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Anyone else highly appreciate Nohr's level design?


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This game threw me off, in much more ways than one. All these new classes, and along with them, a crapton new skills that come with them. I was a little underwhelmed by how "gimmicky" things felt, until you start going through each chapter and realise how hard the game actually is. I don't know about you guys, but I don't turtle it so I can have a team of Titans barrel-roll through the game. With that said, you can be caught off-guard so many times with what the games throws at you. I am surprised at how well the enemy can "checkmate" you at times. It's insane.

I've had to reset soooooo many times because of how poorly I planned things out. I'm so used to just throwing in my characters and having them actually kill hordes of enemies. Feels good to have a game like that.

Edited by Soul~!
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Besides the Kitsune Chapter, I only dislike Chapter 25. It's either kill the Boss with Corn or force your way through tons of overpowered units that will kill you even on easy. And the chests aren't even worth it. I actually stopped my original Conquest run there and just decided to grind until I felt like beating the Chapter.

Other than that, every map feels so amazing. When they have gimmicks in CQ, they don't completely control the map, aside from Chapter 20's, where its a bit too much in my opinion. The map design makes them a JOY to play and plan as well. I've been doing my no DLC CQ run after not playing it for a long time, and I forgot all my strategies for each chapter. I had to come up with new ones for 10, where I decided to go more aggressive, and 12 where I had to forge a Steel Axe and boost Camilla's Str in various ways so she could kill Saizo, as he one-shot everyone who could tank the other units (Effie specifically).

Also I really need to know, is my MU the only one that ALWAYS ends up with 15-20 Defense and 10-15 Resistance by endgame? Seriously, I end up with complete garbage defense, and even with Res+, I had about ~20 Res. It's the main reason I have a hard time with Endgame, as my MU can't live more than 1 or two hits from enemies, and dodge tanking isn't really possible in Fates. It's also why I can't just beat the boss and win Chapter 25 CQ.

Edited by TrueEm
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Also I really need to know, is my MU the only one that ALWAYS ends up with 15-20 Defense and 10-15 Resistance by endgame? Seriously, I end up with complete garbage defense, and even with Res+, I had about ~20 Res. It's the main reason I have a hard time with Endgame, as my MU can't live more than 1 or two hits from enemies, and dodge tanking isn't really possible in Fates. It's also why I can't just beat the boss and win Chapter 25 CQ.

I think it's the Nohr Pince(ss) and the Noble classes, looking at the information here they have really bad defense or resistance growths. Reclassing out of those for a while may help, but yeah, I run into the same problem often. I've had 2 Corrins now go from 1-20 Nohr Princess without getting a single point of Res.

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I'd advise using an offensive boon over a defensive one. +Str or +Mag not only helps you smoke Ryoma before he smokes you, but it makes the rest of the game way easier overall. With high offensive growths, you'd be too busy ORKOing squads to really care all that much about your 18 Def. There are a plethora of ways to patch up your hit-taking capabilities throughout the game, such as Jakob, Felica, Elise, Haitaka, Gunter, tonics, Camilla reclassed into Wyvern Lord, Rallymaster, etc. But having the strength to kill things before they kill you is paramount in a player-phase heavy game like Conquest.

An easy out to the Onmiyoji spam lategame is to just feed Xander all of your Talismans. With that out of the way, there's no need for +Res.

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I think it's the Nohr Pince(ss) and the Noble classes, looking at the information here they have really bad defense or resistance growths. Reclassing out of those for a while may help, but yeah, I run into the same problem often. I've had 2 Corrins now go from 1-20 Nohr Princess without getting a single point of Res.

Well, my only exceptions are my Str+ Lck- Corrin on my No DLC Nohr!Hard on Chapter 16 has 19 Defense as a Level 1 Nohr Noble and my Revelations PMU, my Avatar which was a Cavalier from level 11 onward with +HP, -Skl, has 24 on Chapter 23 and at Level 12 promoted.

