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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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Does this mean that it's supposed to be guaranteed to always get +1 HP every level up? I hadn't looked too much into how stats are leveled up.

Yes, characters with 100% in a growth are guaranteed to get +1 in that stat regardless of rolls, and if they have over 100%, then they have a chance to get +2 in that stat. The Arena bug can bypass even that though which is kinda bad.

Isolating RNs used? Hmmm...

Edited by Mage Knight 404
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From what I think are the chances for stat ups, it seems to be looking at these values:

80, 40, 5, 30, 35, 35, 12, 50

These are Beowulf!Nanna's growth rates before adding on Holy Blood bonuses. With Holy Blood she has

100 70 5 30 35 35 12 50

Minor Hezul adds 20 HP and 30 Str

A 100% growth should always produce a +1 on levelup, and growths over 100% have the remaining digits (say, 110% turns into 10%) result in a chance to get a +2. Outside of the arena characters do not fail to proc 100% growths ever. Additionally, backing out of the fight mid battle then resuming allows the HP proc to occur, proving there's something funny going on, especially when a character is able to get other stats but not HP.

Edited by Irysa
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DDS, just use my previous save and have Nanna fight in the arena with an Iron Sword twice. She should get Luck and Defence on levelup against the Hero. If you start the fight against the Hero then press B immediately to back out then choose to continue she will get HP as she should along with the other two stats.

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Instead of trying to fix the arena's bugs, wouldn't it be more productive to adress it's fundamental problem: the arena is a horrible, unfun and completly superfluous part of the game.

the arena:

- involves no strategy, it's free experience and money so every unit has to do it

- takes way too much time, you spend half the time having fun conquering a country, half the time watching boring arena matches

- you can't shorten animations like on the map

- you fight the same enemies 10-20 times

This patch gives FE4 a translation able to make it popular in the west but old graphics aside people also regard it as too tedious. And that critisism is correct imo solely because of the arena.

If possible replace the arena fighting with a free level. Or ideally 1-3 levels, some money and the possibility to get wounded. I'm always amazed people can actually hack snes games given they are just a collection of workarounds to begin with. The civilian rescues provide a free level mechanic so maybe this is possible?

Edit: Just seen update 6 fixes the arena bug so this post has been adressed. Thanks for the great work.

Edited by Konrad the Red
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well, for some reason, DiMaggio and Gerrard dont heal damage at the start of a turn. The animation plays and their HP ticks up, but if you check them, they have the same HP as when they took damage.

I had the same glitch. When someone healed in a church, it displayed the animation, but didn't heal anything. Additionally, Ethlyn's healing showed the animation healing around ~20 HP, but when you checked them it only healed 8 HP. Again, I have no idea if this glitch goes past the prologue.

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The fixes meant for Sol were breaking things like this everywhere, so I took them back out of the patch. The current zip file should set everything back to normal.

Thanks a lot!

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Can you re-download the zip from the URL again and use it to try leveling Nanna up? I think it should be fixed now, and it should not break anything else if it doesn't work. I just added extra checks to see if the numbers are too big, and also saved the inherited bonus to an alternative address.

It works but now Nanna gets a +2 HP levelup which should be impossible (exiting the arena still gets the normal +1 HP levelup). I think you may have made it check both addresses for Holy Blood so now she has over 100% in HP when the bug occurs.

Edited by Irysa
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Confirmed, it gets the correct results for Nanna.

I'll try checking around on Beta 5 to see if I can find other dud level circumstances to then test in this new release.

EDIT: Confirmed working for Beowulf!Dermott, avoided a dud hp level in Beta 6 but not Beta 5.

Unfortunately my save file does not allow for the best kind of testing since a lot of my characters are level capped...

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The only characters who have over 100% in a stat growth that isn't HP are Lewyn!Ced, Lewyn!Arthur, Lewyn!Ulster (Speed), Holyn!Larcei and Holyn!Ulster (Skill). Julia has a 100% growth rate in Magic. On my end all those characters are capped (or I don't have them) so I can't test that sorry. I can confirm that a failure to proc skill could have happened to Ulster and Larcei in prior versions though, so it has that in common with HP.

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Minor epilogue report - Unpaired Lewyn!Ced's ending is worded incorrectly.


PS: Thank you again to all of you that worked on this patch, as I've just finished this game for the first time! I'm sorely tempted to play Thracia now, bad translation and all, gah.

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i might be making a mistake, but the part you're concerned about is "Ced devoted their life etc", right? if so, it has to be gender-neutral like that, since the same dialogue will play for lewyn's daughter if they inherit instead and the game just calls and inserts the name into that passage

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i might be making a mistake, but the part you're concerned about is "Ced devoted their life etc", right? if so, it has to be gender-neutral like that, since the same dialogue will play for lewyn's daughter if they inherit instead and the game just calls and inserts the name into that passage

Is it possible to change the script surrounding that name call to something like "and so, the rest of X's life was devoted to rebuilding the ruined land"? I think that comes off a lot better and maintains neutrality.

Also Holyn!Ulster is a dick, he didn't go with Claude!Tinni to Freege. I had no clue this game could actually have failed marriages.

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Also Holyn!Ulster is a dick, he didn't go with Claude!Tinni to Freege. I had no clue this game could actually have failed marriages.

Yeah I ended up pairing Ced and Tinni together and the same thing happened. :/
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