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Maybe I'm misremembering, but wasn't their purpose before Sonia married Brandon killing corrupt nobles?

It's been a while since I last played FE7, but I think remember the game making a point of the fact you're fighting them because of Sonia's influence on them.

Every Four Fangs member, apart from Linus, Lloyd, and Brendan, those being Ursula, Jerme, Kenneth, Pascal, and Jaffar, were all not good people. Linus and Lloyd are not Camuses because they don't know their on the wrong side until Sonia puts them on ice, literally.

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Lyoid and Linus

I think Mustafa and Xander are the only good Camuses. Maybe Nohrrin if he counts, because they have actual justification for why they stay with their army that's actually understandable.

No. Just no.

Mustafa has no loyalty outside of "If I disobey Gangrel, heads will roll". It's nothing resembling genuine loyalty; it's suppression via fear.

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Also, there seems to me to be something self righteous about a group of assassins deciding who is worthy of life and who isn't. Maybe it's just me, but I can't imagine that the Black Fang have a detailed trial process to see if a target is really corrupt. Then there's the fact that they're still murderers, and in cold blood at that, and it takes a certain kind of person to kill someone in cold blood, no matter how much the target may deserve it.

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Alright, I simply misremembered then. Thank you./me returns to corner.

Just to clarify what he said you remembered right the black fang's old purpose. Just all the people brought in by Nergal are evil... Everyone else was not, Uhai, Lloyd, Linus, Legault, Brendan, Jan... I'm pretty sure that Ursula was original member of the Black Fang as well...

Edited by Locke087
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Once again, they're all professional killers who are making moral judgements on who it's okay to kill. They're evil.

this game is set darker medieval times, such idealism is not exactly beneficial (desperate times call for desperate measures). As Bern was corrupt to the core, therefore vigilante justice was required, if such wasn't the case why would they formed such a group in the first place. The kind of corrupt men the black fang would've been after would have many horrible acts already under their belt. If a group stood in the position with the ability to kill Hitler should they not do it? Of course they were not completely the good guys they live more in a grey area, as they are not exactly villains either, which is what makes them interesting villains. The idea behind the group was well-intentioned at first but it could easily become corrupt. As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Edited by Locke087
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We need more Duessel and less Camus.

I understand that your point to say Duessel is for the quote you just did. But wouldn't technically be more correct to say that we need more Lorenz and less Camus?

And I guess this isn't popular, but I actually like Camus. He is probably one of my favorite characters in the series. I don't even know why exactly myself. I want to say it's because of his actions in FE3/12. Although he is one of the few Camus archetypes that I actually like

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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this game is set darker medieval times, such idealism is not exactly beneficial (desperate times call for desperate measures). As Bern was corrupt to the core, therefore vigilante justice was required, if such wasn't the case why would they formed such a group in the first place. The kind of corrupt men the black fang would've been after would have many horrible acts already under their belt. If a group stood in the position with the ability to kill Hitler should they not do it? Of course they were not completely the good guys they live more in a grey area, as they are not exactly villains either, which is what makes them interesting villains. The idea behind the group was well-intentioned at first but it could easily become corrupt. As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I have to say, the "it's the Middle Ages!" excuse never really worked for me because despite that setting being present women have full equality, for example. Regardless, you aren't going to change a system by killing a few people. If anything you solidify it. And again, the idea that you get to decide who lives and who dies is evil. To use the Hitler example, if someone assassinated only Hitler someone else would have just taken over. What would have been needed was a coup (tried, but without success). Similarly, in Bern the root of the problem was King Desmond. Assasinate him after collaborating with people like Murdock and Zephiel, and that's fine. But if you are so prone to corruption, maybe you weren't good to begin with.

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Since I've completed Conquest I can add a bit stuff. (Idk if these opinions are unpopular.)

  • Axe is my most favorite and used physical weapon.
  • Speed penalty for range weapons was a good idea to replace the weapon weight.
  • Endgame map wasn't well designed. No big fan of straightforward designed final maps.
  • Conquest was the hardest FE game on the lowest difficulty for me. I had more deaths in FE5 but it wasn't because of the difficulty but rather because of the RNG.
  • Beruka > FE10 Haar against sword, axe and lance users
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  • Speed penalty for range weapons was a good idea to replace the weapon weight.

I wouldn't mind the penalty returning, but not being able to double at all was overkill.

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I thought FE6's story was a bit boring and generic.

Doesn't most everyone who's played it think that, though? I've never heard a single person praise FE6's story.

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Conquest's lategame maps are horrible.

This isn't really unpopular. Even among the people who generally praise Conquest's map design, most don't care for the difficulty spike of late game.

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This isn't really unpopular. Even among the people who generally praise Conquest's map design, most don't care for the difficulty spike of late game.

Well, I dislike Ch. 21, but after that it's easy to get used to. I also hate the endgame, but that's a problem not unique to Conquest. You know what I'm talking about.

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Doesn't most everyone who's played it think that, though? I've never heard a single person praise FE6's story.

As someone whose favorite FE is 6, about the only things I really liked were the backstory regarding Idoun and Yahn and Zephiel. The plot was otherwise really boring imo. Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Comrades is better than Together We Ride, Sacred Stones is the best handheld FE game, and the Tellius games had a far worse case of the "anime problem" people whine about than 3DSFE ever has.

What would that be? The blood pact? Micaiah being a Sue? Cat girls?

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