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The Anarchist of Music Thread: Still hungers for new submissions!

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The song is a reference to the time it took pioneers to sail to Australia and New Zealand (hence the reference to "the tyranny of distance" - a history by Geoffrey Blainey), and a metaphor that refers to lead singer Tim Finn's nervous breakdown.[citation needed]
The song was "discouraged from airplay" in Britain during the Falklands crisis by the BBC for reasons of morale - it was thought that references to leaky boats was not appropriate during the naval action in the war


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way to tie my record, asshole

sorry about that.

Got it For Cheap: it's pretty good man. not much else to say, i guess.

Opaque Divinity: the vocals were weirdly mixed or something, but still a decent song. i used to be heavy into music (not epic doom metal, but similar) like this a few years ago, so i've always had an affinity for it.

[Chinese Song Title]: the percussion made the song for me, tbh.

Pioneer/Six Months In A Leaky Boat: the transition from the ambient synth intro to the rest of the song was slightly jarring (explains the split title), but it was super catchy and interesting enough (musically) for me to like it quite a bit actually. cool shit.

Money Ministries: the large heart pretty much sums up my feelings about the song.

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sorry about that.

brb finding it within myself to forgive you

EDIT: i forgive you


i'd heard the phrase "the tyranny of distance" divorced from context before and had a prosegasm; now i know where it comes from. thus the trend of being educated by parrhesia songs/posts continues, even tho i'm already familiar with this tune. a nice tune


vocals didn't floor me like the ones on the previous thor song did but like seemingly everyone else i loved the drumming

Edited by Dijon Mustard
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oh yeah i should catch up so i can submit a new song i'm so cool


this is the kind of thing i make fun of my mate jim for listening to, but i was super into sounds like this like ten-twelve years ago


technically quite good i think but something about it just isn't holding my interest and i'm not quite sure what. the final third got me going a little bit, though.


"playback on other sites has been disabled by the author" fuck you then

it's okay i guess. i can't get into this dude's tiny voice though.


i'm having the opposite issue i have to a lot of submissions itt - i'm deeply in love with this guy's voice but i wouldn't say i more than 'like' the song. i don't think i've ever felt this combination of things before. please send help.


It Was Okay.

Dijon Mustard

i liked this song while i was listening to it but while i was sitting afterwards trying to collect my thoughts to post about it i realized i'd typed nothing about the song and had forgotten everything about it except that i enjoyed listening to it


i'm not really sure why but this is good by me, very nostalgic

Edited by Integrity
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coming to appreciate how many genres kpop stars pull from. i mean who else would even bother with guitar like this currently


waited all 3 minutes 34 seconds for the patented esme enigmatic female vocalist to show up; seems i've been godot'd. it's probably a rather serious song about Technology and Society, but the dated sounds made it feel playful instead. nb.8/10

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i died yesterday but now I'm back; Disinnocence says "the drums in this song are beautifully crushing and the ethereal vibe of this song (and pretty much the whole EP, tbh) makes it a favorite of mine from the oceansize discography. "

parrhesia says that your speakers aren't muted it's just very ambient with a slow buildup and takes about a minute to become 100% audible if you are Me, with Mildly Bad Hearing

anyway excitingly come the friday by popular demand i'm gonna be making a new anarchist playlist. So any song posted in this thread will go there, and also to the combined Spiritual Figure of Music thread. smh i have to make one more click ...

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At this point I don't really feel like posting my thoughts on all the ones I missed, though I remember really enjoying Got It For Cheap and Thor's standing out as being better(as in more aligned with my tastes) than the first one they shared

I really dug today's contribution, though, and Disinnocence's notes sum up why.

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waited all 3 minutes 34 seconds for the patented esme enigmatic female vocalist to show up; seems i've been godot'd.

I can't help it! lol

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pink season when

Ulsanbawi (I assume?): nice instrumentation. very inspiring. i like it. two thumbs up.

[Anime Theme Song]: okay, just kidding but the song was pretty decent.

Electricity: i feel like i'm travelling back in time to the sound of that synth, which is probably a good thing. this song make me want to get up and rebel against something. or maybe i'll just sit here.

luv to have my fetish for mumbly post-rock catered to. any of their other stuff good?

Well, Home & Minor is fairly unique in terms of their discography. It's supposed to be their equivalent to an "acoustic record, despite not being a record and featuring no acoustic guitars," so it's kind of hard to say. If you liked the song, then by all means, check out the rest of the EP. It's not a long investment, so what's there to lose? Anyway, I'd say the rest of their work falls into... well... something. Call it "post-progressive-art-rock" I guess. Frames would be my suggestion on where to start, which coincidentally being my favorite record by them; it's also the album I think best sums up their sound. Efflorescence and Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up will sound similar to Frames, but the former is their most "raw" record (it being their first), and the latter is their heaviest record. Everybody Into Position would probably be what most fans would suggest to someone for first-time listening, since it's their most... commercial record. It is a good introduction, but Frames, imo, is a better album, so that's what I would go with.

I think that's about everything.

Edited by Disinnocence
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