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Does anyone think that Revelations writing got lazy?

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I liked the first half of Revelations, but I totally agree that the writing got lazy once we got to Valla. You might want to spoiler the title, so we can be free to speak our minds more specifically.

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Revelation simply exists for the sake of acquiring all of the characters from both Nohr and Hoshido. With the exceptions of Izana and Yukimura.

You forgot Scarlet, for shame.

Serious answer: the writing for all three Fates routes feels lazy.

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The early game was pretty good imo, but it kind of lost me after you visit the Rainbow Sage and started doing away with quality writing for the sake of the generic happy ending.

And they killed Scarlet! Those bastards...

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It also had significantly worse game design as well. As a standalone game, Revelation is quite possibly my least favorite FE to play in the entire franchise, and thats including FE1.

Edited by Jedi
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The writing's bad on all three routes, really. I find Corrin to be awfully naive and the stereotypical "hero", in which they can't do anything bad (sparing Kaze and Rinkah in the beginning, for example) and is constantly trying to help the innocent out. Wish it didn't take until literally the end of all three games for there to be any change at all. It's probably because there's three games and they had to dedicate time to all three instead of just one.

But I agree, Revelation got pretty lazy after reaching Valla with all the royal siblings.

Edited by kittenrobotarmy
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I haven't played Revelations, are there full support conversations between Hoshido and Nohr characters? Because if so then Im sure thats where alot of the focus was placed as far as writing went.

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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I haven't played Revelations, are there full support conversations between Hoshido and Nohr characters? Because if so then Im sure thats where alot of the focus was placed as far as writing went.

Yup, there are. You can have supports with normal characters and the royalty from each side. Sakura x Xander is particularly cute.

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The story was basically "Actually there is a world-ending dragon and an invisible kingdom. Sorry I didn't tell you about that before. We should probably get on that." from Azura and then "Go on a scavenger hunt for clues about your chosen one status" and then "Recruit all characters and go to Valla. Everyone is friends now for some reason." and finally "Run the parents boss gauntlet in Valla. Also, Kamui is an over-trusting liability, but that's why we love him."

I thought Revelation was going to be the better story because you finally know all the details, but it was even more boring than Hoshido. The story from the very first chapter is "Find out how to kill Anankos and go kill him."

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I only saw a little of Revelations, but it did pretty lazy. Takumi, the guy who terrorizes Corrin in Conquest for betraying Hoshido, joins Corrin in Revelations because Izana told him to. Really, game? I thought that he would be shown evidence he couldn't deny, or Corrin would do something or say something profound to make him trust him/her, but no. Izana, while dying, tells him to join and he joins. Simple as that.

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Fates as a whole is pretty lazy, but Revelation is just terrible and clearly rushed

  • Characters lack dialogue they should have(eg Flora and the servants, Serena/lazlow),
  • Lillith is forgotten about completely despite being corrin's sibling, having knowledge of Valla, etc
  • Yukimura never joins for whatever reason despite having no excuse(wait, there is one. They wanted to give you another reason to buy birthright)
  • Character balance is horrendous
  • maps are generally unfun
  • Scarlet is supportable, leading to some pretty stupid stuff
  • Early game is the "corrin/servant/azura/gunther" show, and the game is balanced somewhat around your overleveled corrin. Meaning the characters that join with less stats than their birthright counterpart can't even attack stuff without dying(I guess this is just point 4 again, but this is way too egregious to not mention multiple times)

Then in the story we have things like(off the top of my head)

  • Garon's mustache twirling destroy the world speech, which happened like 10 feet away from his children standing in front of him
  • Saizo's "I'm going to blow up this garrison with the nation's strategist/temp leader in it just because Corrin tried talking to me"
  • Corrin becoming king/queen of annexed land from both countries for no reason at all
  • Azura doesn't sing against the strongest enemy in the game just so there's a route that players can save her in.
  • Garon just kinda...Dies. No fanfare, nothing from the kids beyond the initial shock if you can call it that, meanwhile the other 3 parents get large scenes devoted to them, giving the kids closure and whatnot
  • The royals preventing any real growth on Corrin's part, telling him it's alright to be ridiculously naive and trusting
  • Izana killing himself to tell takumi to join Corrin
  • Flora being able to freeze the sea(how did they lose if the ice tribe's magic is that strong? It should be like trying to invade Russia centuries ago)
  • The nohrian army retreating for some reason after 3 people somehow took out commanders from both armies
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It's pretty bad.

My biggest peeve about Revelations is 1) how the game is actually pretty fun until chapter 17, where after it stagnates and 2) the missed character interaction potential, which can be applied to the other two routes as well. The only explanations for this I can think of is laziness, obliviousness, a deadline of some kind and the supposed lack of communication between the writing teams. Flora not being able to support at least one royal sibling, saizou damn it sf forum for putting the thought in my head Gunter and Jakob; or Shura not being able to support Saizou can really only be attributed to one of the following.

As with all the routes, it could have been done way better but...we got what we got at this point. I don't want to say there is no point in complaining because I personally hope that IS heeds its fans grievances and learns from the mistakes done in Fates for the next installment of FE but it is getting to the point where all that is wrong with the story has been discussed ten times over on this forum.

I'm not trying to stifle anyone's right to free speech or anything; I'm just saying the dead horse has been beaten into oblivion.

