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Twitch Plays PokéMafia [Game Over, now with Postgame]


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##Vote: BLITZ


##Vote: ga I u S

##Vote: kirs C be

##Vote: L g

##Vote: A c I d

##Vote: M arth

##Vote: tor E n

##Vote: D arrman

##Vote: ga I us

##Vote: ke N

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: p H oenix

##Vote: RE gret

##Vote: ref A

##Vote: D arrman


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##Vote: Ken Masters

Funnily, the evidence actually seems stacked against you. I trust Blefa more than anyone else honestly, so I trust their combined judgement.

But this is LYLO, so ##Unvote

##FoS: Ken Masters

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##Vote: BLITZ


##Vote: t OR en

##Vote: P a P er

##Vote: L g

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: p H o E ix

##Vote: ga Y us

##Vote: T o R en

##Vote: gai US

##Vote: T or E n

##Vote: blue D oom

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"And the Oscar goes to.... no-one, because the acting this season was kinda terrible!"

The reason why Lord Gaius would trade 1v1, my dear, is because numbers. Mafia made an alliance with a certain 3rd party that would grant them a voting mass almost equal to Town, making this day just a paycheck to be delivered to the bank with the amount of voteless people we have had from the start of the game.

The reason this day hasn't ended yet, is because we still have plus 1 Townie. And that's it.

Unfortunately for Lord Gaius, he has been exposed lying and directly involved on a Townie's lynch.

The fact that some "people" think that I am a better lynch than him should be a dead giveaway of what's going on.

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##Vote: ga Y us

##Vote: ga I us

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: P hoenix

##Vote: ma S ters

##Vote: ga I is

##Vote: D arrman

##Vote: r E fa

##Vote: jb W/ ck

##Vote: re FA

##Vote: a C id

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: ga I us

##Vote: t O re N

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: p H oenix

##Vote: ref A

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: KI rsche

##Vote: L g

##Vote: L g

##Vote: gaiu S!?!?!?!

##Vote: p HO enix

##Vote: jb W ck

##Vote: blue DO om

##Vote: gai U s

##Vote: K irsche

##Vote: ke N

##Vote: t O ren

##Vote: jb W ck

##Vote: ga I us

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: P hoenix

##Vote: pho E ni X

##Vote: ga I u S

##Vote: T oren

##Vote: gaiu S!?!?!

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I'm not seeing any proof of an ITP. I brought up the idea, but it doesn't really make sense. If you were really town, you wouldn't know about a deal the Mafia made lol even if this is real.

Your role never said that you can peer into OC, did it? If someone else has proof of something like this, it would be appreciated if you spoke up about it.

Likewise, the Mafia obviously would have a numbers advantage. The ITP would not have a chance at winning if they worked with scum.

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I have modified at least one player's RolePM's Night result(s). Check your PMs. If I specifically stated that I modified it, I modified it.

Edited by Elieson
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Lord Gaius (2): Ken Masters, Daiya (Regret) (L-3)

Voteless (7): Everyone Else

Day Lynch the Ghost has started, and ends in 61 hours (at 12:30a GMT-5 [EST] on Tuesday, 6/28/16)

With 9 alive, 5 votes yields a phase-ending Hammer. No Hammer, No Lynch.

Day Lynch the Ghost is in a state of potential LYLO. If Followers of the Helix Fossil lynch incorrectly today, the game has the possibility of ending.

