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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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someone once described it as "childish but stylish" and i think that sums it up pretty well

my closet is filled with ruffles + pink + short skirts and is overall very girly

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What I wear depends on the season.

In summer I wear mainly t-shirts, short jeans and sandals while in winter I wear I large sweaters, long jeans and leather shoes.

I usually only buy ordinary clothes for a low price if possible.

No interest in any fashion trends.

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tbh I have no clue what I'd call it

lolita fashion aside, I tend to wear jeggings/denim leggings (I prefer that they are more jean than legging), skirts of varying lengths (and I tend to go a-line or flare and especially FRILLY), sometimes I will wear my lolita blouses with skirts, and various other tops. Recently I started getting a lot more tank tops because it's summer and because ever since I've been losing a bunch of weight they create a much more flattering shape for me. And then otherwise I wear boots or sandals (I NEED SOME CUTE OXFORDS THOUGH ;~; NEEEEEEEEED)

o and I also wear my lolita beret with stuff sometimes

I feel like when I'm not just wearing casual clothing, I tend to aim for a classier elegant look with a generally muted, earthy colour scheme

I think the main problem is that the type of clothing that I really really love wearing generally isn't stocked in stores ;~;

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My fashion sense is weird. I tend to like solid colors on my clothes and dislike most patterns with plaid and tie-dye being prominent exceptions. I also tend to like to wear the same thing a lot. Not just as in wearing the same thing, but having multiple copies of the same article of clothing. This featured Orange Shirt, I have 3 of, and one hasn't been worn, but is there to be a back-up. I like solid color underwear and don't care for extra lace or elaborate patterns in that department.

I also really like big poofy skirts/dresses and have several petticoats, but I'm too embarrassed to wear them in public, so it's mostly just for when I'm home with my family.

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"my mom bought me this and thought it looked good on me but actually i look really boring."

QOTD 932 - what video game has your favourite soundtrack, and what is your favourite song from it submitted by fuck off 3

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Ooh... Smash brothers would be cheating, wouldn't it?

I like how the Mario Galaxies soundtracks sounds. Favorite would have to be Puzzle Plank Galaxy or Throwback Galaxy, both from Galaxy 2. I like the sound of violin music and Throwback is a remix of Mario 64's main theme.

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