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Probably said it before, but just to make sure, I'd love to see FE3/FE5 dismount back in a future game. Along with indoor maps with their penalties on dismounted units

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here's one:

Levin!Arthur > Levin!Sety

Why you may ask?

Arthur Availability + Horse = More Holsety + Kill Stuff faster = Pimptastic

What does Sety Have?

Overkill Speed, and staves

Also I want to see Dismounting and Fatigue, horse units in Fire Emblem are just too powerful. And Fatigue prevents Low-Manning, which you can do in pretty much every FE game and makes the game a cake-walk.

Edited by Valkarian
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here's one:

Levin!Arthur > Levin!Sety

Why you may ask?

Arthur Availability + Horse = More Holsety + Kill Stuff faster = Pimptastic

What does Sety Have?

Overkill Speed, and staves

Last I checked this isn't unpopular.
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Last I checked this isn't unpopular.

In Efficent Playing definitely isn't unpopular (in fact, is the popular choice). In other context... while doesn't exactly the favorite choice, it's considered a good choice too.

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I hear a lot of people hating on Shadow dragon's artstyle but I actually kind of like it. The battle animations do look bad, at times I even find them to look a bit like clay figures but I find the maps to look pretty cool actually. Mountains, water and some interiors like Altea castle look really good.

People also hate on Chris a lot and I agree with every one of those reasons. I'm just not bothered by any of them. In theory a character that gets its highlights by stealing those of others is a very bad thing but I always found Chris very easy to ignore. I just pretend he's not there.

Tvtropes described Siegbert as a bit of a Chrom expy and I've heard similar sentiments on here a couple of times. Therefore I'm going to assume its generally accepted or at least not considered very off.

And I don't see it. Not only do I not see it but I find Chrom to be one of the lords least like Siegbert. They aren't even the same breed of lord.

The Fe lords can roughly be sorted into two types: The thoughtful, diplomatic and somewhat insecure young man like Marth, Selice and Eliwood, and the more tougher, ruder, fight first rule later kind of guy like Hector, Ike and to some extend Ephraim. Siegbert very easily lands in the first category and Chrom in the second one.

Design wise they are nothing alike and there temperament aren't alike either. Chrom has no obvious issues with taking on his responsibilities as prince while Siegbert is defined by how he struggles in that regards.

The similarity that is usually used to explain the comparison is that they both look up a great deal to their predecessor who raised them but every lord has that trait to some extend and Chrom doesn't really stand out in the way he does it. He just has a lot of respect for his very popular and later martyred big sister. That's a very normal attitude and not akin to Siegberts putting his father on such a pedestal that its unhealthy for his views on himself.

If anything Siegbert is probably more akin to Eliwood since they fall into the same FE lord category and Siegberts friendship with Shiro has the potential to mirror the one Eliwood has with Hector.

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I have a few more I guess I could admit.

-The new weapon triangle is pretty bad and really hurts the outlaw line due to bows having a disadvantage to tomes, which is pretty bad given that the line has high resistance and most magic attacks come from tomes. It also hurts mages' ability to take out enemy armors. (Although this opinion is probably very popular, but I wanted to express this opinion anyway).

-I find the Hoshidan magic quite dull (most of it is just some spirit animal ramming itself into the enemy). In fact, many of the magic animations in the 3DS games are a bit dull to me. I guess they flow better with the pace of the games, but I really liked the fanciful animations for magic in Radiant Dawn (the higher level dark magic attacks looked pretty cool in my opinion).

-I find ninja and hidden weapons in general incredibly annoying (the debuffs take too long to wear off).

-I prefer that all character stat caps be the same within a given class (i.e., no stat cap modifiers). In fact, stat caps for advanced classes should not exceed 30 (with third tier stat caps not exceeding 40, but the game needs to be long enough to justify having a third tier).

-I like having some classes be locked to one sex; it just gives the classes more of a character of their own and makes them seem less like just suits the characters wear. It also gives another reason to use characters of different sexes.

-While I like the concept of reclassing, I feel that the games that feature it do it fairly poorly. I think that the reclass sets should relate thematically to a character's base class, much like the promotion options for the trainees in Sacred Stones, and they should also work with a given character's growth rates (Kagerou's reclass option of diviner is pretty dumb considering her 0% base magic growth). I also like doing it without seals.