Lastly, a PSA. If you change your name during the game, inform me so I can correctly update name referencing in the OP. (Looking at you, Daiya)

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[spoiler=scumslips exist]

[6/24/2016 4:22:36 PM] Tinker Blitz: Hello
[6/24/2016 5:56:01 PM] Regret -: Greetings
[6/24/2016 6:54:25 PM] Tinker Blitz: So, how is it going?
[6/24/2016 6:57:02 PM] Regret -: Nothing much. Just killing time, waiting for the night to end. How about you?
[6/24/2016 6:59:44 PM] Tinker Blitz: I would rather the night was longer, j haven't caught up!
[6/24/2016 6:59:47 PM] Tinker Blitz: I*
[6/24/2016 7:02:12 PM] Regret -: True, it was pretty sudden.
[6/24/2016 7:02:25 PM] Regret -: Refa wasn't able to fill you in?
[6/24/2016 7:02:50 PM] *** Regret - has changed the conversation picture. ***
[6/24/2016 7:04:41 PM] Tinker Blitz: Yeah, kinda, but I am clueless about a lot of stuff
[6/24/2016 7:04:51 PM] Tinker Blitz: But before weird talk
[6/24/2016 7:06:51 PM] Regret -: Yes?
[6/24/2016 7:11:19 PM] Regret -: Since you appreciate Fate, I'm finding it difficult to distrust you. So how about a role swap?~
[6/24/2016 7:12:02 PM] Tinker Blitz: Nope, lol
[6/24/2016 7:12:10 PM] Tinker Blitz: I meant, who do you think is scum
[6/24/2016 7:15:39 PM] Regret -: Currently Kirsche, Gaius, and Acidphoenix are the main suspects.
[6/24/2016 7:16:16 PM] Regret -: Elieson can't be trusted either.
[6/24/2016 7:27:55 PM] Tinker Blitz: How so?
[6/24/2016 7:27:59 PM] Tinker Blitz: The top 3
[6/24/2016 7:28:04 PM] Tinker Blitz: I trust Elieson
[6/24/2016 7:36:45 PM] Tinker Blitz: Still waiting...
[6/24/2016 7:38:08 PM] Regret -: -Acid claimed to be Flareon, but doesn't have anything else going for him. (I did receive a note during night one that warned me about Flareon though).
-Kirsche has been generally suspicious, and someone received an investigation result in their role pm that claimed Kirsche was a Dome. His Zapdos claim doesn't help either.
-As for Gaius, his role is rather strange (he can't speak in the thread or OC, he can only vote/unvote). During Day 2, he claimed to be an investigator and was the first to vote for Marth since his investigation revealed him to be scum, apparently. So we lynched Marth that day, and he turned out to be a townie.
[6/24/2016 7:39:29 PM] Tinker Blitz: I can agree about Gaius, he has been really weird....
[6/24/2016 7:39:59 PM] Tinker Blitz: I don't think flavor speculations count in Elie games though, tbh
[6/24/2016 7:40:10 PM] Tinker Blitz: He tries his best to make flavor invalid
[6/24/2016 7:40:32 PM] Tinker Blitz: Also, the msgs you received, how were they worded?
[6/24/2016 7:41:10 PM] Tinker Blitz: As in, were they mod msgs
[6/24/2016 7:41:18 PM] Tinker Blitz: Or something else?
[6/24/2016 7:41:36 PM] Tinker Blitz: My phone keypad is acting up
[6/24/2016 7:41:41 PM] Tinker Blitz: Sorry for that pic
[6/24/2016 7:42:22 PM] Regret -: I don't know about the other one, but mine was given in my role pm by Elie. It said "Trust not the false prophet".
[6/24/2016 7:43:28 PM] Tinker Blitz: Oh, I see. Like the in role pm with the first msg, right?
[6/24/2016 7:43:36 PM] Regret -: Yeah
[6/24/2016 7:43:58 PM] Tinker Blitz: Ok, that is confusing as heck since it so unlike Elie to do that
[6/24/2016 7:44:15 PM] Tinker Blitz: Also, umm, what weird stuff did Kirsche do?
[6/24/2016 7:44:16 PM] Regret -: Brad was a courier, so I'm guessing that it was from him.
[6/24/2016 7:44:54 PM] Tinker Blitz: I think that is more likely to be ht
[6/24/2016 7:45:00 PM] Tinker Blitz: The case*
[6/24/2016 7:49:24 PM] Regret -: Kirsche voted early in both of the mislynches. This includes the Marth lynch, where he didn't bother to provide an explanation. He also tried to persuade someone to vote Ken out despite being under Paper's leadership. He hasn't mentioned it since then though.
