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Things You Got Away With Saying In Class

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so now that this semester has been over I feel like sharing something that happend in my PSY1010 class

we were going over evolutionary psychology, and we began to take a questionare which had a simple A or B answer and a why we picked A or B

so one of the questions was

"You have two children of the same gender, one 40 years old and one 20 years old, and they are both drowning. You can only save one, which one do you save and why?"

so I wrote down my answer, and my professor walks over to me and asks which child did I save and why,

I responded with

the 20 year old,

she asks me why,

my response

the other little fucker had an extra 20 years to learn to swim

so share with me things you got away with saying in class

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In italian a year ago I asked my professor if I could use swear words on the test bc it's one of those "here's a pic make up a story" tests

and the 2 people in the pic were clearly arguing

but I didn't know how to say yell

and my prof's like yeah sure

and so I wrote "mario dice, 'vaffanculo'"

and I got 100

Edited by Thor Odinson
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during a soccer unit in gym, I was goalie, kicked the ball away from the goal but somebody caught it early and kicked it in a way that I couldn't get without sliding and instead of doing that I chased after the ball exclaiming a loud "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT". The teacher just sorta like "wat".

(best part about that was that it was a no goal anyways)

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Last year, during a presentation I did about the mechanchs of evolving social systems, I straight up told the professor that to my eyes, he was a hairless ape that did nothing but eat shit all day.

In context, it was funny, but I don't think he got what I meant :P

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I have this tendency to answer questions and like half the time I am wrong, and then I go "oh" instead of arguing with the prof. One time I answered a question about a differential equation completely wrong, so he said "I hear they got openings in the local community college."

He was like 66 so i said (a little under my breath) "I hear they got openings down in florida"

though I guess I didn't get away with it cause he told me the class is easier the second or third time around

I was one of like 2 As in this class out of like 30 students so hah, anyway that professor would go on to write my letters of recommendation

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In italian a year ago I asked my professor if I could use swear words on the test bc it's one of those "here's a pic make up a story" tests

and the 2 people in the pic were clearly arguing

but I didn't know how to say yell

and my prof's like yeah sure

and so I wrote "mario dice, 'vaffanculo'"

and I got 100

did you have madeline turan?

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I had a psychology class where you could earn credit (full or partial) for questions you got "wrong" if you argued your point in front of the class and convinced the professor, or at least made a convincing argument. I got over 100% in that class.

I love that professor. I still talk with her occasionally.

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I had a psychology class where you could earn credit (full or partial) for questions you got "wrong" if you argued your point in front of the class and convinced the professor, or at least made a convincing argument. I got over 100% in that class.

I love that professor. I still talk with her occasionally.



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In italian a year ago I asked my professor if I could use swear words on the test bc it's one of those "here's a pic make up a story" tests

and the 2 people in the pic were clearly arguing

but I didn't know how to say yell

and my prof's like yeah sure

and so I wrote "mario dice, 'vaffanculo'"

and I got 100

didn't you say you learned like 95% of your italian from assassin's creed

anche doviamo parlare italiano

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Self-taught psychology as taught by a naïve realist 101

Not quite, she didn't give out points willy-nilly, I was just pretty good at it.

This was a very discussion heavy class, and she liked encouraging discussion. Most students were too shy or couldn't back up their arguments enough to get awarded points on missed questions. She was a very good teacher.

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in precalculus last year, we were doing a thing with parametrics and shotput

we all did shotput while the teacher recorded it from an ipad. in order to get the distance and angle, we had to scale the size traveled in reality to a ruler placed against an ipad. the scale was something like 3cm to a meter, and my teacher wrote it up on the board and announced the conversion to the class

the teacher kept saying, "3cm equals 1 meter!" (Or whatever the conversion was, it was somewhere in that area)

i yelled out, "that's what my girlfriend tells me all the time!"

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It didnt happen in class but I think it counts.

I'm currently preparing for my final highschool exams.

I had a french oral test where I had to speak French with an examiner for 20 minutes.

As conversation was moving I got asked about my gf.

I panicked and said she was a "fille de salope"

I'll let you google that.

The examiner (who was a woman) didn't drag out the conversation after that.

I blame our teacher for even teaching us swear words.

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At my high school third and fourth year German were together as the same class because there weren't that many people taking upper level German. As a result, a lot of shenanigans tended to go on in that class. We spent about 90% of the time finding ways to creatively insult each other in German.

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did you have madeline turan?

I did not, I had professor costa

really great guy

didn't you say you learned like 95% of your italian from assassin's creed

anche doviamo parlare italiano

I learned 95% of my SWEARING from Ass Creed, not the rest of italian

I sat down and actually learned grammar and the such lol

Edited by Thor Odinson
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40 year old and 20 year old children.


Have one at 18 and one at 38. A bit outside the average, but not uncommon if you have 10 or more kids.
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idk i always say dumb stuff and interrupt classes but im a genius so all my teachers still love me

my fave thing was when i gave a teacher a fake name and it worked for a few months until one of my classmates gave me up

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Have one at 18 and one at 38. A bit outside the average, but not uncommon if you have 10 or more kids.

I misread the question, I didn't realize it was saying they were YOUR children. So I simply thought it was describing a 40 year old as a child.

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That one time I got away with saying that the PE teacher was a bitch. I thing I only got away with it because she didn't hear it and everyone in class agreed with me.

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My profs are super chill about swearing as long as it's not totally uncalled for. I once accidentally let an f bomb drop in a professors office and looked mortified for two seconds when he burst into a deep chuckle and told me that it's pretty common to hear people swearing like sailors in industry. After starting my co-op job I've noted he's damn right.

...he also mentioned he could hear us swearing all the time in the mining lounge, conveniently located right above his office.

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