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Should the next FE take place in a different setting?



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  1. 1. Would you like to see the next FE take place in a different setting besides medieval?

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For a long time now....Fire Emblem has always taken place in a medieval setting. So would you like to see the next game take place in a different setting like Mars...you know? The original pitch for Awakening?

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Eh...not really. I feel like if it goes too far away from the medieval setting, it'll stop feeling like Fire Emblem. But then again, I'm sure many thought the same about Final Fantasy! So...I suppose it's just a thing where you have to wait and see if it works.

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I would like to see a more steampunk like style or a style akin to the Bravely series. I think it would be cool to see FE characters use really old style guns, but I think a medieval setting still works best.

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I don't think it would really work personally. Other than there being other games like Fire Emblem that have a different setting I just...dunno something about the look and feel of it would just seem off. That could also be that I'm just accustomed to the medieval setting.

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I don't think it would really work personally. Other than there being other games like Fire Emblem that have a different setting I just...dunno something about the look and feel of it would just seem off. That could also be that I'm just accustomed to the medieval setting.

whats medieval about handing the woman you love a wedding ring? (or even females being allowed to fight in general, but that's an entirely different thing)

that wasn't even a thing until the 1920's.

its clear that fire emblem is a fantasy world setting so i wouldn't mind more fantasy settings.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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whats medieval about handing the woman you love a wedding ring? (or even females being allowed to fight in general, but that's an entirely different thing)

that wasn't even a thing until the 1920's.

its clear that fire emblem is a fantasy world setting so i wouldn't mind more fantasy settings.

I was thinking more in terms of there being swords, axes, castles, knights and stuff. I dunno maybe I'm just looking at it from a purely appearance thing.

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I was thinking more in terms of there being swords, axes, castles, knights and stuff. I dunno maybe I'm just looking at it from a purely appearance thing.

Yeah, I understand how you feel..... I mean, I played Phantasy Star 3 and I hated the way the game changed the main Phantasy Star look for wrong reasons.

I suppose they can try something like how Breath of the Wild is doing adding technology while still keeping it fantasy.

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Yes. I don't know if I'd agree that it should go more futuristic, but I would like to see a locale change because at this point Fantasy Medieval Europe is getting kind of old. Fates was a start, albeit not necessarily a good one.

whats medieval about handing the woman you love a wedding ring? (or even females being allowed to fight in general, but that's an entirely different thing)

Re: women being allowed to fight, depends on the where and when. For example, Hoshido having women fight in Fates is actually perfectly historically accurate, as many samurai women in medieval Japan were trained to fight and participated in wars.

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japan is not medieval.

medieval is europe history and culture.

i sure hope i'm not wrong.


well atleast according to wikipedia the era has nothing to do with japan, so japanese culture and beliefs don't matter to accurate medieval settings.

which goes back to my belief that fire emblem is a fantasy setting, so it should be fine with going into a steampunk setting, or anything else because i don't believe it should be set in stone.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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japan is not medieval.

medieval is europe history and culture.

i sure hope i'm not wrong.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Japan#Medieval_Japan and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_Ages_(disambiguation)

If I still had any of them, I'd also cite my textbooks on Japanese history.

which goes back to my belief that fire emblem is a fantasy setting, so it should be fine with going into a steampunk setting, or anything else because i don't believe it should be set in stone.

I don't think steampunk is a bad idea per se, I just don't know that it would work with FE gameplay as it is. In particular, you'd have to really work to balance guns if they show up.

Edited by AzureSen
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I wouldn't mind seeing the next Fire emblem world go to town with Hoshido's aesthetic. Medievel Europe can take a little break and while I'm more of a Norh guy I do think Hoshido's aesthetic has potential.

Though it doesn't need to be feudal Japan. I'd be most interested in a Roman gimmick I first saw in the Norhrians. Or maybe an Arabian nights/Persian themed world.

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I like the straight medieval fantasy setting. Final Fantasy and Tales of already cover Steampunk/Magi-tech and going too far into the future wouldn't feel like Fire Emblem to me. If they want to spice up the aesthetics, they can draw inspiration from other medieval cultures outside of Europe. We had this in Fates, but even before that there were classes/characters implied to be from other cultural inspirations, like Sacaeins in Elibe.

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I'd say one of the big reasons I like Fire Emblem so much is because it is in a medieval setting. I'd be pissed if they ever changed that. I probably wouldn't end up playing the games anymore depending on what kind of setting that it'd switch to.

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THere are a few ways to change the setting without compleatly changing the tone:

1. Set the story in a time period that has enough in common with the middle ages that you can keep the bits of tone you want. Examples include either late antiquity or the early modern period. THe tech level and society had enough similarities to maintain continuity. (plus, i can't think of many stories where a giant (non-evil) empire breaks up and the characters have to navigate this.)

2. go the "a princess of mars" route, and do something that is technically sci-fi but acts more like fantisy. (in fact, i wouldn't be surprised if the above mentioned pitch was specifically thinking about "a princess of mars")

3. Set the story in a setting where technology/magitech has a impact on the setting but is not yet powerful enough to completely unbalance it (like in final fantasy 4 or 5).This is kind of similar to the "early modern" suggestion above.

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I wouldn't mind seeing the next Fire emblem world go to town with Hoshido's aesthetic. Medievel Europe can take a little break and while I'm more of a Norh guy I do think Hoshido's aesthetic has potential.

Though it doesn't need to be feudal Japan. I'd be most interested in a Roman gimmick I first saw in the Norhrians. Or maybe an Arabian nights/Persian themed world.

Then get ready for a lot of desert maps :p

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I wou;lent mind seeing an FE with a more East Asian setting. No weak ass Hoshidan shit, I'm talking China, the Khmer Empire, the Monglos, the real good stuff. Also, insane Romanophile that I am, I would adore a Roman setting. The main hero could be someone like Caesar, first leading a Revolution against a corrupt aristocracy. Then the second Generation could feature a fight for supremacy Antony and Octavian style. There are also so many cool cultures to work with; you have the Guals, you have the Seleucids, you have the Parthians, etc. Nohr came close to a Roman setting, but then pussed out and decided to go back to a more generic Middle Ages look. I don't want Steampunk, though. That's overdone.

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I don't want a futuristic setting, but I would love a modern day setting.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions has my favorite setting in the series. Setting the series in a modern day setting would be great. I mainly just want to see people fighting in cool city streets like Shibuya. This is primarily because my focus for settings is specifically urban.

In this hypothetical urban FE, I'd want the aesthetic to be super stylized and modern and colorful like Persona 5 or The World Ends With You. If you've seen either of these games, you'd know what I mean. In general, I want more vocal tracks. Lost in Thoughts All alone is cool, but how about hip hop? Shoji Meguro is definitely my favorite composer in the industry.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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I think Spain will be a good inspiration and can make some interesnting scenarios. The war between Spain and the Moors that raged on in Spain for centuries could be a good inspiration, and and would allow some Northen African Isalmic inspired designs and classes to the franchise, also could take inspiration from the "Poem of the Cid".

Also they could use the war of conquest of the Americas as an inspiration, the Spanish side could still have a familiar Medieval flavor, though perhaps more Reanaisse looking this time, while they can make new designs based on the Aztecs, Mayans and other etnichs of Meso America. The Aztecs in general would be a cool inspiration.

But yeah, woul be nice to see something beside "Generic medival fantasy setting No.89"

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