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If Nintendo turned one of the Fire Emblem Games into a Motion Picture...


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I would say SD because it is the remake of FE1 that was released everywhere and Marth is the first FE lord, I would rather have an anime movie because I feel that would fit the series better. As to studio I would have to say Ghibli is the best choice because I feel that even though they would have to adapt the game to fit a movie format they would stay true to the characters, which is what I care about the most. I can see to many things that could go wrong with a live action movie and other then Ghibli I don't put much faith in most directors to stay true to the characters ( I love the book Eragon but the movie is horrible and that is just one of the horrible movie adaptations I can think of).

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Not if he doesn't fight either the Black Knight or Zelgius.

But he did in both PoR and RD. And one of those instances was a full cutscene and in the middle of a huge battle. Those are some huge changes that would need to be made.

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But he did in both PoR and RD. And one of those instances was a full cutscene and in the middle of a huge battle. Those are some huge changes that would need to be made.

No, I meant if he fought him as both; he would need to to realize.

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Tellius is generally agreed to be the best story in the series, so of course this one should be a movie/anime series!

*Citation Needed

Tellius is generally agreed upon to have the most ambition at an epic story. I know a bunch of Tellius fans in this forum and I have never seen them in any form or fashion unanimously proclaim that Tellius has the best story of all the FE games.

I'm basically calling you out as you have a tendency to praise Tellius quickly and disregard it's faults just as quickly.

I personally love PoR and praise that it's simplicity is better in comparison to its sequel. However, Radiant Dawn kills the pace for an animated film. It will end up just like the flop of the movie adaptation of Avatar the Last Airbender. It will have to be like Lord of the Rings... and I doubt any FE film will fulfill something of that magnitude realistically.

There is not enough establishes lore.

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*Citation Needed

Tellius is generally agreed upon to have the most ambition at an epic story. I know a bunch of Tellius fans in this forum and I have never seen them in any form or fashion unanimously proclaim that Tellius has the best story of all the FE games.

I'm basically calling you out as you have a tendency to praise Tellius quickly and disregard it's faults just as quickly.


First of all, I see many FE fans say Tellius has the best story, more than any other (though Jugdral isn't far behind). And I never said unanimously agreed, I said GENERALLY agreed. There's a difference.

Second, I fully acknowledge that both games have faults. PoR's graphics are kind of bad for its time and its skill system is ass. RD has a shitty support system, shitty character availability and balance, and shitty difficulty curves. And the story wasn't as well done as in PoR (though I still think it was pretty good).

Edited by Anacybele
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How many fans have you seen say that to be able to say "generally"?

Because I'm sure it's not anywhere near a big enough sample size.

Hell, the thread about the story has a wide variety of responses just from the members here.

Your statement would be truthful if you said specifically, Part 2 of Radiant Dawn.

I can link threads dating back to release year if you would like.

It's one of the most highly acclaimed parts of Tellius.

I was talking about the story faults.

Radiant Dawn has been one of the most criticized stories in the series next to Conquest and Awakening.

When someone praises tellius, you are quick to appear In the thread and most likely responds to every post. When it's the opposite, you defend it to all hell, only admitting it's flaws when cornered.

Tl;dr your statement of it being generally agreed upon as the best story in the FE series isn't valid.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Uh, I know, I said he fought him as both. I don't know what you're trying to say now. o_O

Ranulf wouldn't realize the BK was Zelgius if he didn't fight both normal Zelgius and Zelgius as the BK. My goodness, am I tongue tied!

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How many fans have you seen say that to be able to say "generally"?

You really think I can give you an exact number?

As for the rest of your post, wow. You're taking this way too seriously. I just said that I realize RD didn't do story as well as its prequel. There are some parts of it that could've been done better. Part 4 felt a little flat compared to parts 2 and 3. And part 1 felt like it should've been its own game. But it's by no means bad, at least not nearly as bad as Awakening. I can't really say anything on Fates Conquest since I haven't played and don't plan to play it. I do see a lot of criticism for it tho.

Tl;dr your statement of it being generally agreed upon as the best story in the FE series isn't valid.

Just because you don't agree that RD's story is good? From what I'm reading, this is basically what you're saying. And sorry, but that's ridiculous.

EDIT: Blah, but he did. And you'd have to either take out an entire cutscene and battle to change that or go back to PoR and change part of the Port Toha chapter to have him only fight one Zelgius.

Edited by Anacybele
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Neither of those would be a major change, especially for Port Toha. Stories have been changed in film before for the better; the best example is probably A Clockwork Orange.

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FE10 would be an absolute pain to adapt into a single film. With all the different plots going on at the same time and how messy things get as you progress, I can't really see any execution of it working.

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I prefer an Anime series of Genealogy and Thracia; they're really good and epic. I don't like the idea of a motion picture, because I feel a lot of stuff would be dead cut for simplicity's sake.

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I think the best way to handle an FE movie would be to make an entirely new story and simultaneously make the game and the movie to be released somewhat near to each other (probably the game first). I feel like movies based off games and games based off movies have a much harder time, and so if they were made at the same time, it would be easier to ensure that nether is screwed over in the process. A Fire Emblem movie probably would work, but the formula for making a movie is much different than what the standard FE game is, as the games are full of side characters and filler chapters, which would have to be cut down on for a movie.

