needed but I have a feeling that won't be necessary.

Edit 2: http://i.imgur.com/IH5PKEP.png - probably should be Yeah... Yeah, got it...

http://i.imgur.com/CBIqQ5E.png - the Brave Axe secret event there. I could see it being correct as-is, but I don't know.

Edited by Hozu
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Speaking of the Brave Axe, I didn't know Lex needed an Iron Axe in his inventory to get it, so I was confused why the the convo wasn't activating, and after looking it up, I immediately regretted having sold Lex's Iron Axe to Arden after buying the Steel Axe, but didn't want to redo the chapter, so Iended up having to spend 10 extra turns warping Arden and Lex to castles so that Lex could get the Iron Axe back and moving Lex all the way back to where the Brave Axe is. What should have been a 30 turn clear became a 41 turn clear. Hopefully I clear future chapters quick enough to make up for it, but if not, then I suppose i won't be the end of the world if I don't get AAAA rank.

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When I was playing through the game the first time, I was also modifying the stats of my units and NPCs. But it seems like there's a bug where the game crashes if you change the stats of units like Yves/Eva/Alva and play with animations off, since it tries to scan RAM to look for those units to perform calculations on. And since it can't find them, it gets stuck in a loop or jumps to a dead-end block of code. It happened to me on Chapter 2 when Chagall appears on the map.

I was also running into weird bugs where my lover match-ups were not saving properly, or a unit's death speech called out the wrong person. Though that may have been due to playing on a debugger build of Snes9X rather than the proper one.

I see. Well, I only edited the stats of my own units, not enemies/NPCs, so hopefully I shouldn't run into any issues like those.

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Is it true? Is Project Naga in a playable state? I AM SO GLAD TO STILL BE ALIVE

All the officially localized names (mostly from Awakening) are still used in this patch right?


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I think this is supposed to be "the kid of Sophara's lord", but I might have misunderstood it.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I think this is supposed to be "the kid of Sophara's lord", but I might have misunderstood it.

I think you misunderstood it. He's saying the lord of sophara's kid, as in the kid of the lord of sophara, not the the lord of the kid of sophara.

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i absolutely see the difficulty in parsing it the intended way, but now i'm laughing my ass off at how the difficulty would be like exactly the same if i just swapped 'em around. might rephrase later (but then i'm not so sure because hey, it's holyn. he's a blunt dude and this phrasing's about as blunt as you get)

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i absolutely see the difficulty in parsing it the intended way, but now i'm laughing my ass off at how the difficulty would be like exactly the same if i just swapped 'em around. might rephrase later (but then i'm not so sure because hey, it's holyn. he's a blunt dude and this phrasing's about as blunt as you get)

If it counts for anything I think it's fine as is. You may want to maybe capitalize lord though to hopefully get the meaning across clearer though.

Btw, when are you gonna start working on FE5? I assume that's next, right?

Edited by Matthewtheman
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The blonde, red-armored cavalier is still Noish, rather than Noisiu/Naoise/Noíse, his namesake. Are there any plans to change his name in the future?

Edit: The Crusader Odo should be Óðr, Odr, etc after the figure from Norse mythology

Based on his blog post about names, I'd say not likely. http://bookofholsety.dreamwidth.org/24839.html

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Based on his blog post about names, I'd say not likely. http://bookofholsety.dreamwidth.org/24839.html

The TL:DR for that is that he will NEVER except any name change suggestions, because a) he already gave a ton of thought to them, and B) He does not want to be constantly pestered (go look at any other translation thread on this forum, such as the thread for grnge's fe6 translation, to see how much of a problem this is). He then spends the rest of the post explaining his rationals for specific changes.

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The TL:DR for that is that he will NEVER except any name change suggestions, because a) he already gave a ton of thought to them, and B) He does not want to be constantly pestered (go look at any other translation thread on this forum, such as the thread for grnge's fe6 translation, to see how much of a problem this is). He then spends the rest of the post explaining his rationals for specific changes.

Basically, fuck name wanking. He thought it through and we should respect it.

Besides, it gives us gems like this :3


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The remainder of the description for the Silence staff is being displayed after the description for the Circlet. Also it looks like there's two periods at the end of "A holy tiara".

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The remainder of the description for the Silence staff is being displayed after the description for the Circlet. Also it looks like there's two periods at the end of "A holy tiara".

What looks like a period is actually a part of the letter a.

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Hi guys.

Sorry to be a bother, but I'm using an unheadered ROM and applying the unheadered version of the patch via LIPS. I keep getting a checksum error using SNES9x, and can't get past the title screen.

I've tried applying the headered version of the patch just to be sure, but when I do that the game will not boot so I assume the unheadered version is the one I need.

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I suggest trying to soft patch. If that doesn't work, you may just have the wrong version of FE4 somehow. I know there's a pre-patched ROM out there somewhere with an older translation on it, which will not work with this patch.

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I will definitely give that a try!

...How does one soft patch? I haven't done emulation finagling since like 2005

Edit: Got it! Looks like there was something strange about the version of the ROM I was using.

Edited by Knight Hodrick
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