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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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Classical puppets has very petticoats and only a little bit pricey when it comes to lolita petticoats

If you're looking for GIANT FLOOF then the A-Line Petticoat 1 and Bell Shaped Petticoat are good options afaik, and if you're wanting something more casual then A-Line Petticoat Type 1 Long Version (clobba calls that the daily version and as far as I've heard that's true) and Bell Shape Daily Wear should be good options. Most of this I know by ear though, because I only own the A-Line Petticoat 1 myself. I'm suuuuuuper impressed with it though and lolitas overall are impressed with that brand's petticoats ^o^ I own a Dear Celine petticoat as well and it's great but I feel like it's not quite as impressive. (plus it has a smaller, tighter waist band and it's tough to wear when I have to wear it low on my waist, because I think they made it to be worn at the waist or something)

unfortunately, the cheaper but still good option I know of doesn't seem to sell anymore :c That one was kind of flexible between bell shape and a-line shape too...


lately I've been doing my shopping mainly at Target, Maurices, Goodwill, possibly other physical shopping places that I'm not remembering ^o^ I do a LOT of my online shopping at clobbaonline and I've been keeping an eye out on modcloth.

I DO A LOT OF WINDOW SHOPPING AT AXES FEMME BECAUSE THEY DON'T SHIP OVERSEAS ;~~~; But rakuten's a great way to find stuff from that brand and so I own an axes femme poncho~ The search function is awful though so sometimes you have to scroll through unrelated stuff because if you search multiple terms it searches those terms separately so you get even more unrelated "related" results rather than more accurate results :c I also keep my eye on that site for big brand lolita clothing as well though.

I also sometimes check out closet child because sometimes they have cheap clothing (for the brand and quality, at least) because it's a secondhand shop. Every now and then lacemarket (sorta like an ebay) has some good deals but majority of the time they massively overcharge ;~; (but hey, thanks to that site I got my dream skirt which was apparently pretty rare and it wasn't overpriced but it wasn't underpriced either rip my wallet but not too badly for an angelic pretty piece at least~)

I think that covers everything

More stuff to browse. Most of my petticoats are actually pretty cheap, but they get the job done.

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when I'm being basic express because they have my gorgeous thin and long legged bodys size but other than that I find random shops posted on tumblr and buy and hope for good quality

edit: one of the stores I check regularly being inu inu and this one place called called mixxmix I found recently has a v nice sheer lace dress that I REALLY LOVE

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whereever else

I'm horribly picky and have like a very specific style whenever I do clothes shop for things that aren't graphic tees it takes forever and I buy maybe 1 thing after going into n stores

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Hmm... Cremation... I don't want my remains to be put inside a museum... (Not that I really care since I will be dead)

But fire seems more cool than slowly decaying.

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I'm not korean, but I want to be cremated so my children can throw my ashes into the ocean with tears in their eyes saying "appa!"

But in all seriousness, WHY CAN'T I DO BOTH?

I want to be cremated and buried :^).

If I had to choose one, probably buried. I wouldn't mind being cremated though.

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cremation is less of a financial burden so i'd go w/ that

but if i die and my family is like, well off, then they can do w/e they want with my body

turn it into a disco ball

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