If they don't go with this, then I feel like a two-part Genealogy movie duo would be best due to their heavy focus on politics (so that it isn't just constant fighting for the film), as well as its overall solid story

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Just because you don't agree that RD's story is good? From what I'm reading, this is basically what you're saying. And sorry, but that's ridiculous.

No, what I'm saying is for you to acknowledge that you're speaking for more than just yourself when the reactions are a mixed bag.

When you say "generally agreed upon as the best story" you are saying that a good sample would agree with that despite the small sample size.

The thread discussing Tellius's story shows a mixed bag of responses. Therefore, your statement is not valid even in the context of this forum.

Again, I cited part 2 as being regarded as one of the best parts of RD... that is because I can back that up. A simple search for "Elincia's Gambit" here and over places turn up a few posts of praise (even when the topic isn't about the quality of the story) with a little digging.

You can't outside of "I've seen many fans say so!".

Where, besides the few I've seen in the Tellius story topic? Hell, most of them like Tellius, but never say it's the best.

Why am I focusing on this? Because you made a point of exaggerating a good point about your favorite part of the FE series despite the lack of support for it.

At best, you're exaggeration has no evidence either way. At worst, you're taking your statement simply from your own bias and interactions with people who also love Tellius.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Tellius wouldnt make a good film. Its too all over the place. That story can be adapted to screen, but it would have to be a series or mini series, and quite frankly, no studio is willing to put that kind of effort into a video game story. Thats why Akaneia is likely the best to adapt for a film. The story can be told in a linear fashion and in a shorter period of time. Another really basic story that can be told in a film format, is Sacred Stones. So if a film of FE was ever made, the story would have to be on that kind of level. (i actually think something like FE would work best as live action because of how cool battles would look. CG pegasi, magic, and manaketes would be ok. But imagine seeing the lands of an FE world in live action vs CG or anime! It would look like Game of Thrones meets Middle Earth)

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you're taking your statement simply from your own bias and interactions with people who also love Tellius.

Way to ignore most of my post. And I had a feeling the bias card would be thrown out. It always is, eventually, even though it has nothing to do with my argument. Tellius may be my favorite, but I am going by what I've seen a majority of fans say, nothing more. Now please stop badgering me.

Edited by Anacybele
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He said "at worst" before that part, not that it's necessarily the case.

It doesn't even matter that much, what he did is basically just correcting you that the most common opinion is that Tellius' story is "good" rather than "the best" and you don't need to insist that your experience is perfectly accurate to the truth.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I think the stories of Fire emblem are to long to adapt into two hour movies. Instead it would be better to pick a game and have the movie take place after the events of the game.

Though I do think Elincia's tale could work on its own as its so short and self contained. I heard somewhere that someone even made a play out of it.

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Archanea film outline:

Film opens with narration outlining the nation's of the continent. Gharnef is shown killing Marth's father. There is then a single condensed opening action scene of the 4 prologue sas Marth escapes from Altea. Marth and acted a spend a few scenes together to build chemistry between them. The pirate attack doesn't happen because it's just filler. Then Marth decides to liberate the continent. Cut to Medeus, receiving the news that Marth attacks. Expand on his motivations more; make him more nuanced and feuled by hate and a desire for revenge. Also, mention that a ritual involving Gharnef using the Fire Emblem to reclaim Medues's Dragonstone. This explains why Medeus even needed Grust and Macedonia, as well as why he doesn't just crush Marth to begin with. Marth and his army meet up with Hardin; there isn't a battle because that would waste time. They resolve to liberate Archanea. Cut to Camus and Nyna having a scene. Give Camus some characterization. The first big battle scene then happens with the liberation of the Imperial Capitol. Nyna gives Marth his sword as before.

Here's where things begin to diverge for condensing the story. Make Minerva the true heir to Macedonia, and her brother Michealis was passed over in the succession for Minerva by their father. This gives him motivation to be a Quisling for Medeus. Cut to Medues meeting with Michealis and Camus. Medeus tells Michealis he'd better stop Marth from liberating Altea, or else. Well, Michealis doesn't stop Marth from liberating Altea, dying in the process. Marth finds out about Elise, and has his whole I am a Prince before I am a brother moment. Camus is then fought, in a similar fashion, although his death is far more regrettable. After Camus dies, Gharnef tells Marth where he has Elise, and dares him to come get her. When Marth comes there, Gharnef uses the Fire Emblem, brought there by Marth, to get a Dragonstone for Medeus. Medeus comes to take his Dragonstone, but leaves Gharnef high and dry, because he hates humans so much. However, to fuck with Marth Gharnef murders Elise, leading to Marth killing Gharnef in cold blood. Caeda, though, comforts him. After Gharnef dies, cut to Medeus giving a speech to his Manakete soldiers about how the true power of the Manaketes has been awakened, and they will exterminate all humans. Marth also gives a rousing speech to his troops. The final battle happens, Marth wins. Most of the named cast is cut out, except for Caeda, Hardin, Nyna, Minerva, and Elise. All unseeded parts, then, are cut out. The story would have a far clearer theme about the responsibilities of royalty, which is a good message and a unique one in a world so dominated by individualism. So yeah, how is this pitch? Does it cut out enough?

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