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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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my epilepsy was so lowkey that pumping three years of the least side-effectsy pills into my system, the first that was prescribed, killed the syndrome in me for good

it's like the most bizarre mix of the mildest possible form of an insanely shitty thing

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i have never done a lot of things that most other people have, i guess??? people are always surprised when i say that ive never had a burger


even the burger part

fuck that means it's not unique i don't know

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Yeah, my name literally means "unique" but that's kind of a boring answer.

Uh...I dunno, I can't really think of anyone else who's like me, but I'm not really sure what makes me me. I need better cop out answers in the future or a higher attention span.

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hahaha!!! do i have to pick ONE? well maybe it's my AMAZING LOVE FOR CUTE THINGS. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE

QOTD 943 - do you have a favourite artist? what is your favourite piece done by them? submitted by d

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My son Leo; my favorite piece of his is Orange, Blue, and Red crayon on construction paper. It has the place of honor on my fridge, right now.

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i have three answers for this depending on how i want to interpret the question

i like the statues kleobis and biton (and i got to see them when i was greece!!!) and the two statues were sculpted by polymedes of argos

i don't really have a favorite artist, but i have a favorite piece, and i'm pretty sure polymedes' only known piece of work were these statues??? i guess that makes him my favorite artist/sculptor??

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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honestly? an artist i found named dantewontdie

he does a lot of touhou redesigns and i love his style! i can't choose a single favorite picture, so i think i'll choose a favorite redesign

http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1359723 yuugi from touhou ended up probably my favorite

just be careful looking at his stuff in case, i won't say its full on nudity but some of it borders nsfw/ecchi type

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this is so hard to choose I have way too many artists I look up to ;__; though kim showed yuumei so that is one less person to show crai

here are just a """"couple"""" I am in love with ever since I was a smol child: redjuice, huke, kawacy, namie, lulu, saine, akina, anmi, and cymphony

[spoiler=favorite pieces here]qgr7W.jpg

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