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Can you really make a strong Luck based avatar?


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I had this random thought about what kind of skills, bane and boon you'd need to make a fairly strong Luck based avatar. Here is what I came up with: Luck boon, Res bane with Lucktaker, Renewal, Life and Death, Spendthrift, and Profiteer. Only drawback I saw with this setup is the life and death skill hurting more than helping due to possible lack of goldbars for spendthrift. But it'd be nothing to go farm them a while before attempting a harder map and just pull them from convoy when needed right? As for the main class...Not really sure. Anyways, what's everyone's thoughts on this?

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I had this random thought about what kind of skills, bane and boon you'd need to make a fairly strong Luck based avatar. Here is what I came up with: Luck boon, Res bane with Lucktaker, Renewal, Life and Death, Spendthrift, and Profiteer. Only drawback I saw with this setup is the life and death skill hurting more than helping due to possible lack of goldbars for spendthrift. But it'd be nothing to go farm them a while before attempting a harder map and just pull them from convoy when needed right? As for the main class...Not really sure. Anyways, what's everyone's thoughts on this?

That avatar probably would want to be male so he can access the Lodestar class.

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I'd rather have something like Salvage Blow, Profiteer, Miracle, Lucktaker, and something like Aether/Luna. Might as well make the best use of it by pure profit.

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Hmmmm, eclipse and avengerfive just gave me an idea! swap out a skill for Nohrian Trust and just make sure the other unit has Miracle, Salvage Blow and maybe some kind of attack skill like Aether. Thinking if I pick the right class for MU and an upgraded weapon, as well as spendthrift combined with life and death, I should be able to kill pretty easily. But with Nohrian trust, I've got those extra skills as backup to ensure it happens regardless. Be maximizing profit and damage/survivability right?

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I'd rather have something like Salvage Blow, Profiteer, Miracle, Lucktaker, and something like Aether/Luna. Might as well make the best use of it by pure profit.

And if the avatar is female, throw in Witch's Brew.

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Wait....would Nohrian Trust activate abilities like Salvage Blow? I know it'll activate skills such as Aether..

Profiteer - no, it works after the user's done with their turn

Salvage Blow/Witch's Brew - pretty sure this is no, because it triggers after the battle, not during it

Nohrian Trust works on stuff like Luna/Sol/Aegis/Miracle. Hoshidan Unity should work, though.

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well then. now I just need to figure out how to go about doing this to make the most use out of a Luck based MU. Would Life and Death or Profiteer work with Nohrian Trust? I've yet to try this out as my avatar isn't far into the story or high enough level to attempt it.

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Nohrian trust only works with skills that activate in battle, so because Profiteer activates after battle, it would not be used by Nohrian Trust. Life and Death is a stat/ attack boosting skill, not a proc skill, so it would not work. As other people have said, Luna, Sol, Aether, Pavise, Aegis, Rend Heaven, Astra, and other skills like these are what is shared by Nohrian Trust.

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Oh I meant Spendthrift. lol my bad on that one. but alright, thanks for clearing it up. I'll play around with some of the skills mentioned above and see if I can make something worthwhile. Thanks to those who pitched in with ideas!

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Life and Death is a continuous skill, not an activated one. I don't think Profiteer would work, as it happens automatically if it sees a Gold Bar in your inventory.

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