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Corrin should not be winning this poll


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Why should Marisa win? She isn't even the best swordfighter in Sacred Stones.

For that matter, why wouldn't Corrin win, he's a fucking dragon in a series where dragons are worshiped as gods. Wait, that actually explains a lot

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Why should Marisa win? She isn't even the best swordfighter in Sacred Stones.

Story wise, she is. In her and Joshua's supports, they are evenly matched, but their ending states she became the best swordfighter in Jehanna, implying she surpassed Joshua.

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Story wise, she is. In her and Joshua's supports, they are evenly matched, but their ending states she became the best swordfighter in Jehanna, implying she surpassed Joshua.

Gameplay>Story fam, sorry.

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Story wise, she is. In her and Joshua's supports, they are evenly matched, but their ending states she became the best swordfighter in Jehanna, implying she surpassed Joshua.

Could be taken as Joshua having to become a ruler if nothing else so he isn't exactly known as the best sword fighter since his title just change to something more regal and that only happens in their paired ending so who knows what's canon? Plus, even without story, gameplay wise in Sacred Stones he blows her out of the water. She'll have trouble catching up but it's not like this was unexpected.

Anyways, voted for Kamui.

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I voted for Marisa, but I don't think it would be an easy question. Simply because the two have completely different backgrounds as fighters. Starting out, Corrin has a very strong lineage in his instructors and gets plenty of opportunities for experience over the course of the game. Marisa might be self taught, but more probably has experience putting her life at risk towards the start of the game. Also, she has more potential for learned adaptability, because she's faced more than 2 opponents in her entire life, and has possibly fought in different terrain while Corrin is confined to whatever training facilities are provided at his home fort.

Because Marisa actually has more combat experience with putting herself at risk at join time, I'd rate join time Marisa over join time Corrin for sure. End game, storywise, probably Corrin, especially if he got his various perks (a legendary weapon and dragon-related stuff). Marisa doesn't really have a plot presence past joining, so the only trajectory she has for getting stronger is supports, which vary and don't have a canon route.

I mean I've never been in a real fight so whatever.

It's not even a good sample due to the nature of forum polls.

Voluntary response bias yo.

Aw damn you mean the TC can't use these results in a statistical study? Edited by PP UP
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You guys are doing this just to spite, me, which is a really dickish thing to do.

You're bitching about GameFAQs again, after being warned TWICE about it.

Seriously, cut that shit out.

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