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Welp, it's gone


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So, last night I realized I have misplaced my copy of Birhright., with over 60 hours of game play mind you. I've searched for a while and have no idea where it is. The last time I saw it was when I bought Ocarina of Time for 3ds, and took the game out of the system to play it. However that was in the car, and I am sure I brought it in, and stuck it on the cabinet where my other games are stored. (It's like a small dvd cbinent)that was about two months ago, and just went to look for it, last night. So to cheer me up, can you guys dump your best fates memes? I've got a few other places I need to check, so hopefully it will turn up.

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Anyways, a similar experience happened with my copy of Awakening. I lost it on my way down the hallway to my apartment. I looked down that hallway for hours and hours, but to no avail. Just when I gave up, I looked at the corner next to my door, and there it was! Whether it was by magic or another person, my copy of Awakening was back!

So my main point is; Keep looking. I've lost many things, but I always end up finding them. Just keep looking, and you'll find it.

Edited by TrueEm
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Sorry to hear that. I have the unfortunate distinction of having bought and lost Super Mario Land 2 twice. I hope you find it.

This is the major reason I wish Nintendo would let you start backing up your saves on a cloud, or at least on an SD card or something. They make it nigh impossible by encrypting to only work on one 3DS for indiscernible reasons. On PC or every other single console, you can back up your saves off-site.

If you need to replenish your skill list, I've got some at my My Castle you might want.

Edited by Rezzy
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I'm sorry to hear about the game. I hope my Spicy Memes can help mend your heart.

Have a good day man, I hope you are able to find/replace the game soon.



Edited by Avalanche
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Sorry to hear that. I have the unfortunate distinction of having bought and lost Super Mario Land 2 twice. I hope you find it.

This is the major reason I wish Nintendo would let you start backing up your saves on a cloud, or at least on an SD card or something. They make it nigh impossible by encrypting to only work on one 3DS for indiscernible reasons. On PC or every other single console, you can back up your saves off-site.

If you need to replenish your skill list, I've got some at my My Castle you might want.

Get more than one route, and you have the ability to save on the SD card.

Here's an entire topic for your reading pleasure. DO NOT POST IN THIS TOPIC! This goes for everyone who wants to relive the memes.

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However what makes the least sense though, is that it was sitting on my cabinent, i remeber seeing it several times, while going to look for a game. Stranger yet, other things have gone missing, Call of Duty Ghosts dissapered, and is still gone, Metal Gear Solid 5 dissapered, but showed up 2 days later, Star Wars: TFU2 did the same dissapering act as well. Two dvd have mysteriously vanished without a trace as well. At least this has given me some time to play awakening again. Finally beat Cynthia's prolouge, after so long, next up Severa, and Kjelle.

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