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Pokemon: Challenge Cup Tournament: Grand Victor Horace


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And that's why you always pick Random Battle for a tournament and never Challenge Cup.

Also, idk if Jedi said this, but after the battle is done, one of the players (preferably the winner) must upload the replay and post it here, so we can have proof that he won.

Oh right thank you, yes Random battle and please save the replays.

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Cool! A slowpoke is already arranging its match with a, uh, wow there's no horse pokemon 0/10. So, things are going on!

horace what's your favorite pokemon

someones forgetting Rapidash.

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Oh dang, we've already started? I've been asleep (timezone thing)! And I still don't know how PokeShowdown works. I'll look into it here in a bit.

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Oh dang, we've already started? I've been asleep (timezone thing)! And I still don't know how PokeShowdown works. I'll look into it here in a bit.

Its actually rather easy. All you need to do is select random battle, and then arrange a time with your opponent for when you'll both be online. Then just type in their name.

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Also remember, this is double elimination, so even if you get knocked down round 1, you still have a shot at bouncing back.

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Hey, I asked you not to post those. They were shitty battles.

But he did win 2-0. And they weren't even close battles. He had way better Pokemon and moves than I did (in fact, I had hardly any moves that could do damage). I'm not real good, but I'm not THAT terrible at battling. But this wasn't fun, so I'd like to forfeit my spot in the losers bracket.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey, I asked you not to post those. They were shitty battles.

But he did win 2-0. And they weren't even close battles. He had way better Pokemon and moves than I did (in fact, I had hardly any moves that could do damage). I'm not real good, but I'm not THAT terrible at battling. But this wasn't fun, so I'd like to forfeit my spot in the losers bracket.

That was posted before you sent the PM.

Speaking of the PM, you should probably check it.

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Hey, I asked you not to post those. They were shitty battles.

But he did win 2-0. And they weren't even close battles. He had way better Pokemon and moves than I did (in fact, I had hardly any moves that could do damage). I'm not real good, but I'm not THAT terrible at battling. But this wasn't fun, so I'd like to forfeit my spot in the losers bracket.

Hey now, chill. To be honest, you battle way better than I was expected. But you don't need to feel shy or rage at a game where luck is an important factor. That being said, ''I had hardly any moves that could do damage'' is an exaggeration. Your opponent just had more luck and experience, that's all.

But if you really felt like it wasn't fun, I don't know why you joined in the first place xD

Leaving that apart, it seems that Tsunami has chickened or something (?

I'm obviously joking. I love you Tsuna <3

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Hey now, chill. To be honest, you battle way better than I was expected. But you don't need to feel shy or rage at a game where luck is an important factor. That being said, ''I had hardly any moves that could do damage'' is an exaggeration. Your opponent just had more luck and experience, that's all.

But if you really felt like it wasn't fun, I don't know why you joined in the first place xD

Really? You must've thought that I was a really terrible battler then, because in that second one, he took out most of my team with just one move. :( That was embarrassing, and one of the reasons I didn't want those replays posted.

It wasn't an exaggeration. You didn't get to see every move I had access to. Most of the movesets I had only had one damaging move, some of them pretty awful (like Knockoff). Who puts only one damaging move on a moveset? Status moves can be helpful, but you really should just have one or two per moveset, not three. Not unless the Pokemon is meant to be a support Pokemon, like Ninjask. Yet I didn't have any Pokemon that are meant to be that.

And I did say in my first post in this thread that it COULD be fun. Random shenanigans definitely can be. But this time, it ended up not being so for me, sadly.

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Really? You must've thought that I was a really terrible battler then, because in that second one, he took out most of my team with just one move. :( That was embarrassing, and one of the reasons I didn't want those replays posted.

It wasn't an exaggeration. You didn't get to see every move I had access to. Most of the movesets I had only had one damaging move, some of them pretty awful (like Knockoff). Who puts only one damaging move on a moveset? Status moves can be helpful, but you really should just have one or two per moveset, not three. Not unless the Pokemon is meant to be a support Pokemon, like Ninjask. Yet I didn't have any Pokemon that are meant to be that.

And I did say in my first post in this thread that it COULD be fun. Random shenanigans definitely can be. But this time, it ended up not being so for me, sadly.

Knock Off is one of the best moves in the metagame, due to its great base power, being doubled if the opponent holds an item, and also removes it. I didn't watch the second replay yet, but I suppose something similar happened.

And being knocked out in one hit is not embarassing at all. Everyone can do shenanigans. I practiced a bit today and I contiously kept using Ice Beam on a Mismagius because I thought it was Flying-type (that's Drifblim), and I was like ''lol the super effective message is not showing''

Also, when replays are uploaded, they can be found using the Search replay system. Honestly speaking, you battled very well since you knew what move to use in every turn, and that's a good sign!

Edited by CrystalPoke
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Knock Off is one of the best moves in the metagame, due to its great base power, being doubled if the opponent holds an item, and also removes it. I didn't watch the second replay yet, but I suppose something similar happened.

And being knocked out in one hit is not embarassing at all. Everyone can do shenanigans. I practiced a bit today and I contiously kept using Ice Beam on a Mismagius because I thought it was Flying-type (that's Drifblim), and I was like ''lol the super effective message is not showing''

Also, when replays are uploaded, they can be found using the Search replay system. Honestly speaking, you battled very well since you knew what move to use in every turn, and that's a good sign!

Uh, Knock Off has a base power of 65. That's not very strong at all. Strong moves are 80 base power or higher to me. And you never know for sure if a Pokemon is holding an item.

But it is embarrassing. Good players don't let their Pokemon get knocked out in one hit that many times. And If I knew what move to use in every turn, I would've won. I'm not really good, and I will admit that in a few situations, I had no idea what to do, and I just went and picked my damaging move. I don't think I'm as bad as those replays would lead one to believe, but I don't think I'm that much better in reality.

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Uh, Knock Off has a base power of 65. That's not very strong at all. Strong moves are 80 base power or higher to me. And you never know for sure if a Pokemon is holding an item.

But it is embarrassing. Good players don't let their Pokemon get knocked out in one hit that many times. And If I knew what move to use in every turn, I would've won. I'm not really good, and I will admit that in a few situations, I had no idea what to do, and I just went and picked my damaging move. I don't think I'm as bad as those replays would lead one to believe, but I don't think I'm that much better in reality.

In every tier, Pokémon always hold items. Always. Except maybe Pokémon who like to spam Acrobatics, but you could use a Flying Gem in that case. And, there are not many strong dark types moves. Dark Pulse, Crunch, Pursuit and Knock Off are the only ones that come to myh mind right now. And Knock Off is one of the most used moves in the metagame, actually xD

But anyways, this is kinda going off-topic, so if the OP is not okay with that, we can further discuss via message or profile, if you wish.

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