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Patch 1.1.6 (Smash 4) Now Out!


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As long as they don't touch Villager, I'll be happy. Villager is pretty much perfect as he is. They already nerfed his recovery a ton, and he isn't that powerful in the grand scheme of things.

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how'd his recovery get nerfed?

Before, you could use his recovery consecutively and he could still fly up and off the screen. If you travel a long way up with his recovery and use it again now, he'll only go up a very tiny distance and then go into special fall. I've lost matches because of this lately. =/

Essentially, the nerf prevents you from spamming his recovery. I'm fine with that, but I just hope they'll leave him alone this time around.

Edited by Leif
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Before, you could use his recovery consecutively and he could still fly up and off the screen. If you travel a long way up with his recovery and use it again now, he'll only go up a very tiny distance and then go into special fall. I've lost matches because of this lately. =/

So the balloons kinda have a "ROB" sort of weakness after the initial one? Edited by shadowofchaos
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So the balloons kinda have a "ROB" sort of weakness after the initial one?

Yeah, that's it. That's pretty much what they did with the Villager nerf.

I think he's perfectly balanced now. He is meant to be a defensive, disruptive kind of fighter. He is amazing against large foes like Bowser and Ganon, but REALLY suffers against opponents like Rosalina, Mario, Dr. Mario, Fox, Falco, and Palutena who can reflect 60% of his attacks.

He doesn't need any changes. His forward grab has horrific lag too.

Yes. But its base distance is still really really really really far.

It's still easy to gimp a Villager trying to recover on the ledge. It's very slow compared to ZSS's plasma whip or Bayonetta's after burner kicks.


I just found out from the earlier posts that Bayonetta was the only character to get nerfed. I'm an idiot.

Edited by Leif
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I dunno I still think UpB should be a move that locks you to it. MegaMan/Sonic/Bayonetta having an UpB that they can act out of just seem lame to me in general. I get they're basically dependant on that being part of their moveset but it's just the principle, y'know? I was kind of hopign the patch would nerf her two UpBs

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thats literally the least of ddd's worries, he has hitboxes that just don't work (dtilt, usmash) no aerial mobility (why did it get nerfed last patch) and no kill options that aren't ridiculously slow.

Regardless I'm guessing this is probably the last patch. They probably only touched bayonetta since she came out so recently.

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thats literally the least of ddd's worries, he has hitboxes that just don't work (dtilt, usmash) no aerial mobility (why did it get nerfed last patch) and no kill options that aren't ridiculously slow.

Regardless I'm guessing this is probably the last patch. They probably only touched bayonetta since she came out so recently.

Clearly you haven't been working on D3's Suck n' Cuck, horseface

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That only works in FG... more competitive players don't fall for those shenanigans...

Your best hope is to follow Big D and his Dedede, because he actually did fairly alright at Genesis 3 with Dedede, but it might be the best the King can ever manage.

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He used a lot of Falcon to get his G3 placing iirc

I don't seem to recall the listings showing him using Falcon, just Dedede and Bowser?

But maybe those were false.

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Esam has done a small vid

Bayonetta change list so far



Hitbox Size: 3.5 -> 2.8

FAF: 26F -> 27F
First Hit Damage: 3.8 -> 3
Second Hit Damage: 2.8% -> 2.2%
Third Hit:
KBG: 82 -> 68
Autocancel Frame: 32F> -> 33F>
FAF: 36 -> 37
Dair Landing Hit KBG: 140 -> 135
After Burner Kick:
Upwards Kick:
All Hitboxes SDI Multiplier: 1 -> 2
Early Hit KBG: 40 -> 50
Normal Hit KBG: 30 -> 38
Late Hit KBG: 100 -> 112
Damage: 8% -> 6.5%
Angle: 80° -> 60°
Hitbox Size: 6.5 -> 4.5
SDI Multiplier: 1 -> 2
Witch Twist:
All Hitboxes SDI Multiplier: 1 -> 2
Early Middle Hit:
Upper Hitbox:
KBG: 100 -> 97
WKB: 160 -> 140
Hitbox Y Position: 24 -> 21
Both Hitbox Sizes: 8 -> 7
Middle Middle Hit:
Upper Hitbox Y Position: 24 -> 21
Both Hitbox Sizes: 8 -> 7
Late Middle Hit:
Upper Hitbox Y Position: 24 -> 21
Lower Hitbox WKB: 160 -> 135
Both Hitbox Sizes: 8 -> 7
Last Hit (First Use):
KBG: 105 -> 80
BKB: 50 -> 55
Hitbox Size: 9 -> 8.5
Hitbox Y Position: 20 -> 19
Last Hit (Second Use):
KBG: 30 -> 50
Hitbox Size: 9 -> 8.5
Hitbox Y Position: 20 -> 19

Edited by Jedi
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tbh I wouldn't. I'm too selfish; fighting Bayonetta fucking sucks sucked I'll-reserve-judgement.

I'm not sure I'd trade the Bayo nerfs for anything short of significant global buffs, or a buff to like Link's air acceleration / speed.

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People were acting like it was the end for Diddy after two consecutive nerfs; look at where he's at now.

Then again, they actually buffed him in some regards; with Bayonetta it seems to be all take and no give.

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People were acting like it was the end for Diddy after two consecutive nerfs; look at where he's at now.

Then again, they actually buffed him in some regards; with Bayonetta it seems to be all take and no give.

From what I've heard she's now like unable to do stuff she was able to even do in her trailer. Her trailer is now an outright lie.

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From what I've heard she's now like unable to do stuff she was able to even do in her trailer. Her trailer is now an outright lie.


Honestly, I wish they'd released her in a state in-between what they released her in and where she is now. She'd still be decent, but not a crazy "make on wrong move and you die" type of character; subsequently, fewer people would be calling for a nerf, and this patch likely wouldn't have happened.

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