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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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I don't really get many compliments... Although in Europe i got complimented for my T-shirt with this image. Only seems to happen with Europeans (Germans for the most part), Canadians don't seem to react to it very much (unless they know me well).

Image result for i am not a clever man

Oh and some people like that i can speak spanish (in particular they really seem to like the rr sound).

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People call me insane; I take it as a compliment. 

Apart from that, I mostly get complimented on the short stories I write (original, well-written, funny, etc.). 

Also, ladies in their 40s seem to find me handsome and charming, and always look genuinely surprised when I tell them that girls in my age group don't find me that attractive. :KnollRoll:

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"good at art"
"wow so smart"
"you know so much about ____!"

yeah nothing special!

QOTD 1198 - If you could have a lifetime supply of Pizza or Cereal, which one would you choose? submitted by Arcanite

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I was playing parappa the rapper 2 when I asked this question. In the game, he won a lifetime supply if noodles and he eventually got tired of eating noodles everyday. It's a pretty epic game.

Anywho, I'd choose pizza because it saves more money, since I'd have to buy milk for the cereal heh.

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7 hours ago, Nobody said:

Not really much of a fan of either =(

This. I don't want a lifetime supply of either :V

Though i guess cereal because it will take longer to go bad i guess? (maybe that is a bad thing)

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I'd pick cereal. Mostly because a lifetime of pizza would decrease said lifetime's duration, resulting in less pizza and a worse deal. Unless it were Fruit Loops, a lifetime of anything's better than having to eat those!

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does lifetime supply mean that I'd eat it every day or does it just mean that I'm sure to have the supply I want/need for it to last me the rest of my life? While being inclusive to other foods?

I'm sure I'm reading too deeply into it

but I've gained kind of a negative association with having too much pizza and I'm not sure if I could shake it, so I might go with cereal (though at the same time I could make it so that I could keep a positive association with cereal and choose pizza instead)

and anyway I know how to make pizza so like if I got tired of cereal I could even just make pizza for myself

(or even just cook myself anything else)

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