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Chat Quotes Thread

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If not I just made it, post your favorite chat quotes from any chat. Context, lack of context, anything to make it funny. Here's some savagery from Refa today:

[10:48:22 PM] Raven: how does lucina's sword not break

[10:48:30 PM] Jedi: it was REFORGED

[10:48:41 PM] Raven: no like that hole in the middle isn't good for structural integrity

[10:48:42 PM] Refakitty³: it's a metaphor for fe13's plot

(Be sure to keep people's privacy when applicable!)

Edited by Lord Raven
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[5/17/2016 3:05:07 AM] Nightmare: also goemon 2 has intense platforming

[5/17/2016 3:05:11 AM] Nightmare: I died

[5/17/2016 3:17:01 AM] Jedi: don't die again

[5/17/2016 3:17:06 AM] Jedi: the fate of the world hangs in the balance

[5/17/2016 3:17:08 AM] Jedi: jk

[5/17/2016 3:17:43 AM] Nightmare: lol

[5/17/2016 3:17:47 AM] Nightmare: IT PROBABLY DOES

[5/17/2016 3:18:43 AM] Refakitty³: good thing you said jk or nightmare would have died on purpose

[5/17/2016 3:18:56 AM] Jedi: true

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[3:34:39 AM] Jedi: I always viewed forts as having food and supplies

[3:34:47 AM] Jedi: thats why you get some healing per turn

[3:34:49 AM] Refa: i always viewed them as having free samples

[3:34:57 AM] Refa: that's why the healing blows

[11:58:57 PM] IceSage: Ah, Nightmare i know how you feel

goddamn cockroaches

[11:59:10 PM] Nightmare: God damn cockroaches ;_;

[12:00:02 AM] Refa: they don't even need the roach part of their name the first half describes it perfectly

[12:00:22 AM] IceSage: lol

[12:00:27 AM] Nightmare: Hahahaha

[12:00:31 AM] Nightmare: 10/10 Refa

[12:00:35 AM] IceSage: amazing

[12:00:36 AM] Jedi: lol

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On 1/21/16, at 11:27 PM, PKLucas531 wrote:

> she's lying, every girl accidentally fucks chrom

On 1/21/16, at 11:28 PM, ☆Mei☆ wrote:

> i saw chrom and got excited

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[4/3/2016 9:16:45 AM] PKLucas531: excited to see cloud get handled
[4/3/2016 9:16:58 AM] PKLucas531: honey bee inn in general
[4/3/2016 9:17:09 AM] Jedi: I have a feeling that'll get cut lol
[4/3/2016 9:17:20 AM] Refakitty³: NO
[4/3/2016 9:17:28 AM] Refakitty³: Then it's a 0/10 remake.
[4/3/2016 9:17:54 AM] PKLucas531: we need the different dates too
[4/3/2016 9:18:55 AM] Jedi: add more imo
[4/3/2016 9:18:58 AM] Jedi: for lols
[4/3/2016 9:19:23 AM] Jedi: also submarine
[4/3/2016 9:19:31 AM] Jedi: I wonder how that'll handle
[4/3/2016 9:20:56 AM] Refakitty³: maybe they'll give yuffie and vincent lines
[4/3/2016 9:21:27 AM] Jedi: they'll probably make them manditory
[4/3/2016 9:21:38 AM] Jedi: Vincent is actually kinda key in knowing Shinra stuff
[4/3/2016 9:21:53 AM] Jedi: and they'll make the Wu-Tai stuff somehow relevant
[4/3/2016 9:22:09 AM] PKLucas531: dlc character vincent
[4/3/2016 9:29:08 AM] Horace: "this coffin keeps asking for my credit card number"
[4/3/2016 9:29:49 AM] PKLucas531: the four notes are like
[4/3/2016 9:30:09 AM] PKLucas531: "check out



[4/3/2016 9:30:15 AM] Jedi: lmao

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Oh heres an old one.

[5:37:53 PM] Jedi: Hey Esme are you still here?

[5:44:47 PM] Jedi: I will take that as a no
[5:45:49 PM] SB: and that's why jedi failed in his career as a door to door salesman

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From ages ago but

[8:40:19 PM | Edited 8:41:48 PM]PoDD - Evil; do not tough

[8:40:56 PM] Anabelle Yasaka: Do not tough

[8:41:12 PM] Sajed: lol

[8:41:20 PM | Edited 8:41:28 PM] Sajed Haque: I'm gonna keep that there because of how hilarious it is

[8:42:08 PM] Anabelle Yasaka: It's great

[8:42:13 PM] Vincent ZM: do not tough XD

[8:42:24 PM] Anabelle Yasaka: Do not tough

[8:42:31 PM] Anabelle Yasaka: Brb quotes thread

Cropped initial message because of how big it was

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hella old one

[7/23/14 6:13:50 PM] Refascism³: hey elieson
[7/23/14 6:13:55 PM] Refascism³: has [your daughter] ever been to disneyland
[7/23/14 6:14:00 PM] Refascism³: alsodouwant2havesex
[7/23/14 6:14:03 PM] Elieson: several times actually

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holy crap that happened

Tinker Blitz: Can confirm neither of those 2 was Refa's fault

Ruben G: it's always refa's fault
Tinker Blitz: But, but, but, one of them was mine and the other was Izhuark's
Lil Bean : no it's always refas fault
Hannah Marie: Always blame Refa
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[8:32:44 PM] SRC: I think David and this African dude ar elike the best part of the movie

[8:32:53 PM] SRC: they should have a tv movie where like

[8:33:12 PM] SRC: increasingly unlucky shit keeps happening and African guy is just like "god is good"

[8:34:07 PM] SRC: this scene cements their potential as a cop comedy duo

re: the movie God's not dead

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i feel like a pretty big portion of this thread is going to be refa tbh

that said

[2:37:55 PM] x: Refa since you're a dying man why are you wasting your time on us
[2:38:03 PM] Onion: it's not a waste of time
[2:38:07 PM] Onion: =)
[2:38:24 PM] K:im: refa what did mankind do to deserve you
[2:38:36 PM] Onion: ww2


[5:14:35 PM] Damian: euklyd is twice the math and that much exposure to math is dangerous
is an old favourite

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refa is amazing

[8:00:30 PM] P:acifirefa the Cutiepie: gr50 is just gr8 + gr42 which makes gr8 feel meaningless because it's not full of meaning like gr42 is so gr8 probably went and fucked off so it's really just gr42 if you think about it

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how is that possible i quote refa every other line

unfortunately i recently cleaned out my quote wall so now i barely have anything =(

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was he stoned

i don't think so

someone said they were gr50 and i was like 'woah' and refa was like 'gr50 is just gr8 + gr42 which makes gr8 feel meaningless because it's not full of meaning like gr42 is so gr8 probably went and fucked off so it's really just gr42 if you think about it'

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i like reading these

i would post but I only have inside jokes that probably arent funny to anyone else :(

hang out with funnier people then

like refa, apparently

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