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guys help me i just rejected jesus

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if it helps jesus isnt the only person ive had to reject from this course there are at least 20 other non-saviors that i've sent that exact email to (replacing Jesus with their name)

however, my acts of defiance should also settle this unnecessarily long debate

anyway tl;dr i'm fronting because i fear eternal damnation

Bringing up old threads that gives the mods stress is grounds for banning :P:

I was gonna link to the very helpful www.thebricktestament.com but they don't seem to cover Peter denying Jesus smh

I prefer this Bible.

31Ova dea, Jesus tell um, All you guys goin bum out cuz you no can handle da shame fo wat goin happen to me tonite. Cuz God wen say befo time inside da Bible, I goin kill da sheep farma, an all his sheeps goin run all ova da place.

32But I goin come back alive afta I mahke, an den, I going Galilee side. Den you guys goin go by me ova dea.

33Den Peter say, Eh, no way, Boss! No matta all da odda guys bum out an like go way from you, eh, no way I eva goin do dat!

34Jesus tell him, You tink so? I tell you dis: Befo da roosta make noise early today, three times you goin say dat you donno who me.

35But Peter tell him, No way! Not even! No matta I gotta mahke wit you, no way I goin say I donno who you! An all da odda guys say same ting.


Now then. . .leave judgment unto God, and cut it out. All of you.

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Now then. . .leave judgment unto God, and cut it out. All of you.

But he doesn't accept a guy who can walk on water and turn it into wine in his lab... Now that's physics.

Me think he is scared that Jesus will steal all the spotlight.

Like: *I'm supposed to be the teacher.*

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But he doesn't accept a guy who can walk on water and turn it into wine in his lab... Now that's physics.

Me think he is scared that Jesus will steal all the spotlight.

Like: *I'm supposed to be the teacher.*

I'm going to assume you didn't read the thread and just posted this to be funny.

Protip: READ THE THREAD before trying to be funny.

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like jesus cares

he's still a rock star

he's got his rock moves

and he don't need you

[spoiler=judas is a better rock star]

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if it helps jesus isnt the only person ive had to reject from this course there are at least 20 other non-saviors that i've sent that exact email to (replacing Jesus with their name)

however, my acts of defiance should also settle this unnecessarily long debate

anyway tl;dr i'm fronting because i fear eternal damnation

Jesus is just incompatible with Physics teachers who have their labs full of students.

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Protip: READ THE THREAD before trying to be funny.

in his defense nobody reads fftf threads

however i am a diligent user and i read all fftf threads

its a shame we cant say the same for Naughx

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I never read FftF blocks of text.

I skip directly to the last page then skim some posts.

This is also the case for both HHH and FE4 Thread, I mostly never read the previous pages.

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I never read FftF blocks of text.

I skip directly to the last page then skim some posts.

This is also the case for both HHH and FE4 Thread, I mostly never read the previous pages.


So on the off-chance a mod says "don't do that", and you don't listen, it'll be an automatic warn~!

Let this be a lesson to read through everything first.

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I'm halfway through reading the bible and it's a decent read so far, nobody spoil the ending for me, I've got to the dinner party chapter.

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I'm halfway through reading the bible and it's a decent read so far, nobody spoil the ending for me, I've got to the dinner party chapter.

Stuff is written.

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I'm halfway through reading the bible and it's a decent read so far, nobody spoil the ending for me, I've got to the dinner party chapter.

Spoiler: the next 3 books are very repetitive.

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Spoiler: the next 3 books are very repetitive.

I really hate it when they rehash the original's plot for sequels.

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I really hate it when they rehash the original's plot for sequels.

Luke added a lot of stuff to the canon, though.

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I really hate it when they rehash the original's plot for sequels.

They rebooted that story faster than the Spider-man franchise.

Luke added a lot of stuff to the canon, though.

Yeah, but he plagiarized Mark for his original work.

Also, he wrote a sequel that puts a lot into context, especially this one Jewish guy who wrote quite a bit of the lore. And he was named after Israel's first king.

Oh, that was a great origin story, with his road to Damascus!

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