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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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they don't have any

they have a GIANT LADDER that probably wouldn't be worth carrying all the way over

Grab a chair to stand on. That's what I always did. Granted, I'm about a foot taller than you, but it let me get to the back of the microwaves.

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Grab a chair to stand on. That's what I always did. Granted, I'm about a foot taller than you, but it let me get to the back of the microwaves.

I, uh, don't think I'd be allowed to steal guests' chairs especially considering the activity they get ^o^

like really if there was anything I could use I'm pretty sure somebody would have suggested it to me by now ;~; Or I would have found it by now~

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HOPE i'm not too late but i'm too perfect to be changed. though i'd give myself an extra pair of arms if they were functional.

QOTD 942 - what would you say is the most unique thing about yourself submitted by c

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941. I've actually got really bad stretch marks from getting a nasty virus and losing a looooooot of weight a few years ago and they're the only thing I think needs to go.

942. My hair(when wet) and my tongue can currently meet and touch at the tip of my nose.

Edited by PKLucas531
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My complete propensity to stay calm under a myriad of different and exotic situations. Be it as minuscule as taking a live roach outside to relatively larger stuff such as adminestering first aid and quelling in-house fires that one time, I can always keep my cool and get the job done. Some have suggested I could even be a possible surgeon but I'm not sure I'm cut out for that line of work.

People also say I can sing very well, but I wouldn't consider it my unique feature since I'm no artist and have no aspirations to be one. The choir club hates me for it.

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941. probably yes, concerning one specific feature that's likely to bother me for the rest of my life

942. i've been told i'm quite unique in general

but as they say...


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The exact makeup of my dna

that aside, probably the fact that im a professional software dev who isn't entirely awful as an artist or something

the phrase "programmer art" does exist for a reason

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i have never done a lot of things that most other people have, i guess??? people are always surprised when i say that ive never had a burger

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