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Why is Donnel so hated?

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That's only assuming that you really want Galeforce that much. Merc is nice for Kjelle I guess.

So basically there's no point in using him unless you specifically want what he gives to his daughter. We can all agree that he is a crap unit individually, but is what he provides for a possible daughter justifiable enough to use him?

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So basically there's no point in using him unless you specifically want what he gives to his daughter. We can all agree that he is a crap unit individually, but is what he provides for a possible daughter justifiable enough to use him?

Aptitude and Galeforce (for Nah and Kjelle). Depends how much you value those competence.

And a huge Luck cap, which means they would be better at using Armshrift, I guess?

For Galeforce, he have to compete with Gaius.

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I have used Donnel in my current run only for an underdog Manakete Nah.

Suffice to say I'd rather go for Donnel!Kjelle and give Nah Gregor and have Gaius father Noire (who needs him more than Kjelle anyway).

I can see how difficult it would be to raise him the required levels to make him useful, but I somehow (through sheer dumb luck) managed to squeeze 3 level ups in his chapter on Normal mode and the babying wasn't even worth it...even with aptitude.

That said I don't particularly mind the pot on his head, I think it looks kinda cute actually, but I can see too why some people don't want to bother with him as he is a royal pain to train.

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As stated before, I feel Donnel's usefulness is best in a mild grind game. If you only want to grind a little bit, he'll shoot up in usefulness, but has a low ceiling. Most units can be better than him with infinite grinding, but if you're only wanting to put a few hours into it, Donnel will give you the biggest bang for the buck with minimal grinding, it's once you go past that stage that the others outshine him.

He's a good Dad for Aptitude, Galeforce, and Armsthrift. The stat caps being 1 or 2 points lower is worth it.

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Before I got any DLC, trying to train Donny on any difficulty higher than Normal was practically impossible. You have to seriously baby him for several levels to get anything out of him, and then you had to use a Second Seal to get him out of Villager. It's just not worth it on Lunatic/Lunatic+, and not on Hard if you don't have DLC.

I did use him on Normal and he turned out amazing, but it took a lot of time and I had to waste many resources on him to get him to that level. So basically, unless you're willing to dedicate lots of time and precious resources to him, he's not worth it. When I used Mozu on Revelation, I reclassed her immediately to Dread Fighter and she's probably one of my best units at this point with no more training than my other units. Donny doesn't have that luxury so early on.

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  • 2 months later...

Donnel sucks, it's true. Many say he's strong when trained but as a first gen character he doesn't come close to the destructive power of Cordelia, Sumia, Olivia or Chrom. As a father, he passes a useless stat (luck) and grants some of the worst mods in the game next to Kellam. He's only adequate as a father for Kjelle, and even then Gaius makes her way faster (better). Noire would also rather go without Galeforce (use Vaike) then have him as dad.

The only reason Donnel ever had any hype was because people didn't know much about the mechanics of the game back in the old Metagame.

I will say though; it is pretty cool that Donnel becomes the 'Hero' he swore he would become when talking to his mom.

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