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The story was basically "Actually there is a world-ending dragon and an invisible kingdom. Sorry I didn't tell you about that before. We should probably get on that." from Azura and then "Go on a scavenger hunt for clues about your chosen one status" and then "Recruit all characters and go to Valla. Everyone is friends now for some reason." and finally "Run the parents boss gauntlet in Valla. Also, Kamui is an over-trusting liability, but that's why we love him."

I thought Revelation was going to be the better story because you finally know all the details, but it was even more boring than Hoshido. The story from the very first chapter is "Find out how to kill Anankos and go kill him."

I agree with this wholly and the fact that they just give you all the units on a silver platter. One chapter grants you about 7 units?, and most of the units aren't recruited in a particularly special manner. Not to mention the cutscenes were wasted and I think throughout all the routes this was the case. In Awakening we saw cutscenes with action and intense introductions or twists. In Fates, we just see boring cutscenes of the siblings and one of which was undeniably and entirely fan-service.

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Revelations wasn't lazy so much. It just wasn't a complete story. There is a reason the game tells you to play Birthright and Conquest first. There isn't time for character development since you recruit everyone in 11 chapters.

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I only saw a little of Revelations, but it did pretty lazy. Takumi, the guy who terrorizes Corrin in Conquest for betraying Hoshido, joins Corrin in Revelations because Izana told him to. Really, game? I thought that he would be shown evidence he couldn't deny, or Corrin would do something or say something profound to make him trust him/her, but no. Izana, while dying, tells him to join and he joins. Simple as that.

I don't think that's an entirely fair comparison. In Conquest Corrin doesn't just walk away from Hoshido but actively takes up arms against it which he doesn't do in Revelations. Its only natural he's much less bitter over the later when compared to the former. Takumi is also semi possessed in Conquest and not at all in Revelations.

Isn't there also that whole message of the gods thing when Izama convinces him? That seems pretty hard to deny.

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Fates as a whole is pretty lazy, but Revelation is just terrible and clearly rushed

  • Characters lack dialogue they should have(eg Flora and the servants, Serena/lazlow),
  • Lillith is forgotten about completely despite being corrin's sibling, having knowledge of Valla, etc
  • Yukimura never joins for whatever reason despite having no excuse(wait, there is one. They wanted to give you another reason to buy birthright)
  • Character balance is horrendous
  • maps are generally unfun
  • Scarlet is supportable, leading to some pretty stupid stuff
  • Early game is the "corrin/servant/azura/gunther" show, and the game is balanced somewhat around your overleveled corrin. Meaning the characters that join with less stats than their birthright counterpart can't even attack stuff without dying(I guess this is just point 4 again, but this is way too egregious to not mention multiple times)

Then in the story we have things like(off the top of my head)

  • Garon's mustache twirling destroy the world speech, which happened like 10 feet away from his children standing in front of him
  • Saizo's "I'm going to blow up this garrison with the nation's strategist/temp leader in it just because Corrin tried talking to me"
  • Corrin becoming king/queen of annexed land from both countries for no reason at all
  • Azura doesn't sing against the strongest enemy in the game just so there's a route that players can save her in.
  • Garon just kinda...Dies. No fanfare, nothing from the kids beyond the initial shock if you can call it that, meanwhile the other 3 parents get large scenes devoted to them, giving the kids closure and whatnot
  • The royals preventing any real growth on Corrin's part, telling him it's alright to be ridiculously naive and trusting
  • Izana killing himself to tell takumi to join Corrin
  • Flora being able to freeze the sea(how did they lose if the ice tribe's magic is that strong? It should be like trying to invade Russia centuries ago)
  • The nohrian army retreating for some reason after 3 people somehow took out commanders from both armies

I agree with pretty much all that. Izana's death was the dumbest in all of Fates.

Revelations wasn't lazy so much. It just wasn't a complete story. There is a reason the game tells you to play Birthright and Conquest first. There isn't time for character development since you recruit everyone in 11 chapters.

I actually would be willing to forgive the lack of character focus on the minor characters, if they kept the same brisk pace, with plenty of plot going on that the first half of Revelations had. I actually liked the first half of Revelations. The second half was just such a massive let down. I was worried how they were going to fit all the world building of Valla into the mere 10-11 chapters at the end, and thought they were rushing to beginning to allow for it... Nope.

They wasted 3 darn chapters on the stupid Anthony arc. We get it, Corrin's naive as all hell, but you could have had other plot going on, with the traitor arc in the background, like they did even in Birthright (Oh Lord, when BR looks good by comparison). Then, we get the zombie parent arc, which lasts right until the endgame. There was zero world building in Valla. Are there even still normal people here? Or is it all the phase zombies? Anthony leads me to believe that there's at least some normal people left here, but it's never addressed. Here's an idea: put the entirety of the Anthony arc and the Parent Zombie arc into 2-3 chapters, and let the rest of the Valla chapters be dedicated to some actual world building. Maybe let Lilith come out and actually be relevant. Maybe find the remaining people in Valla and rally them against Anankos. Maybe have Garon follow you into Valla and actually have the big bad of the other tow routes be relevant in Rev, besides being a snack.

I can sum up the plot of Revelations from getting to Valla until endgame, which is just sad: After Scarlet dies, they meet and get betrayed by Anthony, then the royals meet undead versions of their parents and kill them. That's pretty much it. Other games may let you make broad summaries like that, but here, that's all that happens; I'm not cutting out any significant details.

Revelations felt like a bare bones D&D campaign, where the DM put in just enough story to justify all the combat the PCs got into.

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