-I miss the concealing robes of the dark mage classes (Druids looked pretty mysterious and menacing in their robes) and the practical clothing of fighters (I like their Radiant Dawn designs the best). I also miss pirates with their ability to walk on water.

-I am pretty indifferent to Corn being able to marry the royal siblings (Although I am not big on the children mechanic and think marriage should be left for a few couples with actual chemistry with each other like most entries in the series).

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Eh, some more I most likely mentioned before hand, but I'm bored so why not.

-With the exception of Kris, I like all of the present avatar characters

-FE3 has aged better than FE4, and FE3 is a better way to play Marth's games than SD or NM

-Dismount needs to come back

-Roy is not a bad unit, not great, but not by any means bad

-I don't mind the children returning in Fates, and I prefer Deeprealms to timetravel as an explanation for them. That said, kids don't need to be in the next game

-FE3's support system is better from a gameplay standpoint than any other support system. 3ds supports handles character development best

-Phoenix Mode is not a bad addition imo, even if I will never use it

-I don't find any of the Hoshidan siblings memorable whatsoever, and Hoshido is my least favorite country in the series. Vice versa, Nohr is tied with Sacae for my favorite FE country and I love all of the Nohrian royals

-While Camilla from a design standpoint is obviously pure fanservice, she is actually one the better characters in Fates from a character standpoint. It's just a damn shame you have to go so far out of the way in support hunting to see it

-Takumi is not a good character

-I prefer Fates weapon system to weapon durability

-The all 20 stat caps should come back, along with dismount and FE3 dragonstones

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-The new weapon triangle is pretty bad and really hurts the outlaw line due to bows having a disadvantage to tomes, which is pretty bad given that the line has high resistance and most magic attacks come from tomes. It also hurts mages' ability to take out enemy armors. (Although this opinion is probably very popular, but I wanted to express this opinion anyway).

-I find the Hoshidan magic quite dull (most of it is just some spirit animal ramming itself into the enemy).

-I find ninja and hidden weapons in general incredibly annoying (the debuffs take too long to wear off).

I'm not sure if these are unpopular opinions at all considering I kind of agree with them. While Niles is still a decent mage killer despite the weapon triangle disadvantage, I'm not too fond of the Fates triangle either. It just clumps all the tomes together and the fact that anima magic/scrolls is/are the only type/s of magic in the game makes me all the more saltier. I want the GBA magic triangle back, the standard physical weapon triangle back, and every other weapon type be not included because they just don't fit in. That system would be absolutely perfect for me. I hope IntSys takes notes.

I'm indifferent on shurikens myself. I do think the stat debuffing is annoying as hell, but I also like playing as Ninjas. I can't say I'm too fond of Fates' fixed weapon durability system, either, because of the weaknesses so many weapons provide, so maybe if they bring weapon durability back, shurikens will no longer stat debuff or just be gone altogether.

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I'm going to say my feelings. I expect that you people do not judge me.

-I also agree that Hoshidan scroll animations are a bit dull. I liked the animations in PoR/RD and even the GBA games more.

-I don't feel that Takumi/Oboro is that great of a pairing. I like Hinata/Oboro better (despite the S-rank, which I didn't think was that bad).

-I don't like the Spear Fighters in FE14. I don't have anything against Eastern cultures but I much prefer the Western infantry designs from FE9/10.

-I don't feel Ryoma is all that and a bag of chips. I will admit he is OP, but I don't trust him to solo the game due to how RNG has been implemented.

-I think Sumeragi pulls off Lobster Lord better than his son.

-I miss the character and unit designs from FE6, FE7, FE8, FE9 and FE10.

-I don't have a problem with loli/shota characters like Hayato, Nowi, Nyx or Ricken. I also don't have a problem romancing them.

-I want the supports available to characters to be somewhat limited. STOP trying to make everyone support each other.

-I don't necessarily mind the "dating sim" aspect of the support system; I just wish the supports would be a bit more subtle and vague, like Kent x Fiora in FE7.

-I don't mind the Avatar system. I actually want it to come back in the next game. I just want the Avatar to be a more supporting character.

-I don't have a problem with revealing designs. I just prefer that the designs match the specific characters' personality.

-I love the Dark Mage/Sorcerer designs. I also like Camilla's.

-I don't think My Castle was a bad idea but I think it was implemented bad in the story because it's existence was acknowledged, like, once.

-I want a FE where the main character is conqueror and the game is similar to Samurai/Dynasty Warriors: Empires.

