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Trouble with a manchild person...

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So this guy has been annoying me with his BS about saying it is fact the old Fire Emblem games are bad, unfair, poorly designed, and uninteresting and that the new games are better and the best in the series, with no plot holes and the best gameplay,especially Awakening.

I've debunked all his horrible points several times over and over but he never listens to the facts I give him and just uses ad hominems, insulting me and using more statements to back up his statements rather than real valid evidence.

He's been known to say things like "I have a condition that gives me an erection 24 hours a day", "long ranged n****r", "nice try, butt face. you thought you could sneak into the PINGAS? think again! awakening and fates are works of art, the old games are just boring and unoriginal", "and retarded monkey" along with plenty more to some of the people I know on there. He loves to say sales = quality. He claims that there was no audience before Awakening and I usually refer him back to here. He says he's the only who has stated facts when in reality he has never done such and just continued to deny our facts while making more unsupported claims.

I don't have a problem with new fans, I just have a problem with the new games, and along with that I also have a problem with idiots who can't hold a stable argument.

I thought some smart people could help me out to put him in his place. He's really not a problem though, he's been more entertaining than anything with all the stupid stuff that comes out of what he types to be honest. He says the old games are completely random and unfair even though he knows about the weapon triangle, supports, hit, crit rate, luck, skill, and much more. He calls mages with long ranged tomes "long ranged wizards" and says it's unfair because they can hit you and you cannot, despite the fact you can tank their hits or completely avoid them other times. He says permadeath is unfair.

I call him a kid despite him being older than me, that's because he's a creepy manchild who hangs around little children on the internet and fanboys over Power rangers/kamen rider and is unable to hold a valid arguement providing valid evidece. All he does is attack with petty insults rather than defend himself, to a bunch of teens no less, being a creepy 20+ manchild.

One link is the one post that has reached the comment limit that contains all his stupid ramblings, the other is the current on going battle with the idiotic frog. I forget which is which.

Edited by Nightmare
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don't rally people to help you fight some guy in an internet argument about video games like really man??

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This guy sounds like a troll and as such, you'll probably be wasting your time trying to come up with logical arguments to use against him. At this point, you'd just be feeding the troll.

Also, if someone thinks that the older game sucks and the new ones are better, it's their opinion and there's nothing wrong with them having them. Spending your time trying to convince someone that their opinions regarding video games are bad is a huge waste of time. Opinions are subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that.

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lol are you seriously fighting with someone because they said that awakening and fates are better than the older games

because, i mean, they are

better characters, better art, better gameplay, better story

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lol are you seriously fighting with someone because they said that awakening and fates are better than the older games

because, i mean, they are

better characters, better art, better gameplay, better story

You're missing the point. He doesn't even give me reasons and alm his reasons he does give me are just more statements, opinions, or straight up lies.

And I'm just doing this to entertain myself really. Nothing much.

For your claims: maybe some people like dumbed down anime cliche characters, but thats not for me, never would I consider something like that good. And better gameplay? Awakening says hi.

Edited by Rokkuman
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better characters, better art, better gameplay, better story

not really, debatable

not that it even matters

whats funny isnt that he's arguing with someone about the new games being better or worse than the old games, but that he's calling someone a manchild over it while complaining about it on an unrelated forum and trying to get people to shut the other guy down, while also talking about discussing videogames with terms like "debunking points" and "facts" and "ad hominem" like he's in a high school debate club

Edited by fuccboi
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not really, debatable

not that it even matters

whats funny isnt that he's arguing with someone about the new games being better or worse than the old games, but that he's calling someone a manchild over it while complaining about it on an unrelated forum and trying to get people to shut the other guy down, while also talking about discussing videogames with terms like "debunking points" and "facts" and "ad hominem" like he's in a high school debate club

I'm just trying to milk this guy I'm arguing against for more stupid quotes and entertainment. What I do doesn't matter in the end, but it's fun.
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"trouble with a mandchild"

"Im doing this for entertainment."

make up your mind op

also is this masterknightdh?

I'm taking this half serious really. I honestly don't care what negative any of you have to say here, I'm just trying to entertain myself with this.
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You're missing the point. He doesn't even give me reasons and alm his reasons he does give me are just more statements, opinions, or straight up lies.

And I'm just doing this to entertain myself really. Nothing much.

For your claims: maybe some people like dumbed down anime cliche characters, but thats not for me, never would I consider something like that good. And better gameplay? Awakening says hi.

cliche is super subjective but w/e

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oh okay, trying to use that same logic here

thread over lock this pls mods

I don't care what games you or anyone likes to play, I just don't like dumb people who spat stupid nonsense.
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What series standpoint

i've played the entire series and the older games are too serious and dark

That's the point, when was Fire Emblem a series meant for gags and jokes?

Lots of people have problems with the new Paper Mario games but yet the same people look differently at some games like FE. Double standards much?

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Ms. Bunch, why are you starting an argument about the exact topic Rokkuman is trying to put an end to?

That's funny.

Whether people like Awakening or Fates more was never really the point here I was trying to make, it wasn't the issue, but then it became that.

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That's the point, when was Fire Emblem a series meant for gags and jokes?

Lots of people have problems with the new Paper Mario games but yet the same people look differently at some games like FE. Double standards much?

No double standards here because I love Sticker Star.

EDIT: you also literally trashed Fates and Awakening in the first post lol

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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