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How often do you use status effecting attacks in RPGs?


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On regular enemies? Typically, no, though it depends on both the game and the enemy.

On bosses? If possible, HELL YES. Most RPGs have their bosses immune to most statuses, but when they CAN be afflicted with them, STACK THAT SHIT ON PRONTO, especially if I'm playing something like Live A Live, SaGa, Shin Megami Tensei, or Etrian Odyssey.

tl;dr Since most things you'd want to status tend to be immune, I typically don't bother with statuses.

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Depends. Most RPGs, no, since they're not difficult enough to warrant them. In Shin Megami Tensei (minus Persona), debuffs and status effects are the key to any successful run. The first Golden Sun becomes hilariously broken if you just spam Sleep with Ivan (and Issac and Garet if you set up your Djinn right), up to and including the infamous Kracken.

Edited by AzureSen
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Depends on the size of the party really.

If the party is big enough, letting me have like 4-5 units which means a healer, a physical dps, a magical dps, a buffer/debuffer guy and a second damaging guy, chances are I will use the status with buff/debuff guy or the healer guy.

But like if we're like three, then nah, it's not worth it unless a boss is weak to something specific (read poisoning the archwings from legend of legacy).

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Pokémon: Thunder Wave is practically required if you want to go catch legendaries. I also had good uses of Will-O-Wisps to soften up opponent's attacks too.

I remember bringing in Martina (my Ampharos) + Rocky Helmet against Marshall in Black 2, and Martina single-handedly took down three of Marshall's four Pokémon, with one even being paralysed from the Static ability.

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