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My hatred of Sanaki seems to be unique to me.

-The all 20 stat caps should come back,

I'd like to see caps of 20 for all unpromoted units return, along with uniform caps for HP and Luck.

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-I find ninja and hidden weapons in general incredibly annoying (the debuffs take too long to wear off).

-I miss the concealing robes of the dark mage classes (Druids looked pretty mysterious and menacing in their robes)

-I am pretty indifferent to Corn being able to marry the royal siblings (Although I am not big on the children mechanic and think marriage should be left for a few couples with actual chemistry with each other like most entries in the series).

I agree with these.

-With the exception of Kris, I like all of the present avatar characters

-Roy is not a bad unit, not great, but not by any means bad

-I don't mind the children returning in Fates

-3ds supports handles character development best

-Phoenix Mode is not a bad addition imo, even if I will never use it

-While Camilla from a design standpoint is obviously pure fanservice, she is actually one the better characters in Fates from a character standpoint. It's just a damn shame you have to go so far out of the way in support hunting to see it

-Takumi is not a good character

These, too.

Awakening's story is fine and not ridiculously simplistic compared to other FEs as people like to make it out to be.

And this one.

I'm going to say my feelings. I expect that you people do not judge me.

-I don't like the Spear Fighters in FE14. I don't have anything against Eastern cultures but I much prefer the Western infantry designs from FE9/10.

-I don't feel Ryoma is all that and a bag of chips.

-I think Sumeragi pulls off Lobster Lord better than his son.

-I don't have a problem with loli/shota characters like Hayato, Nowi, Nyx or Ricken. I also don't have a problem romancing them.

-I don't mind the Avatar system. I actually want it to come back in the next game.

And these, too.

(No one's going to judge you. They are your opinions and no one should attack you for them.

Now, onto mine, since my grave isn't deep enough yet:

- Conquest's harder difficulties are only hard because of BS skill combinations you can do nothing against. BS RNG working against you all the time also factors into this.

- Some of the harder Conquest maps are also only hard because they throw some BS gimmick at you (Chapter 19 and 20 especially).

- Cavaliers are not a great class. High Movement is great and all, but everything they can do, another class can do better.

- Enemy Knights and Generals are too OP in Awakening and Fates.

- The Royals are not the best units in Fates, Dragon Vein usage aside.

- Corrin is actually a well written character (Birthright and Revelation Corrin, that is). So is Robin.

- I don't mind the introduction of Casual Mode.

- I actually like the idea of hybrid classes like Basara or Oni Chieftain, who can wield both magic and physical weapons. I just think that there were little to no candidates in Fates to actually use in these classes.

- I like the idea of abolishing weapon durability, I just think what they did instead was bullcrap and rendered many weapons utterly useless, Silver weapons and Dragon/Beaststone+ were hit especially hard.

- The weapons in Fates in general are poorly balanced. Why do Shuriken give you +2 Speed without penalties, while Katanas only grant +1 Speed and lower your Def/Res by 1 instead?

- I feel Shadow Dragon was okay as a remake for the first game (I never played the first game, mind you). Better than any Pokémon remake so far.

- I actually loved that you played with different armies throughout Radiant Dawn. It really got you thinking on who to use and who to bench.

- I loathe Revelation's map design.

- Even after playing all Fire Emblem games from 6 through 14, Radiant Dawn still has my favourite maps.

- The execution of Fates' reclassing system was fine and all, but I still prefer Awakening's, if only because the EXP system in Fates can go f*** a goat. (Poor goat)

And here's a little extra: I would love scythes to be a weapon type in the next game. And subsequently, introduce a Grim Reaper class and/or make Witches be able to wield them.

Edited by DragonFlames
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You guys should know that unless it's like politics or heavy game discussion, you guys are pretty safe here to post what you want or don't want in future FE games. Plus, these are unpopular opinions in the first place so they should feel right at home. Now for mine.

-Take away the marriage system, rework it or leave it to epilogue. I won't mind it but I'd prefer the marriagable parties had actual interests in each others because I want to see platonic relationships between dudes and duddetes and an actual romance I can believe.

-I've never been one to care for doing my own ships so maybe having many or only canon pairings would actually be a good thing for me and possibly the game narrative. The game doesn't have to guess who the wife is and can actually not make them generics when having conversations with kids if they're ever brought up again and I say me specifically since I know just how intense any shipping battle can get even when one side has already won in canon.

