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GreenScorpion's Top 10 least favorite FE characters

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There's an audience for countdowns; people make them and people watch them.

People enjoy other people expressing and articulating their opinions; that's that. I don't get what's so offensive for you to dive into hyperbole and phrase things insultingly ("grown man throwing a temper tantrum", "the countdown community has it in their heads apparently that people like watching somebody blow their shit over a piece of code and pixels.").

We had people getting pissed off when somebody analyzed Azama and suggested that IS had actually done some work and patterned him after absurdist philosophers. Yeah, the title was kinda clickbaity ("Why Azama is a good character and yes, he's smarter than you"), but the sheer vitriol was disproportionate. Probably had something to do with the person originally posting it on tumblr.

It's starting to become clear that some people here just don't like the opinions of "outsiders" (I see a couple people who were crapping on the analysis in this very thread crapping on the countdown).

Bolded: Either I'm missing something or you have a really broad definition of pissed off, because I looked through that entire thread again and found nobody even slightly angry.

Not Bolded: It's not hyperbole, I should know because I am still subscribed to a lot of the bigger countdown artists and still watch their lists when I can find the time for them. The vast majority of countdown artists, when doing a list about something they don't like, script out these overly long, ranty sections and accompany them with cringe-inducingly obvious fake rage. I should also know this because I used to frequent what was pretty much the central hub for countdown artists and those who watched them (Chaos Theater Forums, although it's lost quite a few members in the past few years, mostly because they can't fucking keep the site stable worth a damn). This is not to say that everybody does this (RabidLuigi, cjszero don't) or even that it's never been done well (Fawful's Minion does it pretty well), but that most countdown makers do it and they do it pretty damn poorly.

I do however, apologize for the insulting tone, I shouldn't have phrased things like that.

It saddens me that most people here don't take opinions from outsiders. Who knows, maybe the outsider have a point that you people don't.

"most people here"

mate, there's been about 6 people total other you and and DanMan who have posted here. This forum has nearly 20,000 total members and about 70 regular users.

edit: forum didn't show me integ's reply before I posted

Edited by Soapbar
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Bolded: Either I'm missing something or you have a really broad definition of pissed off, because I looked through that entire thread again and found nobody even slightly angry.

Not Bolded: It's not hyperbole, I should know because I am still subscribed to a lot of the bigger countdown artists and still watch their lists when I can find the time for them. The vast majority of countdown artists, when doing a list about something they don't like, script out these overly long, ranty sections and accompany them with cringe-inducingly obvious fake rage. I should also know this because I used to frequent what was pretty much the central hub for countdown artists and those who watched them (Chaos Theater Forums, although it's lost quite a few members in the past few years, mostly because they can't fucking keep the site stable worth a damn). This is not to say that everybody does this (RabidLuigi, cjszero don't) or even that it's never been done well (Fawful's Minion does it pretty well), but that most countdown makers do it and they do it pretty damn poorly.

I do however, apologize for the insulting tone, I shouldn't have phrased things like that.

Apology accepted. It seems that I've generally stuck with the better ones. Side note: I find that the general length of countdowns is offest by their lack of frequency. Most good countdown makers generally average 20-30 minutes, once a month.

Though "pissed off" was an exaggeration, there was also a fair amount of negativity in genera extending a fair bit beyond the title of the thread. What rubbed me the wrong way was how some of the peosters said almost word for word "I refuse to think that they actually put some research into a video game character".

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As for the video itself, opinions on characters are subjective blah blah blah, but I can't really understand how Gangrel could ever be on this list, much less number 1.

Gangrel is immensely entertaining, and for those who want a motive, he gets one from Chrom's father. It's only a shame that his part of the game doesn't last longer, but at least that means he never overstays his welcome.

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Mate i am not going to watch 30 minutes of a dude saying opinions disagree with, and no i'm not going to be respectful towards some loser that isn't a part of this forum because its not required of me as part of the rules states that you should respect other forum members.

this dude has awfuly bad taste and i would walk out of the room if i figured out i shared a room with this man.

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Mate i am not going to watch 30 minutes of a dude saying opinions disagree with, and no i'm not going to be respectful towards some loser that isn't a part of this forum because its not required of me as part of the rules states that you should respect other forum members.

this dude has awfuly bad taste and i would walk out of the room if i figured out i shared a room with this man.

this is a really shitty attitude to have mate. Yeah the rules don't directly state you should be respectful towards people not of this forum but that doesn't mean you should actively disrespect them or that you can do so without consequence.