[6/24/2016 10:45:25 PM] Tinker Blitz: Oh, what is the story with Ken, the Marth story doesn't bother me
[6/24/2016 10:47:58 PM] Tinker Blitz: The Marth theory is kinda obvious tbh. When townleader says someone is scum, you lynch him!
[6/24/2016 10:50:57 PM] Regret -: True
[6/24/2016 10:51:02 PM] Regret -: It was during Day 1, after the majority of the players claimed to Paper 8 iirc. Paper's main targets were Darrman/Marth. Kirsche agreed with him. However, he tried to convince a player to vote for Ken on the side.
[6/24/2016 10:51:58 PM] Tinker Blitz: Which player?
[6/24/2016 10:52:06 PM] Tinker Blitz: Andrews?
[6/24/2016 10:52:27 PM] Regret -: Flare
[6/24/2016 10:52:51 PM] Tinker Blitz: Hmmmm, that is good news, I guess?
[6/24/2016 10:52:59 PM] Tinker Blitz: In a not so good way
[6/24/2016 10:55:08 PM] Tinker Blitz: Why did he do it?
[6/24/2016 10:55:19 PM] Elieson: Why did the chicken cross the road?
[6/24/2016 10:55:32 PM] Tinker Blitz: Cause he wanted to chicken out?
[6/24/2016 10:55:42 PM] Elieson: Ayyyyyye
[6/24/2016 10:55:43 PM] Elieson: I'll take it
[6/24/2016 10:55:48 PM] Tinker Blitz: Nice!
[6/24/2016 10:55:52 PM] Tinker Blitz: Sold one!
[6/24/2016 10:56:05 PM] Regret -: Good job
[6/24/2016 10:56:17 PM] Tinker Blitz: Thanks!
[6/24/2016 10:56:33 PM] Tinker Blitz: Also, ftr, I am not claim trading
[6/24/2016 10:57:11 PM] Tinker Blitz: And umm, I mostly want to talk about things that happened and why the reasons might be
[6/24/2016 10:57:43 PM] Regret -: I don't know why he'd want Ken out tbh. He didn't seem scummy at all, and he claimed helix.
[6/24/2016 10:58:39 PM] Regret -: I'll ask her more about the conversation when she's back.
[6/24/2016 10:58:59 PM] Tinker Blitz: Wait, Ken is a girl?
[6/24/2016 10:59:06 PM] Regret -: Flare
[6/24/2016 10:59:11 PM] Tinker Blitz: Oh....
[6/24/2016 10:59:14 PM] Tinker Blitz: Ooops
[6/24/2016 11:01:15 PM] Tinker Blitz: Also, let me know if you get something
[6/24/2016 11:01:25 PM] Tinker Blitz: Also, feel free to ask me anything as well
[6/24/2016 11:01:39 PM] Tinker Blitz: Chances are I am clueless on it though, lol
[6/24/2016 11:01:58 PM] Regret -: Sure thing
[6/24/2016 11:12:56 PM] Elieson: Flip Flipped
[6/24/2016 11:19:12 PM] Regret -: And...don't worry about the role swap. I think I know what you can do now.
[6/24/2016 11:24:13 PM] Tinker Blitz: Oh, cool, I am dying to know, what can I do?
[6/24/2016 11:24:49 PM] Regret -: Is it true that you're a third party?
[6/24/2016 11:26:57 PM] Tinker Blitz: Lmao, what makes you say that?
[6/24/2016 11:27:54 PM] Regret -: You were investigated.
[6/24/2016 11:29:06 PM] Tinker Blitz: Oh yeah, by whom?
[6/24/2016 11:33:04 PM] Tinker Blitz: Also, I am dying to know my win condition too, lol
[6/24/2016 11:39:48 PM] Regret -: ...Probably to be the last man standing.
[6/24/2016 11:42:17 PM] Tinker Blitz: Hahahaha, funny, then why are you voting Gaius?
[12:14:12 AM] Regret -: It's all that we can do at this point...Either we get killed off by the mafia or the Old Amber's arson.
[12:17:17 AM] Tinker Blitz: Still doesn't explain you voting for Gaius, no?
[12:18:56 AM] Tinker Blitz: Thanks, that really helped
[12:19:20 AM] Tinker Blitz: I guess the last member was asleep in your team, huh?
[12:19:29 AM] Tinker Blitz: O
[12:19:36 AM] Tinker Blitz: Or*
[12:19:56 AM] Tinker Blitz: You would have known better to talk to me about it, lol
[12:20:24 AM] Regret -: //New player mistakes, huh?
[12:21:07 AM] Tinker Blitz: Yup
[12:23:12 AM] Tinker Blitz: It seems your last member screwed up too
[12:23:23 AM] Tinker Blitz: With the fake mod msgs
[12:23:55 AM] Tinker Blitz: Follower, ninja and fake mod pms
[12:23:58 AM] Tinker Blitz: Pretty nice
[12:31:16 AM] *** Regret - has changed the conversation picture. ***

