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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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10 hours ago, Tryhard said:

usually you could only move around in first person outside of combat as well, generally not a 3D space, so I don't think SMT (IV) would count.

so by a loose definition it could apply to Strange Journey and Etrian Odyssey games as well.

by classic smt i meant stuff like smt 1, 2 and soul hackers rather than nocturne and 4. I guess i should have said old school smt instead.


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10 minutes ago, Nobody said:

by classic smt i meant stuff like smt 1, 2 and soul hackers rather than nocturne and 4. I guess i should have said old school smt instead.

oh, yeah then.

it was aesthetically used because of technical limitations in the past, which is why they aren't so popular now. if anything there's a decent amount of japanese blobbers for handhelds like the vita for some reason

Edited by Tryhard
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Part of me wants to say yes.

However, sometimes a work will appear that shouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt and it's apparent from the start. So no.

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No but they should at least try and look into it. There's a difference between judging something based only on hearsay or making up your mind before even thinking about the work, and "I looked it up and it seems like something im not into/something problematic that wont be enjoyable".

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Ehhhh I think it's fine to judge in the middle of a work and I think it's also fine if something further along the work helps change their mind

but there are also different contexts and if someone, before finishing the reading, was displeased because maybe the beginning was dragging on for too long or something that doesn't entirely rely on the whole story's context, then I think those concerns would still be considered valid even if they ended up pleased with the rest of the story

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People should go about the work however they feel so, whether it be going through the entire thing, leaving it halfway, or dumping it at the beginning.

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On another note, to expound what I said earlier, I think what I was thinking of when I wrote that post highly had to do of what you're going to say to others. It's not really fair to slander something and tell others about how trash it is without having either read/played/watched the damn thing or done your fair share of research on it. If it's just a personal decision to not read/play/watch something because "I don't think I'll enjoy it" then it's literally whatever.

Edited by Umbran Darros
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Basically a combination of what Darros and Tryhard said.  You don't have to go through a work at all to decide that it doesn't appeal to you.  That's perfectly fine.  However, that also means your opinion on said work doesn't have any weight (e.g. it's a widely held belief that Sonic 06 sucks dick, but having not played it myself, me agreeing with that sentiment means fuck all).  However, if you give the work an honest effort and stop read/playing/watching it in the middle because of your issues with it, that's a different matter entirely.  You're qualified enough to judge it and your experience with the work means that your opinion actually counts for something.

Of course, if you're making a professional review, you should be obligated to finish whatever you're reviewing.

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though ftr if you're a critic and a work isn't a total fucking trainwreck the least that is expected of you is to sit the fuck down through it and pay attention. videogame reviewers are a joke by profession, i know, but i've seen far too fucking often reviews written by professional journalists with whom it's clear they didn't even get halfway through the game before shitting out whatever bland adjectives and arbitrary scores their editors require and their readers have the ability to comprehend

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Quite good, I think... :^_^:

For example: I've dropped and caught my coffee (in the paper cup with a lid) mid-air a few times.  Without spilling anything.  People were very impressed, heh.  My morning coffee is very precious to me.  I am a creature of the night and would not survive mornings without it. ;):

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Pretty good, I'd say. They're not like "cat like" or whatever the phrase is, but they're average to above average.

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