Every other Avatar, which are typically +Skl -Lck and stay in Nohr/Hoshido Noble for the entire game until Level 15 Promoted (Then go to Swordmaster), have the same defense than my Nohr!Hard Avatar, but are ~10 Chapters later in the game. Their defense growths are the same (Both have +5 Def Growth from either Str or Skl Boon)

Edited by TrueEm
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I like Conquest's level design the most out of all 3 versions. They are a few chapters that I dislike a lot but every map in Conquest has something engaging going on, which I do appreciate.

Edited by Avarice_Shadow
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The overall consensus around here is that while Conquest story ranges the gauntlet from good to alright/mediocre to abomination before the gods, the gameplay, and ergo the level design, is the best or one of the best in the series. Every single map is a new tactical challenge that requires the player to adapt, especially when the RNG inevitably screws you over. Unlike in Revelation, where it feels like most of the maps are pretty gimmicky (much like the 2nd gen of characters), Conquest's maps present not only present new challenges but also flip the traditional FE meta on its head. For example, in Chapter 10, normally when I get a pre-promote or other high level character, I, and many others I suspect, use them as an aggro-bot to drag enemies towards units that need experience. In Chapter 10 though, Camilla is pretty much critical to the player's strategy to ensure victory, as she is the only unit with the movement to keep up with the Sky Knight gauntlet (unless you have a sky kinght/wyvern knight alt avatar or reclassed Azura into a sky knight).

TLDR: Yes, Conquest has kick-ass level design.

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I'm pretty sure that everyone unanimously likes the level design of Conquest. Although you can't pay me a million dollars to play through the ninja rape cavern again...not ever...

Holy fucking shit. Fuck that chapter. Fuck it with an ugly forged stick. I spent 3 straight days constantly resetting through that thing. It was amazing. Trapset after trapset. Fuck Ninjas. I hate Ninjas, they're the single most annoying enemy in the game since Chapter 10 (which is why I do my best to try and dispatch them as soon as possible). But seriously, props to IS for making such an awesome chapters. Shoutouts to Saizo for going Rambo on half the cavern by himself.

The overall consensus around here is that while Conquest story ranges the gauntlet from good to alright/mediocre to abomination before the gods, the gameplay, and ergo the level design, is the best or one of the best in the series. Every single map is a new tactical challenge that requires the player to adapt, especially when the RNG inevitably screws you over. Unlike in Revelation, where it feels like most of the maps are pretty gimmicky (much like the 2nd gen of characters), Conquest's maps present not only present new challenges but also flip the traditional FE meta on its head. For example, in Chapter 10, normally when I get a pre-promote or other high level character, I, and many others I suspect, use them as an aggro-bot to drag enemies towards units that need experience. In Chapter 10 though, Camilla is pretty much critical to the player's strategy to ensure victory, as she is the only unit with the movement to keep up with the Sky Knight gauntlet (unless you have a sky kinght/wyvern knight alt avatar or reclassed Azura into a sky knight).

TLDR: Yes, Conquest has kick-ass level design.

aye, you put it better. But to add to the above, the chapters are filled with gimmicks, along with the aforementioned little traps. Makes it all the more satisfying to actually take a step back, relax and actually plan things out.

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Holy fucking shit. Fuck that chapter. Fuck it with an ugly forged stick. I spent 3 straight days constantly resetting through that thing. It was amazing. Trapset after trapset. Fuck Ninjas. I hate Ninjas, they're the single most annoying enemy in the game since Chapter 10 (which is why I do my best to try and dispatch them as soon as possible). But seriously, props to IS for making such an awesome chapters. Shoutouts to Saizo for going Rambo on half the cavern by himself.

aye, you put it better. But to add to the above, the chapters are filled with gimmicks, along with the aforementioned little traps. Makes it all the more satisfying to actually take a step back, relax and actually plan things out.

Ngl saizo mario world is a lot easier once you understand the magic of spamming axes and bows in attack stance. Also the Ophelia button exists.