we are lynching the obvious scum here, in case anyone wants an explanation on why this is to be the lynch, contact me via PM (with reasons for why you need an explanation on what). I need the lynch asap, cause I have to leave for San Francisco soon and I would like to use the night actions to put my plans into action

##Vote: Regret

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Phase End.

I'm out for roughly three hours at a family related event though so expect results in 3-4.

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How does one begin a story, but from the beginning?

Abby was Red's starter Pokémon. Originally a Charmander, Abby was a cornerstone of Red's original team. Though not as powerful and popular as Bird Jesus, Abby has had her fair share of shining moments on the team, notably her winning Bide attack against Lt. Surge.
Tragedy struck when Abby and Jay Leno were released under the era of The False Prophet. The hivemind agreed that space needed to be made in the party to make room for a Pokemon capable of learning Surf. However, in the process, Abby and Jay Leno were accidentally released in the PC, never to be seen again. Since more room in the party would not have been needed if Eevee was not picked up, he is often blamed for Abby's departure. Abby left the team 4 days into the stream. She was level 34, only two levels away from potentially becoming a Charizard.
Abby's personality did not have much time to develop during her journey, however later comics and stories that follow her post release depict her often as the leader of those who were released. She is often portrayed as kind and caring in these works. In most depictions she is either gathering together the "lost" or "released" Pokémon, either to protect them or to go on journeys of their own that often aid the protagonists, although the trainers and their 'mon are often unaware of the assistance.
Many believe Abby to be immortal, for every time she dies, she returns as a level 5 Charmander. Will this be her fate again?

Daiya (Regret, Toren) has been released from the PC. He was...

Dear Regret, you are ABBBBBBK(, better known as Abby or Abby K, the Charmander/Charmeleon.


ABBBBBBK(, was the Gen 1 Red's first Pokémon. After evolving to a Charmeleon and leading the party to many victories, Abby was accidentally released day five of the TPP Gen 1 playthrough, at 4d 8h 52m.

During the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Biding one for [user]. You will selflessly sacrifice yourself to the PC, in order to keep [user] from dying. You can only use this twice, as it is well known that once you enter the PC, you may never come back, and you’d prefer to not push your luck more than necessary.

You are aligned with the Helix Fossil, and win when all of those filthy Domes GTFO.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends in 24 hours (11:30 PM GMT-5) on 6/26/16. Regret's death has not removed the Potential LYLO instance.

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but um I was the one who told Regret to reveal the Blitz investigation results

I did not read deep enough into that log to actually realize that Regret was talking about me, not the scum team

you better start explaining asap

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