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What would you change in a FE title?


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Take a FE title of your choice and change some of its elements (being faithful to the hardware/programming limitations of that time) until you consider that a better version. How would the final product be?

I'm running low on creativity right now. I suppose I'd change the hit rates of FE6 to be like FE7's, turn the path splits from a character level / village influenced choice to an option that pops up on screen instead, increase some characters' stats/levels (like Sophia), either allow any character to promote automatically when they reach level 21 (like POR/RD) or charge a considerably amount of gold for a promotion option for level 20 characters on Base Preparations, and I suppose that's it.

Edited by Rapier
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I would change Awakening and Fates to not be one word titles. I find those boring. Fates is a better title than If (it would've been dumb for the English title of a game), but still.

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I would change Awakening and Fates to not be one word titles. I find those boring. Fates is a better title than If (it would've been dumb for the English title of a game), but still.

Aren't one word titles the most articulate? I don't see any reason to arbitrarily change the titles.

Like, Persona 4: Golden wouldn't be less interesting than Persona 4: Shadows of the Golden World or something like that. I feel both Awakening and Fates fit the themes of the game.

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Remove Kris and all Assassin's Guild crap from FE12.

If I can push it, FE12 Marth to be more like FE11 Marth, but the former is way more important.

Edited by Irysa
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Make the supports in FE8 take much less time to build, the same with FE6 and FE7 as well because while the supports are very well written they take way to long to grind while trying to do ranked runs of 6 and 7.

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Fix everything about FE6's atrocious accuracy: up weapon accuracy, give non-sword users better skill growths, and lower tile avoid bonuses. Make it so Roy promotes sooner. Increase everyone's growths in general to make more characters viable in the long term.

Chop up FE4's maps so that each map only encompasses the march from one castle to another.

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Remove Kris and all Assassin's Guild crap from FE12.

If I can push it, FE12 Marth to be more like FE11 Marth, but the former is way more important.

This. I didn't mind the other stuff they added, by Kris and the Assassin's story really took away from Marth and him as a character.

Personally, for FE8, I would make it so supports build up like in PoR and RD (Really, I would do that for all GBA FEs), and have it so supports don't cap at 5 and just add S supports which would signify a paired ending e.g. Joshua could get an A support with both Gerik and Natasha, but could only get an S support with one of them, leading to their respective PE.

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Mechanically FE6 could use hit rate fixes, including redoing the Hit/Avoid formulas so that Avoid doesn't inherently surpass Hit, as well as some class/character tweaks. (Give Roy a Heaven Seal after 12/12x.) Story-wise, Guinevere needs to join in Chapter 13 as a second Lord character so that they can split to take both Ilia/Sacae (having them sequentially would stretch the game too much). To fill out both split rosters, have Cecilia take a few of your benchwarmers after 8/8x and have them return after completing 15 auto-leveled to ~unpromoted 18 to promoted 2 (retcon the castle into a prison).

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I'd remove the terrible requirements for the Gaiden chapters in Shadow Dragon. Rather than unlocking them by killing 75% of your army, I'd change it so you'd have to visit a specific village, finish a chapter in so many turns, or something like that. I'd also give it a better art style and better battle animations/sprites, and add real Support Conversations.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Make the Gaidens in FE11 be like the Gaidens in FE6, requirements and all.

Make Roy promote earlier. I still dunno whose bright idea it was to make him promote so dang late, but I kinda want to slap them for thinking of it.

Give the Dawn Brigade more chapters to be second tiers in, or make the G Mercs start out as weak as them (okay, maybe a bit stronger, because they do get less chapters, but still).

Why does Eliwood not use Lances by default.

Remove avatars from games with them because IS is clearly incapable of handling them.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Aren't one word titles the most articulate? I don't see any reason to arbitrarily change the titles.

Like, Persona 4: Golden wouldn't be less interesting than Persona 4: Shadows of the Golden World or something like that. I feel both Awakening and Fates fit the themes of the game.

