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[spoilers] AA6 Final(?) Case Prosecution


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now where is that hater guy to complain about how yamazaki made wright into a prosecuting loving right sider

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(thanks for that, by the way)

fun fact, this is a generic meme about people doing something they normally wouldn't do, and most memetic adaptations of it are not canon. That means no one would know those are spoilers if people who saw those spoilers (in a public announcement video that came before the game was released) didn't come yelling.

you might as well complain about spoilers of captain america being a nazi

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wright actually does prosecute the final case in AA6, and it's apollo as the defense, so it's apollo versus wright, just how it always should've been

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what is the point of this topic other than to announce a spoiler of a game that hasn't been released yet

(thanks for that, by the way)

i know right

fun fact, this is a generic meme about people doing something they normally wouldn't do, and most memetic adaptations of it are not canon. That means no one would know those are spoilers if people who saw those spoilers (in a public announcement video that came before the game was released) didn't come yelling.

you might as well complain about spoilers of captain america being a nazi

regardless, i would have rather not known this information as opposed to now knowing it, which still makes you the bad guy for making this topic. also, the difference is pw isn't lame af as a pros. but cpt. red, white, and blue is v lame as a nazi.

label this shit. true or not, like how /r/asoiaf does it.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i know right

regardless, i would have rather not known this information as opposed to now knowing it, which still makes you the bad guy for making this topic. also, the difference is pw isn't lame af as a pros. but cpt. red, white, and blue is v lame as a nazi.

label this shit. true or not, like how /r/asoiaf does it.

scrap my bad argument, here is a better one: I admit responsibility over people who have not played AA5 and were spoilered by my stupidity. The others who did play AA5 but did not know about this, however, I'm not responsible for. It is not my issue if they did play AA5 and didn't know about a public official info on a magazine, released weeks before the game launched, that was meant for public eyes (speficially, people who had played AA5 and followed official news about AA6). Public info shared through official sources are not spoilers, otherwise we're spoiling pre-AA5 players just by speaking of Wright as an attorney. This is like finishing FE9 and then complaining because the Black Knight appears in a magazine for public view about FE10. Makes no sense.

for those who didn't play AA5, I guess I tried to damage control this shit. To little avail, I suppose, but whatever, can't do anything about it anymore other than take this lesson home and remember it.

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scrap my bad argument, here is a better one: I admit responsibility over people who have not played AA5 and were spoilered by my stupidity. The others who did play AA5 but did not know about this, however, I'm not responsible for. It is not my issue if they did play AA5 and didn't know about a public official info on a magazine, released weeks before the game launched, that was meant for public eyes (speficially, people who had played AA5 and followed official news about AA6). Public info shared through official sources are not spoilers, otherwise we're spoiling pre-AA5 players just by speaking of Wright as an attorney. This is like finishing FE9 and then complaining because the Black Knight appears in a magazine for public view about FE10. Makes no sense.

for those who didn't play AA5, I guess I tried to damage control this shit. To little avail, I suppose, but whatever, can't do anything about it anymore other than take this lesson home and remember it.

did aa5 have this information somehow? i played it awhile ago, but this sounds like something i would remember

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I for one played AA5 and did not glean plot details of AA6, a game yet to be announced at the time, from my playthrough of it.

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did aa5 have this information somehow? i played it awhile ago, but this sounds like something i would remember

so you're telling me that if a release trailer about AA6 from Capcom showing stuff about AA6 is spoken about in public, those are essentially spoilers? Because such trailer exists, is in english, is official and it was made for people who did not play AA6, like me

so you're telling me that Capcom showing Phoenix was back on AA5's release trailer was a spoiler and people couldn't talk about it in public because Nick was disbarred and he only briefly mentioned the possibility of returning?

because this is what I did

I'm not telling you that prosecutor Y poisoned someone in case 2 because they were related to the victim and then they prevented stuff from happening but prosecutor Y bites the dust on case 5. I'm speaking about official info divulged to the public by Capcom. Unless your meaning of spoiler is also expanded to include "any officially divulged news about a game that will be released", I don't see the issue.

heck, that thing is being used as marketing to draw people because everyone is curious about what happened, much like Nick's return. How can this crap even be considered spoilers?

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Uh, so if I am gonna watch a video capcom releases on pw6 I know more or less I might get spoilers. One good reason I don't seek out pretty release info on plot heavy games for the most part.

When I'm on sf I definitely don't expect spoilers for a fe in the making in fftf for the most part. I know I'll probably hear a little bit but mostly it's even against the rules, you're supposed to stick to that games board.

No rule against spoilers of other new or unreleased games but maybe there should be (not a warn able offense just a reminder) in areas where ppl don't usually talk about new games. Isn't there a perfectly good PW6 thread in other games, where most discussion of new games takes place.

I think wright prosecuting is pretty substantive. Biggest news I've had prior to playing pw since knowing id play Apollo in pw4. Its great capcom is using it as marketing but I don't think that speaks to it as public info people are being bombarded with everywhere. I normally don't stumble on video game press releases without some foreknowledge I might be spoiled. I did hear about the new pokes but thas like not story spoilers?

You are right about something else though. First time I read this topic it did not register as a spoiler. Bunch and parr crying spoilers made me realize this was a spoiler.

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Because other games exists, posting plot info about pw6 is like playing an instrument in the cpu lab whe open practice rooms are on the same floor. Except fftf is a bit more permissive so maybe it's more like the dining hall.

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so you're telling me that if a release trailer about AA6 from Capcom showing stuff about AA6 is spoken about in public, those are essentially spoilers? Because such trailer exists, is in english, is official and it was made for people who did not play AA6, like me

so you're telling me that Capcom showing Phoenix was back on AA5's release trailer was a spoiler and people couldn't talk about it in public because Nick was disbarred and he only briefly mentioned the possibility of returning?

where is it available?

also, many folks choose to not watch anything simply because things are revealed. usually i don't care, but when it comes to pw (and mgs) i do.

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I knew about this, but I've primarily tried to avoid spoilers for Spirit of Justice for the first time in my life.

I have listened to some of the music and a lot of older songs have cool new remixes like


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where is it available?

also, many folks choose to not watch anything simply because things are revealed. usually i don't care, but when it comes to pw (and mgs) i do.

I did not know that official info on a release trailer divulged to the public was also spoiler. I'll keep that in mind from now on. Sorry, man. I didn't know that trailer info should also be classified for people even if they are up to date with the series.

Also, the trailer is not in english, I forgot about that. It's mostly spoiler-free, if you disconsider the last part. It shows the new mechanics, takes a few random pictures of the game, but there's another spoiler that I don't recommend you seeing.

. Edited by Rapier
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I did not know that official info on a release trailer divulged to the public was also spoiler. I'll keep that in mind from now on. Sorry, man. I didn't know that trailer info should also be classified for people even if they are up to date with the series.

Also, the trailer is not in english, I forgot about that. It's mostly spoiler-free, if you disconsider the last part. It shows the new mechanics, takes a few random pictures of the game, but there's another spoiler that I don't recommend you seeing.


relax brah. all i'm saying is label things as potential spoilers. sometimes trailers give too much away. sometimes a joke post gives too much away. labeling just follows the better safe than sorry philosophy.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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