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Hilarious/Surprising moments when you visited a Castle/[played online matches

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You find some interesting stuff when you a visit a castle or go to play online. Post your experiences,vids, and pics here.

Two funny castle visits:

-There was one castle I visited where all the units were female and had the witch class.

-One dude's castle that I visited had 5 OMEGA YATOS on his avatar.

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There is a castle with all the resources and Forrest as a witch... And there is another one, with all resources and all the royals as buttlers and maids

Edited by SniperGYS
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There was a guy with 10 corrins. Each of them had brown hair and the same facial marking, and they all had 4 skills - one of which was completely replacing their personal skill. They had all gold statues, too...

The weirdest thing is, after visiting them once, he started spamming me with accessories xwx;

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There was a guy with 10 corrins. Each of them had brown hair and the same facial marking, and they all had 4 skills - one of which was completely replacing their personal skill. They had all gold statues, too...

The weirdest thing is, after visiting them once, he started spamming me with accessories xwx;

Those are called bond units. They're Corrins made after a bond is formed made by sharing accessories. Everyone can do it.

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Those are called bond units. They're Corrins made after a bond is formed made by sharing accessories. Everyone can do it.

I'm pretty sure some of the abilities were also personal abilities of other characters - I saw one with Mozu's forager ability, for example. If you want to search it, the map's name is Ft. Klugman and their character is Hellion.

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I'm pretty sure some of the abilities were also personal abilities of other characters - I saw one with Mozu's forager ability, for example. If you want to search it, the map's name is Ft. Klugman and their character is Hellion.

Yeah, Bond units can get those. For example, one can have Saizo's personal ability.

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I'm pretty sure some of the abilities were also personal abilities of other characters - I saw one with Mozu's forager ability, for example. If you want to search it, the map's name is Ft. Klugman and their character is Hellion.

Have a look here; it's not farfetched to see what appear to be different Corrins with different personal skills like Icy Blood, Lancebreaker, Healing Descant, etc.

Still have yet to score a bond unit with Fiery Blood personal skill.

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Have a look here; it's not farfetched to see what appear to be different Corrins with different personal skills like Icy Blood, Lancebreaker, Healing Descant, etc.

Still have yet to score a bond unit with Fiery Blood personal skill.

I just double checked - I don't have one with Fiery Blood but I do have Shigure's personal on one.

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I suppose one of the main things that differentiates his bond units from other ones... is their names. They were all very customized, and I'm not sure if you can do that with bond units. The personal skills were not always in the personal skill slots, also.

I dunno, I suspect hacking, but maybe I'm just out of the loop on bond units ;w;

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People with castle names like "TrumpFor2016" or "Dank Memes" and shit. Protip: If your castle name is hilarious and it shows up on my Recommended list, its getting visited.

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I suppose one of the main things that differentiates his bond units from other ones... is their names. They were all very customized, and I'm not sure if you can do that with bond units. The personal skills were not always in the personal skill slots, also.

I dunno, I suspect hacking, but maybe I'm just out of the loop on bond units ;w;

You can change their names. When they're born they ask "would you like to rename the bond units?"

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I suppose one of the main things that differentiates his bond units from other ones... is their names. They were all very customized, and I'm not sure if you can do that with bond units. The personal skills were not always in the personal skill slots, also.

I dunno, I suspect hacking, but maybe I'm just out of the loop on bond units ;w;

All bond units have set names based on what personal skill the bond unit has (personal skill is dependent on which route the parent avatars were playing on when the bond unit was made), but you can rename the bond unit when you first get him/her.

I remember somebody pulling an Entrap troll in their castle team.

It would be hilarious to see a maxed-out Azama set up with only staves (Hexing Rod, Freeze, Enfeeble, etc.) and having the skillset of:

PS: Divine Retribution





-HP +5, Good Fortune, Bowbreaker, or Shurikenbreaker

and have him parked on the throne with his tactics set to "Hold"

Edited by Roflolxp54
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All bond units have set names based on what personal skill the bond unit has (personal skill is dependent on which route the parent avatars were playing on when the bond unit was made), but you can rename the bond unit when you first get him/her.

I remember somebody pulling an Entrap troll in their castle team.

It would be hilarious to see a maxed-out Azama set up with only staves (Hexing Rod, Freeze, Enfeeble, etc.) and having the skillset of:

PS: Divine Retribution





-HP +5, Good Fortune, Bowbreaker, or Shurikenbreaker

and have him parked on the throne with his tactics set to "Hold"

Don't forget to position allies around him so that the victim will be swarmed and trapped on all sides (i.e. Golems Puppets and Lilith assuming Rev Castle)

Edited by Dragrath
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You find some interesting stuff when you a visit a castle or go to play online. Post your experiences,vids, and pics here.

Two funny castle visits:

-There was one castle I visited where all the units were female and had the witch class.

-One dude's castle that I visited had 5 OMEGA YATOS on his avatar.

Was that first one "Witch Skills"?

There is a castle with all the resources and Forrest as a witch... And there is another one, with all resources and all the royals as buttlers and maids

I remember seeing that one too.

wifi battle with someone with 4 omega yatos


Anyways, I once went to a castle with a Power rating of over 3000, a Grandmaster Flora, and other crap that made it obvious he was hacking. (That said, having a power rating over 3000 alone pretty much means they aren't going for subtlety.)

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I faced an opponent, online, who had a Renia with 87 base attack plus enemy-only skills, and THREE bond unit songstresses in addition to Azura. I was annihilated to put it simply. It was weird because the bond unit songstresses had the "hooded man" overworld sprites.

He went straight to my blacklist, that's for sure.

I could have beaten him if I had the first turn since multiplayer boils down to "whoever strikes first gets the win."

Edited by Leif
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Can you post the address as soon as it's done? I need lobster heaven.

Anyway, I love that castle with the royals as butlers/maids. It's a good grinding spot too.

This isn't about one castle in particular, but last night I brought Sophie with me to a castle battle to grind her axe rank, and she ended up stripping everyone. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pics. But it was a grand time.

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^Lobster Madness!

Can you post the address as soon as it's done? I need lobster heaven.

Anyway, I love that castle with the royals as butlers/maids. It's a good grinding spot too.

This isn't about one castle in particular, but last night I brought Sophie with me to a castle battle to grind her axe rank, and she ended up stripping everyone. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pics. But it was a grand time.


it's up

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Bless you man.

Also I recently visited a castle where the dude had a Male MU and Berserkermilia along with other variations for Camilia. I wanna do this now, but with Charlotte.

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