Then that's you. I personally don't like one word titles, okay?

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I would change FE5 hit rates to make both the playable units and the enemy units able to get 100% hit and 0% hit, instead of making the hit rate go from 1% to 99%.

Also, the support system returns in FE10, so that the new characters, such as Edward and Heather, would get some characterization. I would apply this to Shadow Dragon as well.

For Shadow Dragon, I would also give to all the units the possibility to visit village, instead of giving this role only to Marth.

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FE7: Make Mark playable and have the Afa's Drops promote him/her

Have Ninian ONLY be revived in the Endgame if Eliwood has a S-support with her

Awakening/Fates style supports

FE6: Make the Gaidens not mandatory for the best ending

Design it with FE3 stat caps so Roy can keep his promo time and the promotions plot significance without being an ass unit

Awakening/Fates style supports

English release

FE3 style Dragonstones

FE8: Awakening/Fates style supports

Actual game length

FE3 style Dragonstones

FE9: Awakening/Fates style supports

Have Ike be a royal like in POR's early drafts

Put RD's Part 4 after the Ashnard fight instead so RD doesn't need a full rewrite to be a remotely acceptable plot by my standards

FE10: Full Plot rewrite

Actual supports

More villains like the one in Part 2

Make the mastery skills less stupid

FE11: Actual supports

Good Gaiden requirements

FE12: Remove Kris from existance

FE13: Rewrite the third arc

Remove Time Travel altogether.

FE14: Make Corrin only the Main Lord in Rev, with Xander being the lord in conquest and Ryoma being the lord in BR

Make the kids exclusively post game content

FE3: Remove the Anri's Way desert map

Have Marth start with the Falchion in Book 2

FE4: Use a more traditional map setup

Change Ayra's recruitment

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FE6: Rebalance characters to make them all useful. Improve accuracy.

FE7: Make the Kishuna related gaidens easier/more intuitive to unlock. Earlier promotion time for Lords.

FE8: Make the game longer and let Lyon live.

FE9: Make Laguz transformation manual.

FE10: Add supports. Remove the blood pact.

FE11: Add supports. Change Gaiden requirments.

FE13: Make reclassing like Fates. Make class outfits like Fates.

FE14: Make weapon EXP growth faster. Make the Nohr/Hoshido armory limited stock available via My Castle.

Personally, for FE8, I would make it so supports build up like in PoR and RD (Really, I would do that for all GBA FEs), and have it so supports don't cap at 5 and just add S supports which would signify a paired ending e.g. Joshua could get an A support with both Gerik and Natasha, but could only get an S support with one of them, leading to their respective PE.

FE7: Make Mark playable and have the Afa's Drops promote him/her

Have Ninian ONLY be revived in the Endgame if Eliwood has a S-support with her

Awakening/Fates style supports

FE6: Make the Gaidens not mandatory for the best ending

Design it with FE3 stat caps so Roy can keep his promo time and the promotions plot significance without being an ass unit

Awakening/Fates style supports

English release

FE3 style Dragonstones

FE8: Awakening/Fates style supports

Actual game length

FE3 style Dragonstones

FE10: Actual supports

FE11: Actual supports

Good Gaiden requirements

FE14: Make Corrin only the Main Lord in Rev, with Xander being the lord in conquest and Ryoma being the lord in BR

Make the kids exclusively post game content

I support these changes.

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For Sacred Stones, have it so you play both routes in one save file. You can choose what order to play them simply by selecting them from the world map. This would necessitate an army split like in Radiant Dawn. Characters recruited in both routes would not be recruitable in just one. New characters would be added to cover the loss of those recruits on the path where they're not gained. Not sure how to handle the twin characterisation of Lyon, maybe try and have a subtle version of both or perhaps just have it depending on whichever twin you're currently using as your lord on the world map. Even if the dual characterisation has to be cut, I'd rather have a game of proper length and scope.

