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Phoenix Mode Conquest Autobattle Draft


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CHAPTER 16: 9/143

yeah luckily they went in two directions, but unluckily all the good units went in one direction and all the bad units went in another, so I couldn't talk to the fourth soldier until the good units wiped out their side and came back. Nyx is so glass cannon my god. She died literally every turn, except when the AI didn't bother because she got FROZEN. Peri dies really fast too, always.

CHAPTER 17: 19/162

yeah this was long; didn't use the Dragon Vein because there's a path without it... before this map I reclass Azura to SKY KNIGHT and Felicia to STRATEGIST except Felicia just healed every turn and didn't even attack when there was nobody to heal gg. Azura, uh, gave Beruka 3 speed yeah! Everyone took forever to get to the boss, especially because they turned back midway to fight reinforcements...

After this map, I promoted BERUKA to WYVERN LORD and KAZE to MASTER NINJA. Also, got Corrin x Arthur S support, which was good because Arthur wasn't getting much exp from being stuck to Corrin the whole time.


yeah I just clicked auto and they killed stuff. This time I paired Corrin to Arthur instead of the other way around to get him EXP, especially since turns didn't matter. I also took away Felicia's Heal, so she actually killed stuff with Fire. Azura tinked everything but she got kills through Dual Attack, so success? Afterwards I promoted Nyx to Dark Knight and Percy to Wyvern Lord.

        CLASS     EXP        HP     STR    MAG    SKL    SPD    LCK     DEF    RES    SUPPORTS
BBM       PAL      20/4.70    39     19     7      23     25     16      20     12    A JAKOB, S ARTHUR, B AZURA, C NYX, C PERI, C PERCY
JAKOB     PAL      --/24.56   34     24     4      23     21     23      16     16+2  A BBM, B NYX, C FELICIA, C BERUKA, C PERI
ARTHUR    FIG      17.91      33+5   17     0      17     14     2       14     7     S BBM, C PERCY
AZURA     SKY      8.00       19     12     3      13     16     10+4    4      13    B BBM, C KAZE
NYX       DK       20/1.00    26     10     19     11     21     8       11     10    C BBM, B JAKOB
BERUKA    WL       20/2.56    35     22+2   1      25     19     19      25     9     C JAKOB
KAZE      MN       20/1.57    29     17     0      20     30     9       10     23    B PERI, C AZURA
PERI      CAV      18.93      28     18     0      10     16     16      12     14    B KAZE, C BBM, C JAKOB
FELICIA   STR      --/19.05   26     3      17     13     18     26      7      23    C JAKOB
PERCY     WL       20/1.00    33+5   17+2   3      21     18     18      25     7     C BBM, C ARTHUR

so yeah, recruiting Kana next. I'm guessing/hoping Arthur and Peri will hit 20 in that paralogue but I'll need to sell a bunch of stuff to promote them (and Kana)...

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name      lv      hp   str  mag  skl  spd  lck  def  res   Job
Elise     16/14   30   15+2 30   12   28   26   21   32+2  Malig Knight  

Yeah that looks like Wyvern Elise alright, did you know she's a frail cleric? You've actually slightly lowballed on def and significantly lowballed hp btw.

Turns out the biggest plot hole in fates is "How the fuck did Xander even damage Elise on ch26 BR."

To bad you didn't get Benny or Effie so you'll have to miss out on the glory of General "Bolt axe" Elise. At least theres a chance for Elise, Hero of her time

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it turns out elise was the real ace of the nohrian army; had they truly unleashed her upon the hoshidans they would never stand a chance

Garon sealed her power as a troubador so that she could never be used against him and hid her legendary weapon in the second shop.

Tis true.

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Chapter 22: 14/229

stop getting sidetracked by reinforcements, guys!

also i forgot to equip dwyer's tome but he couldn't damage anything with it anyway so it's k


Chapter 23: 8/237

The rule I used was "bottom level stairs can be used whenever if in range" and "top level stairs can be used if all enemies in the upper section are dead

if we want to change that let me know and i'll redo it

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yeah I actually almost didn't finish this in time cuz I purposely had the AI not kill the last healer in the corner so that Arthur could kill reinforcements and get to level 20, but then there were a lot more reinforcements than I expected, all over the map... BUT I PREVAILED

CHAPTER 18: 12/175

Prior to the map I sold stuff and bought Master Seals to promote Arthur to Berserker and Peri to Great Knight.

