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The Anarchist of Music Thread: Still hungers for new submissions!

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i don't know how i feel about this song outside the context of debut. it's alright, i guess, but it feels like something is missing?


i've always enjoyed enjoyed regina spektor a lot but never really delved. i'd like to rectify that, so tell me how to go about that


i like this song, memes and all (maybe the memes even help?? what a time to be alive, honestly), but i can't say the same for vaporwave. era una joda y quedó

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I liked today's song, though the last minute kinda lost me

i've always enjoyed enjoyed regina spektor a lot but never really delved. i'd like to rectify that, so tell me how to go about that

I personally started listening to her via a collection of singles recommended by friends, but album-wise I'd recommend Begin to Hope first and after that I dunno

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i rem

i got u fam

Macintosh Plus - Lisa Frank 420 / Gendai no Konpyuu

thanks fam

i remain oblivious to the memes and i assume this is a good thing

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Dijon Mustard: 'a song worth its weight in gol- ...i'm being told songs don't weigh anything. huh. ummmmmmm, this dude truly has the midas touch. nailed it.'

goodnight thread, i'll listen to it in the morning but i have faith in our anarchists

Edited by Parrhesia
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Man, Jpop production values have gone through the roof lately! Submitted by anonymous who has managed to link an unlisted video from noted Youtube superstar RNIntegrity.

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@dijon: really liked this song cerebrally, didn't enjoy it as much from the gut. especially digging the percussion. kinda blue-balled me at the end there, though, felt like it needed a bigger payoff. good shit, though.

@integrity: the production on this track is everything wrong with the early 2000s and possibly jpop. still found a way to enjoy it :thumbs_up:

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Oh, a song I recognize! I have a huge soft spot for TERRA, even if they moved over to Cross Beat. Still have this song on my MP3 player, and still enjoy listening to it~!

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Oh, a song I recognize! I have a huge soft spot for TERRA, even if they moved over to Cross Beat. Still have this song on my MP3 player, and still enjoy listening to it~!

i imported revolution for like $40 about nine years ago, no regrets. first album i ever went so far for, and it was entirely because i liked mugen and doll off a DDR list

@integrity: the production on this track is everything wrong with the early 2000s and possibly jpop. still found a way to enjoy it :thumbs_up:

agreed fully

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bjork REGINA SPEKTOR is very good and i respect her deeply as an artist but i don't like any of her music, weirdly

an idiot baby

this was my actual introduction to vaporwave and now i know i like vaporwave a lot more in theory than in practice

Dijon Mustard:

not the kind of song i ordinarily get into but i liked this one pretty well. reminded me a bit of shit from my childhood like deuter and kitaro, but a little bassier.

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i imported revolution for like $40 about nine years ago, no regrets. first album i ever went so far for, and it was entirely because i liked mugen and doll off a DDR list

If you liked Revolution, grab Evolution! Besides the full-length songs, the Mega Mix is really great! There's even a rough English translation of the lyrics included, IIRC!

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If you liked Revolution, grab Evolution! Besides the full-length songs, the Mega Mix is really great! There's even a rough English translation of the lyrics included, IIRC!

oh fuck it's on itunes

EDIT: but the album's way smaller

EDIT2: oh the second disc is just remixes and stuff

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The second disc is complicated.

Back when Beatmania IIDX 13-15 came out, three songs with alternate versions were released. One was done in English (by someone else), and one was done in Japanese by Jun. However, the English versions came out on those IIDX OSTs. Track 7 is Reminiscence -destiny- (which was a bitch to temporarily unlock on IIDX), track 9 is Crossroad ~Right Story~ (I like this better than ~Left Story~, but it's close because Tahirih is legit good), track 11 is the Actual Version of Parasite World (I'm still pissed that Naoki's singing isn't present in the longer version), track 14 is Sunkiss Drop ~jun's side~ (not a IIDX song, but I wouldn't be surprise if it had the same treatment as the likes of Reminiscence), and track 15 is Reminiscence -life- (unlike Alison, Jun knows how to sing).