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Change the names and character behaviors in Fates of the Hoshidan side to more reflect Japanese tendencies similar to Tokyo Mirage Sessions' localization.

Oh wait... Team If already did that.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Oh, for some reason, I thought this was just talking about the titles of the games...

I'd do some of the things suggested above, like adding actual supports to RD. I'd also add more paired endings. Like, a bunch more. I don't get why we only got a small handful out of like SEVENTY freaking playable characters.

In Fates, I would remove children completely and change the Nohr character designs to be less fanservicy and more practical (yet still looking nice. I mean, practicality is important, but it shouldn't take away from the design looking good). Both Awakening and Fates get more limited support pools, and not every female in Fates would be able to marry and produce a kid. Specifically Elise, Sakura, Hayato, and maybe Nyx would be unable to. They're practically children themselves. Corrin would not be able to marry Azura or the royals to keep to the family theming going on there and because of a certain spoiler in the case of Azura.

Edited by Anacybele
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In Fates Conquest I would change it so that normal enemies actually die (eliminate the text of keeping enemies alive etc).

In Radiant Dawn actual support conversations like in PoR which in turn would lend to more paired endings. (Speaking of endings something more than Ike left and never was seen again lol)

I also think seeing pair up as it was handled in Fates in the older games would be interesting to see not to mention it would make getting supports a hell of a lot easier.

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Oh yeah, I agree, I would rewrite Ike's ending myself as well. Though not drastically. I would write that he did leave get away from his fame for awhile, but most certainly NOT to never be seen again, and he was never gone for very long. Because like a lot of other people seem to agree, I simply cannot at all see Ike forever leaving the people he called family and the same people he promised his father he'd lead and take care of.

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FE 9: Liberate Crimea, then invade Daein. The reverse was dumb. Also, more focus on Ashnard and less on the Black Knight.

FE10: As others have said, more supports. Also, don't try to make the BK sympathetic, especially after he said he was going to torture Mist in the original. Finally, more focus on Micaiah, Elincia, and Sanaki, and less on Ike.

FE13: More focus on Plegia, cut out Valm, and you have yourself a potentially solid story. Focus on Gangrel more especially. Don't bring back Emmeryn and Gangrel.

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FE13: Severely tweak Pair Up, probably in a similiar fashion to FE14 or scrap it altogether. No tonics and Rallies. Better map designs that aren't limited to killing everyone or the Boss.

FE14: Limit one of Tonics, Pair Up and/or meal bonuses. Tonics are bad enough as it is, so they're pretty much granted.

FE10: This

Non-Japanese FE9: add MM

Japanese FE9: Have an English option

Edited by Soul~!
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So talking about FE6 in a skype chat made me remember a thing.

FE6/7 had a really stupid way of deciding route splits, specifically Lloyd vs Linus Four Fanged Offense, Pale Flower of Darkness, and Illia vs Sacae. I'd like to be able to go either route without blatantly biasing one unit type or another. I've never been to Lloyd FFO, Fighter PFoD, or Sacae simply because of my unit preferences.

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Illia vs Sacae at least makes a certain degree of sense. If those units are fighting then they're a more active member of the army and can give advice about their country. Wheres if they're an untrained 1/1 unit not used passed recruitment they're that one guy at the back that Roy hasn't any reason to listen too. Requirements in FE7 are just stupid though. Granted FE6 could probably have implemented a better solution but I can at least commend it for having working with the narrative.

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So talking about FE6 in a skype chat made me remember a thing.

FE6/7 had a really stupid way of deciding route splits, specifically Lloyd vs Linus Four Fanged Offense, Pale Flower of Darkness, and Illia vs Sacae. I'd like to be able to go either route without blatantly biasing one unit type or another. I've never been to Lloyd FFO, Fighter PFoD, or Sacae simply because of my unit preferences.

That moment when they could've had more unique Eliwood/Hector mode chapters.

And maybe if Guinevere wasn't demoted to damsel status in the final product she could've taken one of those routes.

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