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The AI's target priority


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Much to the RNG nature of FE, I'm kinda left wondering about the AI's priority on targets - more specifically, if there is consistency on how the AI priorities on either the MU or the other units. This came to my mind after playing Birthright a fair bit, having remembered that such a thing wasn't mentioned ever with the FE's AI.

So, does the AI prioritize their targets at all, or is it just purely crossing fingers and hoping for the best of luck?

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The AI depends on the FE game.

In the latest FE parts the enemies go for the maximal damage even if the opponent can counterattack.

In FE5 the enemies never attack someone if they either can't do any damage.

In FE4 and 13 the enemies never attack you if they have 0% hitrate.

In FE10 the enemies go for opponents who can't counterattack and for units with provoke unless they can kill someone. Shade aslo activates in 95% of the cases unless the unit can be killed.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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They try to go after easy kills and player units who can't counter first, like Archers and Clerics. Low defense units (ie mages) and lords come after this.

Depends on the game though.

The AI is different in FE .

In the latest FE parts the enemies tend to go for your allies with low defense / resistance despite they can counterattack.

In FE5 and Fates the enemies never attack someone if they can't do any damage.

In FE10 the enemies go for opponents who can't counterattack and for units with provoke unless they can kill someone. Shade aslo activates in 95% of the cases unless the unit can be killed.

Thanks guys, I kinda had the feeling the AI's function was mostly RNG...

In FE 1, the AI always prioritizes Marth. Always.


Edited by Juissi
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In FE 1, the AI always prioritizes Marth. Always.

For what it's worth, I once had one of the C17 manaketes attack Julian while Marth was definitely still in his range. I've no idea what could've overridden that priority (he wasn't even KOd iirc), but it can apparently happen. Still applies just about always, though.

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In Judgral the enemies never attack someone if they can't do any damage (also in Fates) or their hitrate is 0%.

Erm, don't attacks always do at least one damage, at least in Genealogy?

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Erm, don't attacks always do at least one damage, at least in Genealogy?

No, I'm pretty sure that is Thracia. I remember numerous times where enemies would do zero damage and not attack even in range.

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No, I'm pretty sure that is Thracia. I remember numerous times where enemies would do zero damage and not attack even in range.

No, I can confirm that characters in FE4 always do at least 1 damage. I cheesed my way through the arena many times thanks to that.

Edited by The Geek
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In FE5 the enemies never attack someone if they either can't do any damage or their hitrate is 0%.

FYI, you can never have a 0% hitrate in Thracia.

I believe enemies will avoid attacking a character they can't damage in FE3 as well....though I may be wrong. Apparently there's some RNG involved in the FE3/5 AI's as well.

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It's right that enemies only don't attack you if they've 0% hit in FE4.

Adding to that, I recall to have read somewhere that the enemies prioritize in attacking certain characters - Ethlin being on of them. From my own experience I can definitely tell that the AI did indeed go for Ethlin when it could have killed another character (Dew I think, he was untrained so he couldn't have had a 0% Hitrate).

However this is in no way confirmed or anything... just personal observation.

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In FE 1, the AI always prioritizes Marth. Always.

Yeah I was watching SRC stream FE1 and whenever the enemies had a chance, even if they'd die (which is highly likely because its FE1 Marth). They'd target him

Its like there is a bounty on his head :P:

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Yeah I was watching SRC stream FE1 and whenever the enemies had a chance, even if they'd die (which is highly likely because its FE1 Marth). They'd target him

Its like there is a bounty on his head :P:

It's the same in FE2 regarding Alm and Celica. Basically, NESFE AI target priority is Lords>Healers>everyone else.

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Yeah I was watching SRC stream FE1 and whenever the enemies had a chance, even if they'd die (which is highly likely because its FE1 Marth). They'd target him

Its like there is a bounty on his head :P:

The AI is aware that Marth dying causes a game over. So they must do whatever is necessary. Lol
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GBA FE targeting uses a point-based system. Points are added/subtracted based on 8 different factors. Weight is applied to each factor (x0, x1, x2) based on the enemy's individual AI setting. Oh, and enemies resting on forts use a different targeting process, but that's a fairly uncommon scenario.

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