But yeah CQ map design is pretty fantastic, it really rewards smart aggression. Also the game constantly misleads or lies to the player. I do enjoy that.

Edited by joshcja
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Count me in on loving the Conquest level design. Even though I hate having to reset like a million times just to complete some of them. I'm looking at you, Chapter 26. Screw you, Iago.

Some of the levels do take quite some time to finish AKA MR. FUGA'S WILD RIDE but at least they're really enjoyable to play and don't make me feel like I've wasted too much time. Well, probably just a few. But they're still fun.

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Ngl saizo mario world is a lot easier once you understand the magic of spamming axes and bows in attack stance. Also the Ophelia button exists.

Not, really, no. The first child character I got is Midori, and this is entering chapter 20. This is my first run, so I didn't know better, like how to exploit certain things to make my characters (and their supports, specifically) better, faster.

Some of the levels do take quite some time to finish AKA MR. FUGA'S WILD RIDE but at least they're really enjoyable to play and don't make me feel like I've wasted too much time. Well, probably just a few. But they're still fun.

Is that the worst part of the chapter, even? The enemies are freaking tough and they're constantly using Seals on everything. E_____E

Since this is my first run:

Why aren't my characters doubling? There's been but a handful of ocassions in which my characters would exceed an enemy by at least 5 as. Yet, they weren't doubling. The heck? I know a lot of 1-2 range weapons cost 5 as, but even when they had like +10 as over the enemy, they weren't doubling. am I missing something?

Is it just me, or are most character's HP bad? I certainly noticed HP growths were a lot lower than usual, which started becoming a thing since FE9. Most of my characters have great stats across the board, and yet, very few barely reach the early 30's, if even (Mozume is very much guilty of this)

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Why aren't my characters doubling? There's been but a handful of ocassions in which my characters would exceed an enemy by at least 5 as. Yet, they weren't doubling. The heck? I know a lot of 1-2 range weapons cost 5 as, but even when they had like +10 as over the enemy, they weren't doubling. am I missing something?

It's not that they make it +5 harder, it's that they completely disable your ability to double and make the enemy need 5 less speed to double you.

Anyway, I love Fates' map design for the most part, but I do take issue with the enemy behavior on some of the later levels. It seems a lot of the late-game levels are comprised almost entirely of units who don't move until they're approached. Granted, this is where all of the wonderfully terrifying skillsets are put to the best use, but the problem is that without a bunch of enemies actively charging the player, this removes a lot of the sense of urgency and turns it more into a puzzle rather than a fight.

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wait, are you serious.

also, why don't people like the Kitsune chapter. The only thing I can make of it, is the fact illusions can wield Pass. That's stupid. You're basically, constantly forcing most of my units to retreat. Shoutouts to Keaton half-solo'ing the chapter and landing a stupid 35 Dmg hit on Kaden, thereby saving the day.

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Not, really, no. The first child character I got is Midori, and this is entering chapter 20. This is my first run, so I didn't know better, like how to exploit certain things to make my characters (and their supports, specifically) better, faster.

Obv you should reset to lunatic classic then. Get the full blind run experience ^_^

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Holy fucking shit. Fuck that chapter. Fuck it with an ugly forged stick. I spent 3 straight days constantly resetting through that thing. It was amazing. Trapset after trapset. Fuck Ninjas. I hate Ninjas, they're the single most annoying enemy in the game since Chapter 10 (which is why I do my best to try and dispatch them as soon as possible). But seriously, props to IS for making such an awesome chapters. Shoutouts to Saizo for going Rambo on half the cavern by himself.

aye, you put it better. But to add to the above, the chapters are filled with gimmicks, along with the aforementioned little traps. Makes it all the more satisfying to actually take a step back, relax and actually plan things out.

For real man. That chapter can go fuck itself with a cactus. Thankfully Saizo is OP in that chapter and MLGs people in there ninja style. lol

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That weird feeling when Kaze stormed half a castle one chapter afterwards. Then, Midori happened...must run in the family. That sad moment when an adorable little girls is stronger than her dad.

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