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Mate i am not going to watch 30 minutes of a dude saying opinions disagree with, and no i'm not going to be respectful towards some loser that isn't a part of this forum because its not required of me as part of the rules states that you should respect other forum members.

this dude has awfuly bad taste and i would walk out of the room if i figured out i shared a room with this man.

Nobody's asking you to watch it; they're just asking you to extend a modicum of respect. I personally disagree with the choice of Innes (he's my favorite character from SS), but I still respect his opinions.

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I would just like to say in my opinion this thread should be shut down , it's not producing anything positive only arguments, just an idea, speaking on behalf of SSL01

Edited by Chloe-Sama
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Ok first off, rude.

you literally said this

Comments like these make me regret ever sharing this with you people. I expected smart comments but ended up getting cancer
and you complain about people being rude? don't be a hypocrite and just say that your behaviour earlier was uncalled for when you're part of instigating people being rude to you
as for the rest i don't have the energy or care to argue about it
take it from here integrity bb
Edited by Tryhard
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As for the video itself, opinions on characters are subjective blah blah blah, but I can't really understand how Gangrel could ever be on this list, much less number 1.

Gangrel is immensely entertaining, and for those who want a motive, he gets one from Chrom's father. It's only a shame that his part of the game doesn't last longer, but at least that means he never overstays his welcome.

...huh. I actually somewhat agree with you. Gamgrel had the potential to be a genuinely interesting antagonist, and if he had done worse stuff to Ylisse he could have been compelling. I still want DLC chronicling his liberation of allegiance and descent into hatred.
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I respect his opinions, but considering he's only played a few games and didn't include shadow dragon characters because he thought they were bland already soured the mood.

He says he hates Lalum so that means he played FE6, and hates Severa and Serra yet excludes Clarine who is similar in personality. He hates Innes's arrogance yet doesn't seem to mind Raven and his hatred for Hector who literally joins in hope for revenge. Vaida isn't necessarily memorable aside from her uber spear.

Garret in FE6 is in no way redeeming. He is easily overshadowed by Geese or Gonzalez because of his average stats (Axes don't help).

Zelots is ok for hard mode, but he's not memorable or good for very long as he too will be overshadowed.

No Kellam? Really? He's forgotten for a reason.

Whoever pairs up with Serra sacrifices their character development. That is completely false. Look no further than her supports with Florina, Oswin and Lucius.

His list is totally debatable as many characters has similar personalities the only real thing that saves it for me is that he says it's his personal list.

"How can you not use Gregor?" Easy use Severa. I just don't really like how he speaks in third person. He's a sweetheart, but third person kills it for me.

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>disliking a hilarious parody character of rapid fangirls

this dude clearly can't take a joke in that case, granted i can't defend Meg as a good unit, but i've made her usable before and i'd say that she's atleast better then 2 units off the very top of my head, maybe afew more.

Is liking Meg a meme or something? She was worth a chuckle but I didn't find her very memorable, apart from being an awful unit.

We had people getting pissed off when somebody analyzed Azama and suggested that IS had actually done some work and patterned him after absurdist philosophers. Yeah, the title was kinda clickbaity ("Why Azama is a good character and yes, he's smarter than you"), but the sheer vitriol was disproportionate. Probably had something to do with the person originally posting it on tumblr.

It's starting to become clear that some people here just don't like the opinions of "outsiders" (I see a couple people who were crapping on the analysis in this very thread crapping on the countdown).

The guy was acting haughty just because people didn't agree with his opinion. He had bad ideas and a worse attitude. I recall Ana made a polarizing thread complaining about what she regarded as androgynous characters, and then she got pissy when everyone criticized her opinions. It has nothing to do with insider or outsider, it's about being graceful in the face of dissenting views.

As far as the video is concerned, 30 minutes is really too long for this thing. I agree that some of his least favorites are meh, but they're far from the worst, in my opinion.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Is liking Meg a meme or something? She was worth a chuckle but I didn't find her very memorable, apart from being an awful unit.

There's an article somewhere that says she was the developers' favourite character. That's the only thing I can think of.

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