This isn't unpopular as it is barely talked about but I don't want to see units with base 0% mag growth ever again. It takes away from reclassing and like DragonFlame said makes hybrids barely existent. Even a 10-15% would have been doable at the very least.

Edited by Raguna
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This isn't unpopular as it is barely talked about but I don't want to see units with base 0% mag growth ever again. It takes away from reclassing and like DragonFlame said makes hybrids barely existent. Even a 10-15% would have been doable at the very least.

One thing I'd like to add to that is that the alternate classes they choose for some units make no sense, based on this.

Why would I ever reclass a magic user to something physical or the other way around when their growths make it nigh impossible to train them in that class? Case in point: Miriel, Maribelle and Ricken from Awakening and Elise (what were they smoking when they gave her Wyvern Lord?) and especially Nyx from Fates for magical, and on the physical side we have Cherche, who only has magic alternatives (barring War Priestess) from Awakening, and Effie, who is impossible to train as a Strategist, one of her alts, in Fates.

I've tried my hardest to train Nyx as a Bow Knight or even a General to get the skills and I got them, but the way there was painful, too painful to ever consider doing it again. There are probably more examples, but those are the ones that came to mind.

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Its probably a reference to how much of a Camila fangirl Elise is. I could totally see her mount a wyvren and take an axe just to look more like her big sister.

When their supports literally contain Elise asking how she could get Camilla's bust size, I'd kinda agree with this sentiment.

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When their supports literally contain Elise asking how she could get Camilla's bust size, I'd kinda agree with this sentiment.

Isn't that just anime writing 101?


Also, to echo Etrurian Emperor, I like SD's artstyle. The art, mind you. Minerva's full art looks freaking badass, as does Camus' for that matter. I'm not in love with the more realistic style of it over all, but it works in enough instances for me that I don't quite get the hate- between it and Tatsukahira's directed "art", I go with the Akaneia remake art any day.

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Its probably a reference to how much of a Camila fangirl Elise is. I could totally see her mount a wyvren and take an axe just to look more like her big sister.

This isn't that far of a stretch. My mom became a nurse, because her older sister did.

When their supports literally contain Elise asking how she could get Camilla's bust size, I'd kinda agree with this sentiment.

Isn't that just anime writing 101?

I don't really fault her for that. It's something that pre/pubescent girls can be very self conscious about, especially if you aren't developing as fast as other girls your age. Since Elise doesn't seem to have a mother around, her older sister would be the logical candidate to talk about that sort of thing with. It's not unreasonable to look at your siblings and other family member to get an idea of how you might end up as an adult, not that that is foolproof. My mom's barely over 5' and I'm almost 6'.

I'd actually rather see a support convo with Camilla and Elise talking about boobs, than another talking about how great Corrin is.

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- I hate the fact that Dread Fighters had Tomes be replaced with Shruikens in Fates

they what

how ;_;

Anyway, I look at the Fates HP growths, and they're ass, and so are the HP caps.

Troubs that promote into Troubs that wield weapons should return.

Ike's meh, and also kinda kills the point of Fire Emblem by being able to solo the game.

Unpopular opinion about Cipher, though: Sanaki sucks, Sirius is better, and Inigo is o-kay. Come at me, Tuvillo.

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they what

how ;_;

Anyway, I look at the Fates HP growths, and they're ass, and so are the HP caps.

Troubs that promote into Troubs that wield weapons should return.

Ike's meh, and also kinda kills the point of Fire Emblem by being able to solo the game.

Unpopular opinion about Cipher, though: Sanaki sucks, Sirius is better, and Inigo is o-kay. Come at me, Tuvillo.

Considering magic isn't half as dominant in Fates as it was in Awakening, and that the class's high strength base/growth offsets hidden weapon's only real negative (low might), I'd say it was for the better.

Edited by The DanMan
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they what

how ;_;

Anyway, I look at the Fates HP growths, and they're ass, and so are the HP caps.

Troubs that promote into Troubs that wield weapons should return.

Ike's meh, and also kinda kills the point of Fire Emblem by being able to solo the game.

Unpopular opinion about Cipher, though: Sanaki sucks, Sirius is better, and Inigo is o-kay. Come at me, Tuvillo.

There's a lot more high Res units in Fates.

Someone else who hates Sanaki? I'm finally not alone.

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