The map could have been one turn faster but I accidentally hit End instead of Auto. I was too lazy to do it again tho. People ran around killing things. Beruka is awesome. Percy is actually kind of underwhelming tbh; I was expecting better out of him. Nyx was helpful to kill Generals.

CHAPTER 19: 15/190

this was so annoying with the illusions they kept running back and forth doing nothing wtf. Luckily Percy/Kana and Beruka/Azura got over there eventually. Also Kaden got onto a mountain and everyone missed him like 500 times and that took a while


I was mildly concerned that the AI would be dumb and Candance would get all the way across the map and it would take >20 turns, but the fliers actually flew over the hedge and then attacked her and stuff. Azura carried Jakob and then suicided so he was in Candace's path too.

CHAPTER 20: 12/202

I think? I forgot to record, but I'm pretty sure it was around 12. Azura advanced Jakob pretty far via suicide message, cuz she actually survived until turn 3 ep somehow. I forgot to pair Arthur and Corrin on turn 1, so Arthur fought like 7 enemies and crit 5 of them or something ridiculous like that. The flyers eventually found their way to Fuga and killed him, slowly, with many misses. The wind did stuff; probably end neutral since I think it pushed me up and down a relatively equal amount of times.

CHAPTER 21: 4/206

I followed Cam's strat THANKS CAM with using just Beruka and Corrin. I also gave Beruka Speedwings, Dragon Herbs, and tonics so that she could ORKO the faceless and then she just flew up every turn, killing stuff. yay

         CLASS     EXP        HP     STR    MAG    SKL    SPD    LCK     DEF    RES    SUPPORTS
BBM       PAL      20/10.80   44     24     9      27     29     18      23     15    A JAKOB, S ARTHUR, A AZURA, C NYX, C PERI, C PERCY, C KANA, C BERUKA
JAKOB     PAL      --/29.01   37     25     5      26     23     26      18     17+2  A BBM, B NYX, C FELICIA, B BERUKA, C PERI
ARTHUR    BER      20/3.67    42+5   27     0      22     19     1       18     9     S BBM, C PERCY, C KANA
AZURA     SKY      17.94      20     15     4      16     25     17+4    4      19    A BBM, C KAZE
NYX       DK       20/7.99    30     12     22     16     24     10      12     11    C BBM, B JAKOB
BERUKA    WL       20/12.03   39     27+2   4      35     25     26      31     11    B JAKOB, C BBM
KAZE      MN       20/2.55    30     17     0      20     31     10      11     23    B PERI, C AZURA
PERI      GK       20/7.07    35     26     0      14     21     20      21     17    s KAZE, C BBM, C JAKOB, C FELICIA, C MIDORI
FELICIA   STR      --/24.93   28     3      20     16     21     29      8      25+2  C JAKOB, C PERI
PERCY     WL       20/7.45    34+5   20+2   3      23     22     20      29     7     C BBM, C ARTHUR, A KANA
KANA      NN       20/2.02    34+5   20     16     18     22     15      17     14    A PERCY, C BBM, C ARTHUR
MIDORI    MER      20/4.88    36     22     3      23     18     21      17     14    C KAZE, C PERI
FLORA     whatever

yeah I also got Flora but I'm too lazy to do things with her. I have enough units... I know Kaze gets a lot of his spd from his class, but even so I thought he'd pass along more to Midori? Azura, in the past 9 levels gained 9 SPD, 1 HP, and 0 DEF. cool. but most importantly...

WHO WILL WIN JAKOB'S HEART??? Nyx and Beruka seem to be the front-runners, but Felicia could make a late charge! Find out on the next episode of the bachelor THE BUTLER.

Edited by BBM
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CHAPTER 22: 10/216

people went in two directions and killed stuff. dunno what else to say. couldn't kill sakura cuz she was behind the wall I couldn't break on auto. Beruka missed Yukimura or this would have been one turn faster. Oh well. Afterwards Jakob got an A support with Nyx and a B support with Felicia. THE RACE IS HEATING UP

CHAPTER 23: 14/230

I spent way too long on this. Partially, I need to buy my people better weapons I think, but also I should have chosen different people to be flied above. I need to start going away from my romantic pairups for these suicide drop missions I think...

CHAPTER 24: 14/244

my turncounts are deteriorating but /effort. It would have helped if whenever my flyers got boosted move from using the DV, THEY STOPPED GOING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION

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