Besides the remixes, Lethebolg's short version is on here, and I think it's better than its longer version. By a lot.

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missed about a whole week sorry about that.

Cepa Andaluza: this song is spicy. almost too hot to listen to. needless to say, i quite enjoyed it.

Rather Be: less weird/odd than that other track by them, but still nonetheless a good song. i like the use of strings and shit too in their stuff.

Call Me After: sounds like if chelsea wolfe's folky vibe collided with some pop sensibilities. really, really enjoyed this one, and her voice was pretty good. might check out the rest of the album, tbh.

The Anchor Song: shout-out to death grips for introducing me to bjork in the oddest way. this song sounds highly minimalist while also sounding highly theatrical. i like that.

Don't Leave Me: it's nice to listen to things outside my tastes, and while this song would fit into that category, it's actually pretty good.

Meme Song 420: this song is legendary and i actually like it unironically. don't judge me

The Weight Of Gold: the only reason i checked out forest swords was because i saw the cover art for 'engravings' and i really liked it and i don't regret it to this day. they also introduced me to the haxan cloak when i was looking for similar music, so i thank them for that too. so, yeah. i love their atmosphere.

13: this sounds like basically almost every other j-pop song i've heard, but it sounded alright, so i guess it all balances out.

Edited by Disinnocence
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vapourwave's history as a meme remains a mystery to me thankfully so it was submitted unironically

the next entry is from someone who posted anonymously, unhelpfully. so we're ignoring that and moving on to DISINNOCENCE

who allegedly needed to stop submitting hip-hop and submit something else, this is in fact Something Else. kind of reminds me of my father's taste in music which i inherited roughly half of so i like this song well enough

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The BBNG song I submitted wasn't technically hip-hop, but I would consider the band in the hip-hop genre vein. Doesn't matter too much I suppose.

Anyway, Cloud Nothings was yet another band I got into because of their album art. The lead singer's voice my not click on the first listen (like with me), but if you like the instrumentals well enough, I'd say check out the rest of Here & Nowhere Else to see if it grows on you. Now Here In is one of the more "poppier" tracks off the album, so there will be some more experimental stuff like Pattern Walks or Giving Into Seeing, but it all generally falls in with the sort of noisey, indie rock aesthetic of this song, so give it a try maybe? Attack On Memory is also pretty good, but a bit more obscure than Here and Nowhere Else, and their earlier stuff, while I haven't listen to it, is supposed to be really pop punk or something, so I wouldn't know about that.

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oh damn a 6-minute pop song. i really dug the singing in that angelic little bridge ~halfway through. might be kinda odd to single out the bridge yet here i sit, singling it out

missed about a whole week sorry about that.

way to tie my record, asshole


listened to attack on memory some time ago. kind of a mixed bag from what i can remember, tho "stay useless" is p undeniable. went and slacked off and didn't check out here and nowhere else. the muddy(?) production is cool and the album art is cool so i'll get around to it.

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one of the best hip-hop album openers. "keys open doors" is my monster hunter theme song ehehh. their we got it 4 cheap vol 2 tape is my favourite thing they've done but i wouldn't argue against hhnf, not an ounce of fat on that thing

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swear i've heard this band before once or twice

i shall let silverdan speak for himself;

"i thought really long and hard about submitting this or technical death metal, and eventually decided this is more thread-friendly
i swear i listen to more genres than metal, i just can't think of anything to submit okay =(
this is literally the stereotype for the edgiest, darkest, most emo music that comes to mind when a lot of people think of metal
it's called epic doom metal and i unironically listen to a lot of it"

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epic doom has to be one of the most metal names for a metal subgenre (i've heard people try to get the tag satanic war metal going but it never really caught on). least metal subgenre is a tie between crunkcore and crabcore. this is all v interesting yw

today's song kiiiinda scratches at my vintage candlemass itch. makes sense that he ended up fronting them

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